Proposal summaries
B3893 - Associations between religion and diet - 06/10/2021
This project aims to explore the associations between religion and diet in ALSPAC. Several studies have suggested that Religious/Spiritual Beliefs and Behaviours (RSBB) such as belief in God and church attendance are associated with health (VanderWeele, 2017; Koenig et al 2012). The mediators of this association are not fully known, but likely include social support and health-promoting behaviours (e.g., reductions in smoking/alcohol/drug use; VanderVeele, 2017), as well as potential direct effects of religion on health (Hill & Pargament, 2003). One possible mediator on the causal pathway between RSBB and health is through diet. Many religions have rules and norms surrounding diet, and promoting health lifestyles more generally, so we may expect associations between religion and diet, and potentially downstream health effects. This project aims to explore these associations in ALSPAC.
Hill, P. C., & Pargament, K. I. (2003). Advances in the conceptualization and measurement of religion and spirituality: Implications for physical and mental health research. American psychologist, 58(1), 64.
Koenig, H., Koenig, H. G., King, D., & Carson, V. B. (2012). Handbook of religion and health. Oup Usa.
VanderWeele, T. J. (2017). Religious communities and human flourishing. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 26(5), 476-481.
B3892 - A latent variable approach to examining the role of maternal RSBB in offspring mental health - 04/10/2021
We are investigating whether a mother's religious beliefs are related to their child's mental health.
B3891 - Methylome sequencing using nanopore - a pilot analysis - 20/10/2021
A powerful avenue into researching the functional consequences of changes in DNAm levels is to correlate DNA sequence variants such as single nucleotide polymorphism (SNPs) to DNAm levels to find both local and distal (for example on other chromosomes) effects. Having completed the largest genetic study of DNAm worldwide to date (through the Genetics of DNA Methylation Consortium) by scanning 10 million SNPs genome-wide, we have identified 270k SNP-DNAm associations. This was achieved by analysing about 400,000 DNAm sites in blood, which is only 2% of 28 million DNAm sites across the genome. There is a huge potential for improved understanding of DNAm variation between individuals and its influence on health and disease by studying other regulatory regions of the genome. We therefore will use novel sequencing technologies based on long reads with the ability to measure all 28 million sites and to determine both the DNAm level and the genotype at single molecule level.
B3887 - Sex differences in the association between alcohol use during adolescence and cardiometabolic risk in early adulthood - 30/09/2021
Evidence suggests that alcohol use has different impacts on cardiovascular risk in females and males but results are somewhat conflicting. Few studies to date have examined sex differences in the association of alcohol use with risk factors earlier in the life course (for instance during early adulthood) and to our knowledge no studies to date have examined sex differences in associations of alcohol use with key molecular cardiometabolic traits that are known causes of cardiovascular disease.
B3876 - Relative contribution and interaction of genetic susceptibility environment and behaviour for childhood obesity - 08/11/2021
Obesity is one of the most pressing public health challenges worldwide. It is caused by multifactorial causes and could lead to increased risk of cardiometabolic disease. Although obesity is not as common in children as adults currently, the temporal increase in the prevalence of childhood obesity is greater than that of adulthood obesity in multiple countries. However, current public health measures are mostly focused on adult obesity and may not translate to children.
Obesity and overweight were traditionally regarded as the result of an individual’s unhealthy lifestyle (diet and physical activity), but there is increasing recognition that these interact with many other factors; both upstream environmental factors (social, political, and economic) and individual (genetic, psychosocial and biological) factors. These are likely to impact over the life-course. Exposures to environmental obesogens in-utero and/or in early life might also be important. The interactions between these factors are complex. For example, with global economic growth, the reduction in walkability and green spaces are likely to reduce children’s physical activity level which, in turn, result in childhood obesity. These are also compounded with air pollution which might directly and indirectly (also through physical activity) influence obesity. Even though genetic factors account for 40%-70% of obesity risk, the independent effect of individual loci may not completely explain the pathogenesis of obesity because of gene-environment interaction.
Most studies to date focused on individual risk factors for obesity. However, to identify an effective public health strategy to tackle childhood obesity, this study will investigate the interactions between and relative importance of those factors. Additional, since childhood obesity may not necessarily track into adulthood, this study will also look into factors that could predict persistent obesity from childhood to adulthood, which should be clinically most relevant.
B3881 - Associations between mitochondrial and nuclear DNA variants in human populations - 28/09/2021
Present in nearly all types of human cells, mitochondria generate the majority of our cellular energy and are thus often referred to as the ‘powerhouse of the cell’. In addition, mitochondria play important roles in signalling between cells and cell death (known as apoptosis). Although most of our DNA is within the nucleus (the ‘nuclear genome’ or nDNA), mitochondria contain their own DNA (the ‘mitochondrial genome’ or mtDNA), and human health is dependent upon the coordination of the products of these two genomes.
