Proposal summaries
B4333 - The association between maternal-related diseases and neurodevelopmental disorders in offspring an ALSPAC database study - 31/05/2023
Maternal-related diseases affect the development of offspring nervous system. However, there are currently some limitations in the research on this topic, such as small sample sizes, short observation periods, lack of long-term follow-up, unconsidered confounding factors and interactions, etc. To overcome these limitations, our study plans to use the large-scale population cohort data in ALSPAC, adopt advanced statistical methods and causal inference methods, systematically analyze the strength of the association and causal effects of maternal-related diseases between neurodevelopmental disorders in offspring, and explore possible mechanisms and intervention measures.
B4335 - The role of religious beliefs in adult mental health - 24/05/2023
Most research has found a positive association between religious belief and mental health, but these are often in US samples, which may differ from samples in other countries. We have previously examined childhood and adolescent mental health and parental religious belief, which have found results that differ from much of the previous literature. This study seeks to expand upon our previous studies of childhood and adolescent mental health by examining adult mental health, and whether offspring religious belief is associated with it in a large UK cohort study.
B4327 - Improving speech outcomes in preterm children - 24/05/2023
This project will investigate how speech sounds develop in the first 8 years of life in children born prematurely. Preterm children are at increased risk of impaired neurodevelopment, which can include problems with acquisition of speech and speech disorder. Speech sound disorder can impact their learning, mental health, and life chances in adulthood. This study will provide information on how prematurity impacts speech development and how this compares with full-term children. This will help health professionals in the early identification and intervention of preterm children requiring support.
The study comprises five workstreams. 1) a full systematic review of the literature to determine the characteristics associated with speech sound development in preterm children; 2) examination of data from the ALSPAC dataset to explore the characteristics and outcomes of speech development in preterm children in the first 8 years of life compared with full term children; 3) examination of data from the National Neonatal Audit Programme (NNAP) to explore how the degree of prematurity impacts speech development in preterm children; 4) collection of new data from a clinical sample of preterm children recruited from NHS neonatal services in Bristol and Cardiff; 5) a UK-wide online survey will determine the role of Speech and Language Therapists in NHS neurodevelopmental assessments for preterm children in the first 3 years of life.
B4328 - Depression and hypertension comorbidity sleep as a potential mediator - 24/05/2023
Depression and hypertension commonly co-occur. This comorbidity may be explained by HPA axis dysregulation which has associations with both hypertension and depression. Additionally, sleep problems are a known cause of HPA axis dysregulation, therefore, sleep may serve as a transdiagnositic marker, and potentailly intervention point, for both disorders. This research will focus on childhood and adolescence as previous research has only examined this relationships in adults, despite these conditions being prevalent in younger groups. Additionally, adulthood is a time when these conditions are already well-established. Through examining a younger sample, we can study the directionality and mediation of this relationship at a time when both conditions start to emerge.
B4329 - Identifying Genetic and Non-Genetic Factors that Influence Age at Menarche - 24/05/2023
This projects seeks to deepen our understanding of how the timing of puberty affects adult health outcomes, specifically, risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD). The age at which a girl gets her first menstrual period (age at menarche, or AAM) has a peculiar relationship with CVD: both earlier and later AAM are associated with increased risk of CVD in adulthood.
In preliminary work focusing on later AAM, we applied human genetic techniques to distinguish the effects of common genetic changes on AAM from the effects of other, yet-to-be-identified factors. We were surprised to find that the relationship between later AAM and CVD depends on the underlying cause of later AAM. If caused by common genetic changes, later AAM is actually associated with _lower_ risk of cardiovascular disease. In contrast, if caused by other factors, later AAM is associated with _increased_ risk of cardiovascular disease.
The broad goals of this project are 1) to better understand how common genetic changes affect AAM by subgrouping common genetic variants based on their effects on childhood factors known to affect AAM, and 2) to identify factors other than common genetic changes that influence AAM.
B4330 - Genetic basis of DNA methylation GODMC2 - 21/08/2023
DNA methylation (DNAm) plays a central role in gene regulation. It helps to define how cells respond to environmental signals
and, ultimately, contributes to health or susceptibility to disease. DNAm variation is influenced by genetic, molecular and environmental and other factors. However, the amount and the effects of differences in DNAm from one person to another is
poorly understood.
