Proposal summaries
B3688 - Mapping Neurodevelopmental Trajectories for Adult Psychiatric Disorder A focus on Autism and Psychosis - 20/01/2021
This project will investigate neurodevelopmental trajectories for psychiatric disorders, in particular autism and subclinical autistic traits and their overlap with psychosis and psychotic experiences, using longitudinally acquired MRI data from the ALSPAC-MRI-I + II datasets. Analyses will explore the influence of environmental (perinatal and postnatal) and genetic exposures on behaviour. Multi-modal brain imaging scans will be used to illuminate possible interactions between the brain, behaviour, genetics and environmental exposures.
B3696 - Impact of immune sex differences in the first 1000 days of life - 12/01/2021
Substantial differences exist between the immune reponses made by males and females that critically impact health and survival. Typically, females make stronger immune responses to vaccines and infections and achieve superior outcomes throughout life. For example, females achieve the same levels of neutralizing antibodies from half the dose of influenza vaccine as males from the full dose. However, this more exuberant immune response leads to greater susceptibility to immunopathology and autoimmune diseases and more adverse events from immunizations. To complicate matters, there are exceptions; as fetuses, females have a 2-fold greater susceptibility to mother-to-child transmission of both HIV and HCV infection, and to IFN-I-resistant viruses. To better understand the mechanisms responsible for these complex observations, we propose to compare the epigenetic and hormonal responses in males and females to immunization and vaccination in early life. We hypothesize that life-long immune sex differences are established early through the interplay of host genetics, sex-specific steroid biosynthesis, epigenetics and the environment, and that early-life epigenetic changes in response to sex-specific steroid modulation and infection and immunization play a dominant role in this process.
B3697 - Investigating predictors of risk behaviours in adolescence and early adulthood - 12/01/2021
Identifying and understanding predictors of risky behaviour can help to inform prevention and intervention strategies for related outcomes. For example, alcohol consumption may have an influence on risky sexual behaviour, understanding this relationship could inform prevention and interventions for sexually transmitted diseases, unplanned pregnancies, abortions, and general sexual health. Another risk factor is for subsequent risk behaviours is adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). Individuals with histories of multiple ACEs are found to be more likely to engage in risk behaviours such as smoking, excessive drinking, risky sexual behaviour, illicit drug use and suicidal behaviour than those without.
This project will use longitudinal data from the ALSPAC study to identify predictors of risk behaviours in adolescence and early adulthood.
B3679 - A Negative Control Analysis Investigating Maternal Smoking Alcohol consumption and BMI on Molar-Incisor Hypomineralisation - 12/01/2021
Molar-incisor Hypomineralisation (MIH) is a tooth condition specifically affecting the enamel (outer layer of the tooth) of one or more of the child’s first adult molars (back teeth) and in some cases the incisors (front teeth). MIH affected teeth appear discoloured, and vary in presentation; cream, yellow or brown. Teeth are commonly very sensitive, painful and in severe cases crumbly. Furthermore, affected teeth often have a poor prognosis and are more susceptible to dental decay meaning the teeth are often extracted before adulthood. It is usually diagnosed when the adult molars and incisors erupt in the mouth at around 6-7 years of age. In some cases, it can also affect the primary teeth, which is known as hypominersalised second primary molars (HSPM) and is seen around 2-3 years of age.
MIH has a high prevalence; approximately 13.1% globally (95% CI 11.8-14.5%) and 15.9% in the UK (95% CI 14.5-17.1%). The literature suggests MIH is caused by disturbances during tooth development. This is influenced by genetics and environmental factors, particularly during pregnancy, time of birth and in the first few years of life. Some of the environmental factors investigated include breastfeeding, environmental toxins (dioxins and Bisphenol A), problems occurring at birth and childhood illnesses. However, the literature concludes that the aetiology of MIH is unclear. Currently, there is little research on maternal factors and MIH, particularly the common environmental risk factors; maternal smoking (7 studies – the most recent suggesting a significant association) and alcohol consumption (2 studies), both in which the strength of evidence is weak and conflicting. Furthermore, much of the research conducted is retrospective and therefore prone common biases such as recall bias. There is a need for high-quality prospective studies. Other studies suggest that maternal smoking and alcohol consumption are associated with offspring HSPM. The embryological development of the second primary molars and first permanent molars are similar, and therefore may share the same environmental influences.