Genetic variants within mtDNA can cause disease (1) and are also linked to a growing number of age-related complex diseases (2), particularly neurodegenerative diseases including Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, schizophrenia and multiple sclerosis (3). In addition, there are examples where the progression or severity of mtDNA disease is modulated by nDNA variants (e.g. LHON (4, 5)). Conversely, there is evidence in complex diseases where nuclear susceptibility factors are implicated, that common, inherited, mtDNA variation can influence traits such the age of onset (e.g. Alzheimer’s disease (6) and cardiomyopathy (7)).
More recently, the development of mitochondrial replacement therapy, a technique designed to avoid transmission of defective mitochondria from parents to offspring, sparked discussions on mitochondrial nuclear incompatibilities that would require matching donor and recipient mitochondrial and nuclear backgrounds, and more generally on whether the genetic makeup of healthy individuals reflects such incompatibilities (8).
This raises the question whether specific variant combinations of nuclear and mitochondrial alleles are depleted or enriched in the general population. This can be assessed by comparing their frequencies with the frequencies expected from the frequencies of the corresponding nuclear and the mitochondrial alleles assuming independent segregation. Such associations between variants can reflect mixing of different populations or selection against or in favour of particular variant combinations. Associations between nuclear and mitochondrial variants have been repeatedly reported (9, 10). However, it is unclear to what extent the observations reflect population stratification. This is of particular interest because mitochondrial genetic variants have been extensively used to track migration of populations and ancestry.
The aim of this study is to use the ALSPAC cohort genotyping data to: 1) identify combinations of mitochondrial and nuclear variants that are over or underrepresented in a well-characterised population, 2) ascertain whether under or over representation can be explained by heterogeneity within the population and 3) assess the effects of factors such as age or sex. The results will also provide a reference for studying the role of such combinations in human disease.
B3883 - Data Note-ALSPAC participants and the Bristol Self-Harm Register - 28/09/2021
To describe and cross reference the incidence of self-harm episodes of ALSPAC participants in (i) the Bristol Self-Harm Register collected by the local NHS Trusts, (ii) nationally collected Hospital Episode data from NHS-Digital, (iii) nationally collected Mental Health data from NHS-Digital, and (iv) self-reported in ALSPAC survey responses. This is intended to provide a future resource for researchers.
B3884 - Intergenerational effects of parental substance use on child substance use and mental health outcomes - 28/09/2021
This project aims to investigate the effect of parental substance use (smoking, alcohol and coffee consumption) both during and after pregnancy on offspring outcomes and the mechanisms via which these effects act. We will initially look at how parental substance use is associated with offspring substance use as a proof of concept. Once the triangulation approach has been validated using offspring substance use as an outcome, we will use the same approach to investigate the association between parental substance use and offspring mental health (including depression and anxiety).
B3885 - Unraveling the co-morbidities of mental ill-health - 28/09/2021
Serious mental illnesses (depressive disorder, bipolar disoder, psychotic disorder) are among the leading causes of disability. On top of the burden that mental illness itself poses, individuals affected by it are often also at higher odds of substance use (smoking, alcohol, cannabis) and cardiovascular disease. Together, these so-called co-morbidities of mental illness drive the low life expectancy in individuals with mental illness compared to the general population. It is unclear however, what the causal nature is of these relationships. It may be that symptoms of mental illness increase the risk of substance use and cardiovascular disease, but there is also evidence that these co-morbidities can increase the risk of developing mental ill-health. In this project we strive to elucidate the causal nature of the relationship between mental illness and its co-morbidities, by investigating how symptoms of mental illness and (precursors of) co-morbidities develop and associate to each other from early adolescence up to early adulthood.
B3882 - Treatment for Childrens Disruptive Behaviour Understanding parent-child relationships as mechanisms of change - 28/09/2021
One in six school-aged children now have a probable mental health disorder -- up from one in nine three years ago (NHS digital, 2020). Services for children and young people’s mental health are stretched more than ever before, such that maximising resources is a key priority (Lennon, 2021). The effectiveness of mental-health interventions can be optimised by enhancing our understanding of the mechanisms of change – that is, how an intervention translates into events that lead to improved outcomes (Kazdin, 2007). Parent and child behaviours are primary intervention targets for children’s mental health (WHO, 2009), yet little is known about their assumed mechanistic role, that is, how parent-child dynamics change as a function of, or during intervention. We aim to address this gap, with specific focus on children’s disruptive behaviour as one of the most common reasons for children to receive mental-health services (Achenbach & Edelbrock, 1987; Hinshaw & Lee, 2003).
