Proposal summaries
B3856 - Brain development in children at high risk of common mental health disorders - 16/09/2021
The majority of mental health disorders first occur during childhood. The role of brain maturation in the development of mental health disorders is increasingly recognised, and a future aim is to use brain imaging to aid early detection and treatment. In order to gain a holistic view of the development of adolescent mental health, a large dataset incorporating neuroimaging and genetic markers alongside detailed information on environmental exposures is needed. This current proposal would pilot MRI scanning in the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children Generation 2 study (ALSPAC-G2). We are applying for £100,000 seed funding from the Medical Research Foundation’s Launchpad Grants to pilot this study. We aim to scan a maximum of 50 children twice (subject to costings) and will use this pilot study to determine the logistics for recruiting children at a low and high risk of developing a mental health disorder. Children with a high risk of developing a mental health disorder (50% of the sample) will be selected from parents previously reporting a mental health disorder (according to the CIS-R and self-harm questionnaire). This pilot study will be crucial for assessing whether an adequate sample size of high-risk children can be achieved.
B3839 - Prenatal and childhood exposure to fluoride and neurocognitive outcomes - 26/08/2021
The US National Toxicology Program’s systematic review of fluoride neurotoxicity has identified many studies reporting substantial loss of IQ from early life fluoride exposure. Several are mother-child cohort studies finding lowered IQ and increased risk of ADHD. ALSPAC provides an ideal data set to further examine the association between early life fluoride exposure and developmental neurotoxicity.
The ALSPAC cohort is expected to have relatively low fluoride exposure from drinking water because most of the recruitment area has concentrations below 0.2 mg/L. The main source of maternal fluoride exposure is expected to be diet, especially from tea. ALSPAC mother’s diet questionnaires indicate a wide range of tea consumption. Other exposure sources to be considered are fluoride supplements and dental products.
Neurodevelopmental outcomes to be examined include IQ scores; developmental, behavioral, and ADHD scores and diagnoses.
Covariates that may affect the neurodevelopmental outcomes or modify the effect of fluoride will be considered.
One proposed mechanism of fluoride developmental neurotoxicity is through impaired thyroid function of the pregnant mother so maternal thyroid hormone and iodine levels will be considered as modifying factors.
Several recent studies have found gene-fluoride interactions resulting in greater loss of IQ for children with certain genetic variants so those gene variants will also be considered as covariates.
The association of fluoride with lowered IQ or other neurodevelopmental deficits is of great public health importance. Millions of people have elevated fluoride exposure, through sources including drinking water, diet, and dental products.
B3841 - Identifying genetic and environmental factors underpinning complex trait variation in humans - 24/08/2021
Most human traits (including diseases) are influenced by many genetic and environmental factors. Population-based genetic studies have been proven valuable for identifying genetic factors responsible for the traits and for predicting an individual's risk of developing a disease. However, a widening knowledge gap exists between cutting-edge genetics research and current clinical practices. Besides the genetic factors, an increasing number of lifestyle and environmental factors that can trigger and exacerbate a condition have been documented. Thus, it is essential to collect well-organised genetic data and health records to identify the genetic and environmental factors and to yield clinically actionable disease predictors.
B3854 - Understanding the Role of Adolescent Dysmenorrhoea as a risk factor for the transition to chronic Pain - 24/08/2021
Woman are more likely to develop chronic pain than men and this sex difference emerges at puberty. Periods also begin during puberty and are painful for many girls. Traditionally period pain has been dismissed as “normal” and something that girls need to learn to live with. However, it remains the leading cause of school and work absenteeism in adolescent girls and young women and it may be a risk factor for the development of chronic pain. Studies in adults with period pain have shown alterations in a variety of body systems relevant to pain. However we do not know if these are a cause or effect of period pain or whether they are seen in adolescents with period pain. This project aims to determine whether period pain in adolescence predisposes an individual to develop chronic pain in the future. We will also explore whether there are differences in pain-relevant systems in adolescents with period pain compared to those without to help us understand how it might increase the risk of chronic pain in the future. Finally we will look for risk factors present in childhood that are associated with period pain in the early years of having periods.
We hope that by having a better understanding of the role that period pain plays in the development of chronic pain and the risk factors for developing period pain itself we may be able to identify strategies to reduce the risk of both types of pain developing in teenagers and adult women.
B3851 - Intergenerational transmission of self-harm thoughts and behaviors - 24/08/2021
Research has consistently suggested that offspring of parents with self-harm thoughts and behaviors (STB) are at greater risk for STB themselves. For example, a recent meta-analysis concluded that family history of STB was moderately associated with both offspring suicidal ideation (OR 2.13) and attempts (OR 1.57). However, it is unclear how the risk of STB is transmitted from parent to child, and whether there are protective factors that may modify this association (e.g., peer/family support). Suicidal behavior is known to be heritable, and it is likely that intergenerational effects are driven by a combination of genetic and environmental pathways.