A powerful avenue into researching the functional consequences of changes in DNAm levels is to correlate DNA sequence variants such as single nucleotide polymorphism (SNPs) to DNAm levels to find both local and distal (for example on
other chromosomes) effects. Having completed the largest genetic study of DNAm worldwide to date (through the Genetics of DNA Methylation Consortium) by scanning 10 million SNPs genomewide, we have identified 270k SNP-DNAm associations. This was achieved by analysing about 400,000 DNAm sites in blood, which is only 2% of 28 million DNAm sites across the genome. There is a huge potential for improved understanding of DNAm variation between individuals and its influence on health and disease by studying other regulatory regions of the genome using EPIC arrays, by using cell type interactions and other gene-environmental interactions and by using different types of statistical tests
B4339 - Camouflaging across neurodevelopmental conditions and the general population - 14/07/2023
In recent years there has been increasing interest in the phenomenon of camouflaging (hiding or compensating for neurodivergent traits), particularly within autistic populations. Camouflaging is understood to be associated with poorer mental health in these populations. The most common method of measuring camouflaging is through a brief self-report measure. However, there have been no unselected population-based studies which measure camouflaging, and therefore we do not know whether, and to what degree, camouflaging is unique to neurodivergent populations and whether it is associated with poorer mental health outcomes across the general population. This project aims to assess the prevalence of camouflaging across the general population for the first time, and to compare between typically developing individuals and those with neurodevelopmental and mental health conditions.
B4332 - Economic Determinants of Mental Health - 31/05/2023
Mental health problems are globally prevalent, and made worse by Covid-19. There is a growing recognition of the roles of economic circumstances in determining mental health, however, it remains unclear how the economic circumstances at various levels (individual and household; local areas; and national) manifest differently on mental health through different channels. Based on ALSPAC data merged with local authority level information, and cutting-edge econometric methods, we will systematically examine the extensive links between mental health and economic circumstances at individual/household, local area, and national policy levels, and map out a complete and comprehensive picture of economic determinants of mental health. Our research will get to the economic roots of mental health and help answer the long-term big-picture question of how to prevent mental illness. Our research is novel on two fronts. First, we bring together economic data at micro, local, and macro levels from multiple sources to study their roles on mental health in one setting; second, we take advantage of rich and long panel data and dynamic panel modelling methods to examine dynamic and long-run effects over the life course.
B4324 - From adolescence eating behaviors and dieting to adulthood adiposity and food preferences - 15/05/2023
Adolescents are more likely to become dissatisfied with their body as they could be more easily influenced by their peers and media and internalize bodily norms. In order to alter their body, adolescents may use several strategies such as restrained eating or dieting. Eating restraint and dieting during adolescence could interfere with physical growth and cognitive development, predispose them to weight gain, prompt disinhibited eating, and increase risk of severe eating disorders. Furthermore, health-related habits such as dieting and eating behaviors tend to persist into adulthood.
There is a gap in research about the associations between a combination of different dimensions of eating behaviors in adolescence and health behaviors in adulthood. This research aims to address this gap by studying how adolescents with distinct profile of eating behavior dimensions, including restrained eating and uncontrolled eating, differ from each other during their adulthood in terms of body composition and food preferences. Findings could assist in identifying adolescents at higher risk of obesity and less healthy food choices with regards to dimensions of eating behavior.
B4306 - Reproductive factors and the risk of pregnancy complications - 09/05/2023
The reproductive factors including lifestyle, disease status, infection, medication use, nutrient supplements, physical activity, and mental health are associated with pregnancy complications. The adverse outcomes of pregnancy confront the world as a major challenge, with extensive impact on individuals, families, and societies at large. This study will take advantage of the data provided by the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children to quantify the risk of possible adverse outcomes of pregnancy, and present opportunities to reduce the burden associated with congenital disorders at a population level.
B4321 - The role of mental health and well-being in the transition to parenthood - 09/05/2023
Becoming a parent is an important life event that has a significant impact on the way that we live our lives.
This project will look at how having a child impacts new parents’ mental health and well-being, by using information about ALSPAC participants before they have had children, and seeing how this changes afterwards.
This will help us to understand which parts of our well-being are affected by having children, when this happens, and why different people react differently to becoming parents.
By understanding the experiences of new parents better, we can work towards interventions that support parents’ well-being at this important time of their lives.
B4315 - The Developmental Impacts of Trauma on Alcohol Use and Mental Health Symptoms A Genetically-Informed Approach - 31/05/2023
Trauma is a transdiagnostic risk factor for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), major depressive disorder (MDD), increased alcohol use, and alcohol use disorder. Additionally, these conditions tend to co-occur, and are genetically-influenced. Decades of work has emphasized the importance of count, type, and timing of traumatic events on these mental health outcomes. However, most work has not examined these mental health conditions simultaneously and very few have investigated their effects over the course of development. This proposed study will examine the role of trauma characteristics on these outcomes across childhood into adulthood, via the use of multiple longitudinal datasets--ALSPAC, as well as two others (Add Health, a nationally representative sample, and ABCD, a diverse sample of children aged 9-10 across the US). This study will also use cutting edge genetic methods (genomic structural equation modeling-derived polygenic risk scores/PRSs) to examine the genetic influences on these conditions, as well as investigate potential interactions between genetic risk and trauma characteristics.