B3880 - Using genetics and longitudinal data to disentangle the complex relationship between sleep and mood disorders - 28/09/2021
Prior research in ALSPAC has shown that sleep problems in adolescence are associated with subsequent depression and anxiety (doi:10.1111/jcpp.13288). However, there is still much we do not understand about the complex relationship between sleep and mental health in young people. First, most genetic studies have been conducted in older adults (aged 40 years or older), with less research examining genetic influences on sleep in young people. Second, sleep problems appear to affect mental health more in some people than others but there is limited research exploring which factors influence these individual differences. This project will examine associations between sleep and depression/anxiety across adolescence and young adulthood and focus on the following areas: (i) whether genetic factors previously associated with sleep problems in adults are also associated with sleep problems in adolescence/young adulthood, and (ii) whether associations between sleep problems and anxiety/depression are influenced by genetic factors. Results from this work will impact our current understanding of the role sleep disturbance plays in the onset and recurrence of mood and anxiety disorders, in addition to informing mental health interventions and treatments.
B3866 - The role of sensory function for academic achievement in gene-environment correlations - 14/10/2021
What is it that makes us successful when it comes to education? The fact that human intelligence and educational attainment are partly genetically influenced has been incorrectly interpreted in favour of a genetic determinism. However, genetic and environmental factors are not completely independent from each other. For example, children with a genetic disposition towards higher educational attainment are more likely to enroll in advanced classes and therefore further increase their educational attainment. In this context, it is fundamental to pinpoint the specific genetically-influenced traits that affect likelihood for children to select cognitively stimulating environments. Sensory functions (hearing and vision) in childhood are less explored than personality and motivational traits, but are particularly interesting as they can be modified through appropriate aids. In this project, we aim to investigate the role of hearing and vision in childhood for educational attainment in the course of gene-environment correlations. If parts of the genetic factors associated with intelligence and educational success actually exert their influence via hearing and vision abilities in childhood, these findings contradict the idea of a genetic determinism. Analysing these associations on a longitudinal scale will help to determine time points for early interventions (such as correction of minor hearing and vision impairments). Since children with a lower socioeconomic status show reduced hearing as compared to those with a higher socioeconomic status, disadvantaged children could particularly benefit from interventions, which would result in a reduction of social inequalities.
B3768 - Epidemiological and genomic relationship and pleiotropic mechanisms across complex traits - 28/09/2021
Evidence from epidemiological and twin studies has shown that some pairs of disorders, such as between brain disorders, often exhibited shared symptoms and comorbidity. However, there is a paucity of observational data on the correlation of other traits, especially for rheumatic diseases and musculoskeletal conditions. Additionally, it remains unknown whether the nature of co-occurrence of these diseases can contribute to potential etiological overlap or due to ascertainment bias and diagnostic misclassification. Recent advances in genetic methods, including the Mendelian randomization analyses, cross-trait meta-analysis, and transcriptome-wide association study, have enabled us to evaluate the degree of genetic overlap and to find the pleiotropic loci. Accordingly, by using data from the Avon longitudinal study of parents and children, we seek to systematically assess the correlation of different diseases, and how connected they on the genomic and environmental level.
B3886 - Gambling data collection 30 - 30/09/2021
This proposal is to obtain funding for a repeat of the gambling measures that have previously been obtained from G1 at 17, 20, 24 and during lockdown.
B3875 - Food frequency questionnaire validation study - 14/10/2021
From the start ALSPAC has included data collections on diet. The first collection was in the mothers during their pregnancy, and it's been repeated three other times with them. We've also got a wealth of information on the diets of the children from birth into teenage years. This has been an incredibly rich source of data for us on changing patterns on diet during childhood and is still on constant use today, mainly to study the effects of diet in pregnancy and in childhood on markers of health in later years. This type of long-term data on diet is very unusual in the UK so we are fortunate to have this in ALSPAC.
It's been some time since we've able to collect new information on diet in ALSPAC in the children, but we have an opportunity to do this in some upcoming questionnaires. This will add to our existing long-term data and add greatly to the potential for future scientific work linking diet and health.
As previously we are using a method called a 'food frequency questionnaire' (FFQ) in which participants are asked how often they usually eat particular foods. The FFQ is very similar to that used before in ALSPAC, but we have updated it for changes in the types of food people eat nowadays. In order to sure that the FFQ is correctly reflecting what participants actually eat, we need to do an additional 'validation' study in which we ask some of the participants to record their diet in another way.