We propose to conduct a prospective study looking at the association between common maternal pregnancy characteristics and MIH. These include maternal smoking, alcohol consumption and body mass index (BMI). We will assess for the presence of residual confounding by including a negative parental exposure control. This involves comparing the confounder adjusted associations of maternal pregnancy exposures with the offspring outcome of interest to similarly adjusted associations of the same characteristics (negative controls) in the father. Similarly, we will use offspring dental trauma as a negative control outcome. Triangulating results from conventional multivariable regression, negative exposure controls and negative outcome controls provides scope to improve causal understanding.
B3695 - Genetic risk for Alzheimers disease and the metabolome across the life course - 12/01/2021
B3687 - Sensation-Seeking Related DNA Methylation and the Development of Delinquency A Longitudinal Epigenome-Wide Study - 12/01/2021
Experiences of childhood maltreatment is suggested as an important risk factor for the development of delinquent behaviour. Heightened sensation-seeking is related to the development of delinquency. Moreover, sensation-seeking, or biological correlates of sensation-seeking, are suggested as factors linking childhood maltreatment to delinquency. More specifically, it is hypothesized that epigenetic correlates of sensation-seeking might function as a mechanism for translating environmental signals into biological changes that may subsequently lead to maladaptive behavior development. In this study we will try to identify the epigenetic correlates of sensation-seeking in children and investigate whether these epigenetic correlates are influenced by earlier experiences of childhood maltreatment and may impact subsequent development of delinquency in early adolescence.
B3692 - Pregnancy complications menopausal symptoms and cardiovascular health - 06/01/2021
The link between women's reproductive and cardiovascular health is increasingly recognised. Some, but not all studies have shown that women who experience night sweats and/or hot flushes as part of the menopausal transition are more likely to have heart disease. We also know that women who have complications during pregnancy are at greater risk of heart disease later in life. Here we would like to investigate the associations between all of pregnancy complications, menopausal symptoms and cardiovascular health in a general population of women, the ALSPAC mothers. We will also use genetics data to examine whether genetic risk for for more adverse cardiovascular health are associated with pregnancy complications and/or vasomotor symptoms.
B3689 - An individual participant data meta-analysis examining the associations between mode of delivery and respiratory outcomes - 06/01/2021
Systematic reviews and meta-analyses using aggregate data have indicated an increased risk of childhood asthma for women undergoing caesarean section, but the results were subject to moderate heterogeneity, potential residual confounding and publication bias1-4. We aim to use the EU child cohort network to re-examine the associations with different types of delivery using IPD MA to produce a more reliable pooled meta-analytic estimate. Potential mediators such as respiratory tract infections and allergic sensitization will be examined for the associations between different types of mode of delivery and asthma.
B3686 - LifeCycle How do early years risk factors mediate inequalities in child mental health and cognitive development - 06/01/2021
Reducing inequalities in child mental health is a public health priority, yet the pathways that link social conditions to mental health outcomes in the early years are unclear. Few studies have compared the social distribution and prevalence of mental health problems across countries, or have compared pathways to any inequalities. Understanding these pathways is critical in order to guide public policy to improve child health and reduce inequalities. In Life Cycle cohort families we aim to assess how early years risk factors mediate the relationship between childhood SECs and subsequent inequalities in child mental health and cognitive development.
B3694 - Epigenome-wide association study of handedness - 06/01/2021
Hand preference is only weakly determined by genetics. Consequently, environment likely plays a role by modifying the expression of certain genes during early development. In this study, we will ask to what extent DNA methylation, a well-known regulator of genes, is associated with hand preference in ALSPAC children and their parents beyond known genetic associations.
B3690 - Epigenetic prediction of pubertal timing - 06/01/2021
Puberty is a time of sweeping biological and social change. Boys and girls who experience early and/or rapid puberty are at elevated risk for psychiatric and physical health problems, including substance use disorders, suicide, polycystic ovary syndrome (in females), and cardiovascular disease. Psychiatric disorders like major depressive disorder also become much more prevalent at puberty and may impede cognitive skill development . Considering the many negative implications of departures from the normal pubertal development, understanding the genetic and environmental regulators of puberty has become a topic of increasing urgency. Our research aims to identify specific and potentially modifiable environmental factors that influence pubertal timing and examine its association with children’s cognitive development and mental health, and we view genetic and epigenetic data as essential tools for accomplishing that goal.