Existing research has tended to be based on small, selected samples, used cross-sectional designs, or used large population-based registries which are limited to those in contact with services. Prior work has also often focused on the impact of parental death by suicide, rather than looking at the range of STB. It has been argued that self-harm is best conceptualized on a continuum of severity, ranging from passive suicidal thoughts to death by suicide and encompassing both suicidal and non-suicidal behaviors (although others argue that suicidal and non-suicidal self-harm are distinct). There is also heterogeneity in the chronicity of STB over time, yet little work has examined whether offspring outcomes differ for different parental phenotypes.
The proposed study will address these knowledge gaps using data from two complementary cohort studies – the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC) and the Early Prediction of Adolescent Depression Study (EPAD)
B3850 - The interplay of environment and genetic comorbidity of developmental disorders in reading and language disorders - 14/09/2021
Literacy is fundamental to a nation's social and economic prosperity, and poor reading skills can have lasting negative outcomes on individuals. Key to avoiding enduring deficits in reading skill is early identification of risk, and targeted environmental intervention at the individual and population level. To do this, a complete understanding of the causes of variation in reading skill is needed and this necessitates a biopsychosocial approach. Our research will harness breakthroughs in genetics that yield practical genetic risk measures for literacy and language skills. We will extend research in a novel way by combining molecular genetic data with longitudinal environmental predictors of communication skills. The intersection of these rich datasets will permit us to address challenging questions about the gene-environment interplay on reading skill and their consequences on child and adolescent mental health.
B3840 - Developmental pathways to mental health problems - 16/08/2021
Mental disorders are highly heritable conditions constituting a leading cause of disability and reduced life quality from an early age. Still, knowledge about how mental health problems develop is still very limited. To inform early detection and interventions, it is essential to identify factors contributing to the development of mental health problems. We will examine trajectories of mental health over time and investigate the influences of genetic, environmental, neural, and neurocognitive factors.
B3843 - What are smoking initiation SNPs capturing Exploring pleiotropy in genetic analyses of smoking-related exposures - 09/08/2021
Recent studies have suggested that genetic variants associated with smoking behaviours may actually be influencing outcomes such as risk taking behaviours. This may pose a problem for analyses which assume that these genetic variants are associated with smoking behaviours and not with other outcomes. Therefore, it is important to ascertain whether this is the case. We aim to assess whether genetic variants for smoking behaviours are also associated with other outcomes. We have conducted analyses in a separate cohort (the UK Biobank) which provides evidence to support this. However, we want to replicate analyses to see whether this is also the case in a different sample (ALSPAC) where selection into the UK Biobank might be different in ALSPAC and where we can also test associations in children prior to smoking. Our results will help inform future studies using these genetic variants for smoking behaviours.
B3848 - Investigating the role of BMI and body perception in the development of disordered eating in adolescence - 09/08/2021
In this project we plan to use longitudinal observational data and human genetics to examine the relationship and discordances between BMI and both perceived and desired body size in a sample of pre-pubertal children. We additionally want to understand the association between BMI and body image dissatisfaction (BID) (the difference between perceived and desired body size) in childhood and disordered eating and self-harm in adolescence. Finally, we are interested in the mechanisms by which BMI and BID affect disordered eating and self-harm.
B3833 - Comorbidity of self-harm/suicidal behaviour and substance use in young people - 09/08/2021
Levels of self-harm and suicide rates are rising among young people. Substance misuse is one of the leading causes of harm in young people. Evidence from population-based longitudinal studies suggests that many young people who self-harm in adolescence do not persist with these behaviours into adulthood, either due to a natural decline in the behaviours or as a result of intervention. Substance use, however, tends to naturally increase into adulthood, reflecting increasing social norms as people reach the legal age of alcohol use. Substance misuse and self-harm are thought to share characteristics, as both can be conceived as behaviour used to cope with difficult underlying emotions but which can both cause serious harm to the self. Indeed, in clinical samples, self-harm and suicidal behaviours are often comorbid, however, there is a lack of research into the co-occurrence of these behaviours among young people living in the community.
In this study, we will describe the comorbidity of self-harm/suicidal behaviour and substance use from age 16 to 24, in order to see how these behaviours and their co-occurrence change over time. We will look at comorbidities between self-harm/suicidal behaviour and alcohol use, cannabis use and use of other illicit drugs.
B3838 - Using Instruments for Selection to Adjust for Selection Bias in Mendelian Randomization - 20/08/2021
Biomedical research is often hindered by the presence of missing data. For example, missing data can occur due to study participants' unwillingness to disclose sensitive information about themselves (e.g. refusing to answer questions related to their mental health, alcohol consumption or drug use). In our research, we develop novel statistical methodologies to account for missing data, using available information on traits that affect a participant's willingness to provide full data but not otherwise affecting the outcome of an applied study. We hope to illustrate our method by using the ALSPAC dataset to estimate the true prevalence of alcoholism, depression, smoking and self-harm, as well as assessing the effects of obesity and education on these traits.