For this validation study, we'll be asking some of the participants who fill in the FFQ to access an electronic platform on their smartphones or other device to record one day's food and drink intake in detail (food diary). We'll then ask them to repeat this twice at monthly intervals (so on three separate days in all). We can then compare the two ways and see how well the FFQ is performing against the electronic food diary and whether we get similar data from the two methods. If they are similar, we have can confidence in the data collected from the FFQ and can use it state this in our scientific publications so that others will know we have accurate data.
B3873 - Linking Longitudinal Changes in Structural and Functional Connectivity to Persistence of Psychotic Experiences - 23/09/2021
This project will use longitudinal neuroimaging to study the network features of structural and functional connectivity that characterize subclinical psychotic experiences (PEs) and their development over time. Previous work with the ALSPAC cohort has shown that compared to healthy controls, subjects with a history of PEs show schizophrenia-like topological changes in structural connectivity (Drakesmith et al. 2015). Moreover, the presence of PEs has been associated with mild changes in frontoparietal network configuration during a working memory task (Fonville et al. 2015).
Extending this prior work, this study will examine how changes in connectivity over time correspond with the persistence of psychotic experiences. We hypothesize that subjects with PEs that persist will show increasingly divergent connectivity phenotypes from healthy controls, while people with transient PEs will show evidence of ‘recovery’ towards the phenotype of people with no history of PEs. We will then use machine learning to integrate multimodal connectivity data and predict PE trajectories. Finally, we will compare our results to those identified as showing case/control differences in clinical populations to bridge the gap in our understanding of the connectivity signatures of PEs and fully-fledged psychotic disorders.
B3874 - Biodiversity inflammation and aversive bodily symptoms - 08/11/2021
It is increasingly realised that urban environments constitute complex ecosystems, from microscopic organisms to social networks. As the principal human habitat, the design of our urban environments has the capacity to determine the health of the populace, across the lifespan. Over the past 150 years, health in the urban environment has largely been determined by pathogen control and automation; consequently, health and safety in the city has come to reflect sanitation and efficiency. Through design we have sought to reduce our exposures to potential stressors, from the cleanliness of our homes to highly prescriptive civic spaces. Although proving vital to the mitigation of many communicable diseases and physical dangers, an inadvertent side-effect of such urban environmental control is an exponential rise in non-communicable diseases (NCDs), which now account for 80% of years lived with disability globally. Although people are living longer, they are not necessarily living better. This suggests that while our cities prioritise safety, they do so at the expense of other health outcomes and human wellbeing. Specific to this project, we will consider the link between environmental exposures (biodiversity, green space), inflammation, and persistent symptoms.
This project will investigate the relationship between inflammatory biomarkers, geospatial characteristics, specifically biodiversity and longitudinal health outcomes (symptoms of non-communicable diseases including pain and fatigue). It will first consider the relationship between the levels of inflammatory biomarkers and geospatial characteristics of one's environment (biodiversity index). Second, it will consider the relationship between inflammatory biomarkers and the prevalence of pain and fatigue symptom reporting. Third, it will investigate the potential influence of geospatial characteristics (biodiversity index) on the relationship between inflammatory biomarkers and health symptom reports (pain, fatigue, breathlessness).
B3871 - Identifying clusters of LongCOVID symptoms - 27/09/2021
This project will identify if people with longCOVID share specific symptoms or clusters of specific symptoms. Using the intense data on symptoms collected in ALSPAC, we will identify if people with longCOVID share a specific set of symptoms and how this varies by time. Results will be pooled with similar cohorts and meta-analysed.
B3872 - Genome wide association study of progression from impaired fasting glucose to type 2 diabetes - 20/09/2021
Pre-diabetes is a condition where blood glucose levels are elevated above normal, but below the threshold to be defined as type 2 diabetes. It is estimated that 70% of those meeting the criteria for pre-diabetes will eventually progress to type 2 diabetes, which is a chronic, incurable condition associated with various other comorbidities. It is therefore important to understand why some individuals progress from pre-diabetes to type 2 diabetes, so that we can develop interventions to stop this happening. We therefore aim to identify the genetic basis for why some individuals progress from pre-diabetes to type 2 diabetes.
B3844 - MR-PREG Consortium 26-07-2021 - 103144 - 20/09/2021
ALSPAC contributes to a group of studies called MR-PREG which aims to investigate the impact of maternal exposures during pregnancy (such as BMI, smoking, blood pressure) on pregnancy complications, perinatal outcomes and later offspring outcomes. MR-PREG uses genetic data to explore whether associations between maternal exposures and these outcomes are likely to be causal.