Scientific progress on understanding genetic influences and epigenetic changes (including DNA methylation) at puberty has moved slowly. Previous studies looking at changes in DNA methylation across puberty have been conducted in very small samples; nevertheless, this previous work support the potential to develop an epigenetic clock for pubertal age, analogous to epigenetic clocks that exist for aging. However, generating a clock that is highly accurate and robust requires longitudinal DNA methylation data spanning the pubertal transition. We will substantially improve the rigor and reproducibility of previous research on the epigenetics of pubertal age by using a discovery sample that is substantially better-powered (the Texas Twin project) and by replicating results in an independent sample (ALSPAC). We can then examine potential environmental (e.g., family socioeconomic background) and genetic predictors (e.g., polygenic scores of reproductive phenotypes) of our epigenetic clock for pubertal age, as well as the cognitive and mental health sequelae of advanced epigenetic pubertal age.
B3691 - Influence of the month of birth on persistence of ADHD in prospective studies an individual patient data meta-analysis - 06/01/2021
B3693 - Understanding the developmental associations between stress and self-harm - 06/01/2021
Self-harm among adolescents and young adults is a widespread public health problem. Self-harm is often a maladaptive coping strategy used to alleviate severe emotion dysregulation following stressful events. Adolescence is a period of marked development in the realm of social relationships and socio-emotional competencies. However, the developmental associations between social stress and self-harm across the adolescent years are poorly understood. In particular, the mechanisms linking social stress and self-harm are largely understudied. Better knowledge about these processes is urgently needed, in order to identify promising targets for interventions designed to support adolescents with self-harm and help them cease from this self-destructive behavior.
Therefore, the aim of this project is to investigate how social stress and self-harm are interrelated between early adolescence and early adulthood. A particular focus will be on the mechanisms underlying these associations. Candidate mediators are a) biological manifestations of stress (e.g., inflammation) and b) physical health and health behaviors (e.g., sleep patterns). Potential gender differences will also be considered.
The findings will provide novel insights into the developmental precursors of adolescent self-harm and help improve intervention programs designed to reduce the enormous burden that self-harm can entail for individuals and society.
B3685 - Diagnostic prediction model for coeliac disease - 06/01/2021
Coeliac disease (CD) is an autoimmune disorder, triggered by the protein gluten, and affects 1% of the UK population. Some patients with CD may be asymptomatic, others present with non-specific symptoms, making the diagnosis difficult. Only 30% are thought to be diagnosed. Treatment for CD is lifetime adherence to a gluten free diet. Untreated CD may lead to malnutrition, anaemia, osteoporosis, infertility in women, lymphoma and small bowel cancer. Guidelines recommend that adults and children “at high risk” of CD should be offered testing. However, it is not clear which groups are at sufficiently high risk to justify routine testing.
We have performed a systematic review to identify symptoms and risk factors related to CD. We will use ALSPAC data from children who were tested for CD to determine which combination of symptoms and risk factors best predict CD diagnosis. The results from this study may help GPs decide who should be offered testing for CD.
B3681 - From Social Cognitive Deficits to Later Emotional and Behavioural Problems The Roles of Cortisol and Inflammatory Cytokines - 17/12/2020
Social cognition, the ability to understand the mind of other people, is essential for successful social
interaction. Children with emotional and behavioural problems are more likely to have a history of poor
social cognition ability. However, the path from poor social cognition to emotional and behavioural problems
in childhood and adolescence is unclear. The possibility I will explore in this PhD project is that social
cognitive deficits increase stress (i.e., hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal dysregulation and flattened cortisol
rhythm and/or chronic inflammation), leading to emotional and behavioural problems. Cortisol and
inflammatory cytokines are thought to be promising biomarkers of various stressed-related behavioural and,
particularly, emotional disorders, yet existing evidence in children and adolescents is little and mixed, and
is mostly about clinical disorders. Additionally, it is not known yet how cortisol and inflammatory cytokines
work when facing stress caused by social cognition deficits, especially in the general population. The aim
of the project is to explore the role of these biomarkers in the interplay mechanism of social cognition deficits
and emotional and behavioural problems in children and adolescents, using longitudinal data from a large
general population study, the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children. Analytically, the project will
explore three relationships: a) the longitudinal association between deficits in core aspects of social
cognition (emotion recognition & theory of mind) and emotional and behavioural problems, b) the role of
cortisol in explaining the association and c) and the role of inflammatory cytokines in explaining the
association. The relationship between inflammation and cortisol is complex so the final analysis exploring
the role of both will consider this complexity fully.