B3830 - Metabolic subtypes and longitudinal trajectories from childhood to adults - 02/08/2021
Understanding how metabolic problems develop is of fundamental interest to the people with age-associated diseases and their families and there is strong community interest in protecting young people from a life-long trajectory towards a diabetic or otherwise metabolically unfavourable future. In recent years, childhood obesity has emerged as an important phenomenon that is projected to increase the number of people with high cardiometabolic risk when the young generations grow old. In the first phase, we will describe how a population of children at risk will eventually develop cardiometabolic risk factors later in their life using unprecedented longitudinal datasets and sophisticated statistical techniques. If additional funding is achieved for the second stage, we will also investigate if the combination of genetics and childhood trajectories of development would allow us to identify the most susceptible individuals and thus ultimately provide the parents with the information that they can use to take preventative action. The lead investigator has developed a statistical framework that allows us to integrate multiple time points and multiple biomarkers simultaneously across partially incomplete datasets. Such a multi-decadal and multi-variable view of metabolic dysfunction is scientifically unique and we also expect to derive novel information about the diversity of metabolic trajectories within real-world human populations. This epidemiological information will be useful for public health policy makers who wish to mitigate the adverse health impacts due to the prevailing obesity-promoting environment. Our study will provide a detailed biochemical fingerprint of the trajectory that carries the highest risk for late-life diseases that can guide nutritional inputs and other life style factors within preventative strategies.
B3835 - How Locus of Control affected well-being during the Pandemic - 19/07/2021
ALSPAC has collected information from both the parent and offspring participants during the Covid-19 pandemic on four occasions, asking about changes in behaviour, lifestyle, anxiety, depression, well-being, perceived risk and stress, life events, the ability to cope, financial and food security worries. ALSPAC has already shown that anxiety levels were much higher in the offspring than the parents. Locus of control as conceptualised by Julian Rotter (1966) within his social learning theory is a “generalized problem-solving expectancy” learned in childhood via interactions with parents and through interactions with peers and other adults. Internals (ILOC) and externals (ELOC) have different approaches to solving problems because of their differing learned expectancies about their role in solving them. Internal problem solvers tend to be governed by a learned expectancy that their efforts can affect success or failure in contrast to external problem solvers who depend, for their success, more on luck, fate, chance or powerful others, rather than on their own efforts. We would like to examine the relationship between locus of control (LOC) and if, in particular, a more internal LOC results in increased resilience to anxiety, depression and ability to cope.
B3837 - Proposal Trauma mental health and educational outcomes - 29/07/2021
Experiencing abuse in childhood (i.e., physical, sexual, and emotional abuse) increases the risk of many adverse outcomes in adolescence and adulthood, including poor educational attainment. However, the mechanisms underlying the relationship between child abuse and poor educational attainment are less well understood. One possible explanation is that child abuse leads to increased mental health difficulties, which in turn causes disengagement and disinterest in school. Previous studies have evidenced that child abuse increases the risk of mental health difficulties in later life, including both internalising problems (e.g., depression, anxiety) and externalising problems (e.g., conduct disorder, ADHD). In turn, externalising behaviours have been associated with lower grades and increased rates of dropping out of school. Some evidence also suggests that internalising problems are related to worse educational attainment, but the findings have been inconsistent. Therefore, the current study aims to examine whether internalising or externalising problems mediate the relationship between child abuse and educational outcomes at age 16.
B3832 - The link between questionnaire-reported disordered eating and eating disorder medical diagnosis - 26/07/2021
Eating disorders (including Anorexia Nervosa (AN) Bulimia Nervosa (BN), Binge Eating Disorder (BED) and Other Specified Feeding and Eating Disorders (OSFED)) are severely impairing and have the highest mortality of any psychiatric condition. Prevalence of eating disorders in the general population is around 5% but up to a third of young women and one fifth of young men report disordered eating behaviours (e.g. fasting, purging, binge-eating, excessive exercise) that are impacting their lives. However, very little research has been conducted into the association between disordered eating behaviours (often reported on questionnaires) and eating disorder diagnoses (confirmed by medical records), or on factors that lead to a lack of eating disorder diagnosis in individuals who report disordered eating behaviours consistent with diagnostic criteria.
Furthermore, associations with potential risk factors such as socioeconomic position (SEP) are inconsistent for self-reported eating disorder symptoms and eating disorder diagnoses. Whilst some studies have found that lower SEP is associated with higher self-reported eating disorder traits, these findings are not universal. For example, a large national study in USA found no association between SEP and eating disorders. In addition, studies which have looked at rates of diagnosis and hospitalisation (rather than self-reported symptoms) have found that higher family SEP is associated with increased risk of eating disorders. However, it is not clear that higher SEP is a cause of eating disorders. An alternative explanation is that children from higher SEP backgrounds find it easier to access services, and this may be why there are higher rates of diagnosis in this group.
This project will look broadly at the association between disordered eating captured by questionnaire reports and eating disorder diagnoses from linked medical records. Firstly, we will assess whether individuals with disordered eating reported on questionnaires also have an eating disorder medical diagnosis. Secondly, we will explore what factors are associated with obtaining an eating disorder diagnosis in the whole sample and in those reporting diagnostic level disordered eating behaviours via questionnaire. We will also examine associations for socioeconomic position with disordered eating symptoms and eating disorder diagnosis in the ALSPAC cohort and with other population-based cohorts. Finally, we will examine similarities in outcomes for individuals who report disordered eating on questionnaires and those with a diagnosis of eating disorders.
B3827 - Lipid Profile and DNA methylation - from birth for adolescence - 12/07/2021
Unfavourable lipid profile (i.e. dyslipidemia) is an established cause of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). In recent years, several CpGs sites have been found on lipid-related genes or associated with lipid profiles, supporting the hypothesis that DNA methylation (DNAm) could be involved in regulating these genes and their role in lipid-related diseases [1].
1.Hedman, A.K., et al., Epigenetic Patterns in Blood Associated With Lipid Traits Predict Incident Coronary Heart Disease Events and Are Enriched for Results From Genome-Wide Association Studies. Circ Cardiovasc Genet, 2017. 10(1).
B3826 - Association of Fat Mass Index FMI and DNA metyhylation - from childhood to adolescence - 12/07/2021
Obesity has been extensively linked to a plethora of health conditions, but most research has defined obesity using body mass index (BMI). While BMI may be a very straightforward and useful marker of obesity, recent research suggest that a targeted measurement of one's fat, in the form of fat mass index (FMI), might be a more clinically relevant measure.
B3834 - Exploring the association between chronic pain and academic achievement in a UK cohort - 12/07/2021
Chronic pain impacts almost every aspect of the lives of the young people who experience it, including sleep, social relationships, and family dynamics. In an educational context, the presence of chronic pain for young people has been associated with lower levels of attendance and school functioning, as well as possible reductions in measures of academic achievement such as school grades, keeping up with schoolwork, and perception of school achievement. Recent research has also highlighted the potential role that poor sleep or sleep disorders may play in compromised educational performance. Through integrating these two research threads, this study will examine the possibility that the impact of chronic pain on educational outcomes is mediated through disturbed sleep in young people who experience chronic pain relative to their pain-free peers. Firstly, the study will map out the characteristics of young people aged 17 with chronic pain in a UK educational context. Secondly it will examine whether young people with chronic pain at age 17 find it more difficult to achieve in school compared to their peers who don't experience chronic pain after we take into account a range of other factors such as gender, IQ, socioeconomic status, and special educational needs. Finally, this project will examine how factors such as loss of sleep contribute to this relationship.
B3819 - Pair-wise conditional and colocalization analysis -- an application to MS - 29/07/2021
Genetic colocalization is a genetic epidemiology method that have been widely applied to understand the role of molecular traits on human diseases. However, the method has the assumption that there is only one association signal exist in the test region, which is not always the case.
In this project, we aim to refine the method by integrating conditional analysis approach (GCTA-COJO) with colocalization approach. We will develop the method using C++ and apply it to a wide range of molecular traits and disease outcomes. The ALSPAC genotype data will be used as the reference panel for the application of the novel method.
B3824 - Multivariate Genetic Study of Impulsivity and Binge Drinking through Late adolescence and Early Adulthood - 05/07/2021
Binge drinking behaviors in late adolescence and early adulthood have been shown to be important indicators of risk for developing problems with alcohol use and related consequences which may extend beyond early adulthood. Binge drinking behaviors are also thought to be influenced, in part, by impulsive personality traits such that more impulsive adolescents and emerging adults tend to binge drink more heavily, more frequently, and beyond early adulthood. However, the connection between impulsive personality and binge drinking has been clouded to some extent in past research because there is generally not a widely agreed upon “best” way to measure impulsive personality. Additionally, this measurement issue may obscure our ability to detect genetic influences on impulsive personality and binge drinking and their connection across the lifespan. The proposed study seeks to clarify the role that genetic factors might play in this relationship by using results from pre-existing genetic studies of impulsive personality and alcohol use to define genetic risk factors that reflect more succinct traits (e.g., the drive to behave impulsively in response to emotions and rewards, and the inability to stop or control these drives). These re-defined genetic risk factors will then be used to determine the extent to which genetic influences for impulsive personality predict changes in binge drinking across late adolescence and early adulthood in the ALSPAC sample.