B3680 - NCS Cohort Project ARQ1 COVID-19 and Mental Health Outcomes - 16/12/2020
The COVID-19 pandemic has affected daily life across the UK from early March 2020. Viral suppression measures, including nationwide social distancing laws and the imposition both local and national lockdowns are likely to have had a large scale but heterogeneous impact on individual mental health outcomes over this period. Research published using ALSPAC COVID-19 questionnaire data has suggested that whilst depressive symptoms did not increase amongst respondents, anxiety symptoms increased considerably (Kwong et al. 2020). The distribution of these effects are currently poorly understood. This project aims to contextualise how individuals' mental health has changed over the course of the pandemic, and how subsequent economic and health outcomes have been moderated by prior mental health difficulties. Understanding how existing inequalities in mental health prevalence interact with, and are amplified by, the pandemic and associated viral suppression measures is of critical public health importance in helping to identify vulnerable groups in need of further support to aid in reducing health inequalities and promote wellbeing.
Using data from Children of the 90s, we can investigate participants' mental health status, employment, housing, and health behaviours before and during the pandemic, to enable us to make inference about mental health impacts conditional on prior health status.
B3675 - Myopia in Young Adults - 15/12/2020
Myopia (short-sightedness) is an eye condition in which distance vision is blurry. People with myopia need to wear glasses or contact lenses, or have laser refractive surgery, to achieve sharp distance vision. When people with myopia get older, they are at a higher-than-average risk of developing permanent sight problems such as macular disease. Myopia typically develops during school age. The reason it develops is not understood, however both genes and lifestyle factors are known to play a role. Children whose parents have myopia inherit a genetic predisposition to develop myopia themselves. In clinical studies, children who are randomly assigned to spend extra time outdoors each day have a lower incidence of myopia, suggesting that spending too little time outdoors is a risk factor. Individuals who spend more years at school also tend to develop a higher level of myopia. Around the world, the prevalence rate of myopia varies widely. This is thought to be related to the variation in the ‘intensity’ of school work and the pressure to do well at school. Myopia has also been linked to mental health problems such as depression and to levels of physical activity. However, for most of these links, it is unclear if myopia is a cause or a consequence of the association.
The ALSPAC cohort is unique in the scale and breadth of the information that has been collected about vision problems in childhood. This includes information about myopia development. In previous studies of ALSPAC participants, our research group has documented the time-course of myopia development and exposure to risk factors or protective factors such as time spent outdoors. For example, children from the ALSPAC cohort who spent relatively less time outdoors than their peers at age 7-years-old were found to have an increased risk of developing myopia by the age of 15. Here, we propose to build on our previous findings. Our primary aim is to discover if myopia is the cause or consequence of its associations with other lifestyle factors and health or wellbeing characteristics. To do this, we will use a technique called Mendelian randomisation, which uses random inheritance of subtle genetic features in a way similar to randomisation of participants in a clinical trial. Usually, Mendelian randomisation studies require very large cohorts of participants – larger than the ALSPAC cohort. However, myopia and many of the related conditions we plan to investigate are highly heritable, which means there is a good prospect of successfully answering our research questions using data collected in a sample the size of the ALSPAC cohort. Our secondary aims are extensions of the primary aim. We will compare the eye characteristics and lifestyle of children growing up in the UK with those of children elsewhere, to investigate if the risks for myopia are similar or different in countries with high or low prevalence rates of myopia. We will also extend our previous studies into the genetics of myopia. The exceptionally high level of detail that the ALSPAC research team has collected about genetics will allow us to test the role of specific genes in conferring a predisposition to myopia, and how this varies depending on the lifestyle risk factors that children are exposed to.
B3671 - Urban exposome during pregnancy and early childhood and child cognitive and motor function - 15/12/2020
B3672 - Urban exposome during pregnancy and early childhood and child emotional and behavioural problems - 15/12/2020
B3674 - Childcare attendance and age of introductions on respiratory infections allergy and asthma - 15/12/2020
Studies examining the effects of attendance at childcare on the development of asthma are conflicting. There are studies that report a protective effect, no effect and an increased risk of respiratory symptoms and allergic disease. Risks associated with asthma are however influenced by age of childcare attendance and family history of asthma. Children attending childcare also have more frequent infections than those who stay at home, and infections are a known risk factor for asthma. This study aims to investigate if attendance at childcare is associated with increased risk of allergies and asthma, and if the age of introduction and respiratory infections play a role.