B4322 - Placental methylation - pilot study - 15/05/2023
We aim to investigate whether it is possible to obtain methylation data on the stored G0 placentas.
B4320 - The Genetics of Laterality- Causes and Consequences - 17/05/2023
Handedness refers to the preferential use of one hand over the other. Conversely, ambidexterity refers to the ability to perform the same action equally well with both hands. Hand preference is first observed during gestation as embryos begin to exhibit single arm movements. Across the life span, the consistent use of one hand leads to alterations in the macromorphology and micromorphology of bone, which results in enduring asymmetries in bone form and density. At the neurological level, handedness is associated with the lateralization of language (the side of the brain involved in language) and other cognitive effects. The prevalence of left-handedness in modern western cultures is approximately 9% and is greater in males than females. While handedness is conceptually simple, its aetiology and whether it is related to brain and visceral (internal organ) asymmetry is unclear.
Using data from the UK Biobank, 23andMe and the International Handedness Consortium, we recently conducted the world’s largest genetic study of handedness in over 1.7 million individuals (Cuellar-Partida et al 2020). We found 41 genetic loci associated with left-handedness and 7 associated with ambidexterity (P < 5 × 10−8). We would now like to take this work forward and use the ALSPAC resource to investigate the relationship between these genetic variants and other measures of laterality including footedness and ocular dominance. We will perform latent class analyses of handedness, footedness and ocular dominance and examine how these latent classes relate to known genetic variation for handedness, as well as how the latent classes and handedness variants relate to early life physical and cognitive measures.
B4319 - Adverse Childhood Experiences and Gambling - 04/05/2023
Gambling disorder (persistent/recurrent gambling) can be harmful to health/social wellbeing. Previous research suggests that stressful life events, such as child maltreatment increase likelihood of gambling disorder. However, these studies rely on young adults remembering if stressful life events that happened long ago, rather than asking about these events close to when they happened. We also do not know much about the influence of other types of Adverse Childhood Experiences (e.g. parental mental health problems). We plan to look at the influence of a range of Adverse Childhood Experiences on gambling disorder, using data that have followed individuals up regularly since birth until their 30's.
B4313 - Predicting outcomes for autistic children - 03/05/2023
Autistic may people face challenges with living independently, employment and education, mental health and quality of life. Different autistic people face challenges in different areas, and the extent of the difficulties they face may vary. This project aims to use data from existing studies of autistic people, to provide predictions of areas where difficulties are more or less likely, based on an individuals characteristics and experiences. This project will pool data from multiple studies, including ALSPAC, to give a larger sample size and allow comparisons of model performance in different settings.
B4284 - Normative modelling of brain structure in subjects with subclinical psychotic symptoms - 03/05/2023
Our proposal will exploit longitudinal neuroimaging to evaluate how brain maturation is linked with subclinical psychotic experiences. We have recently developed a method that allows us to identify abnormal maturational trajectories by computing brain centiles (analogous to pediatric growth charts). Applying this methodology to neuroimaging data from individuals with varying levels of psychosis will provide a more complete picture of how this condition progresses in the context of a normative population. Using ALSPAC data from subjects with psychotic experiences will enable us to study how early brain alterations are linked with an initial set of subclinical symptoms and will shed light on how these structural alterations compare to those seen in clinically diagnosed psychotic disorders in the context of a large-scale, multi-study framework.
B4312 - Association of child maltreatment and neurodevelopmental traits with cardiometabolic markers in young adults - 03/05/2023
Child maltreatment and childhood neurodevelopmental disorders (Autism and ADHD) are both associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease and premature mortality in adulthood. Child maltreatment and neurodevelopmental disorders commonly co-occur. Previous work has explored the associations of these exposures individually with adult outcomes but not explored them together. This study aims to explore the association of neurodevelopment and maltreatment with cardiovascular risk factors in young adults, in particular looking for any interaction between the two exposures.
B4318 - Mental-physical health multimorbidity in children and young people causal determinants and consequences - 03/05/2023
Multimorbidity is the presence of multiple long-term health conditions. People with multimorbidity tend to have worse quality of life, and to be high users of the health service. Mental-physical multimorbidity (MPMM) is a specific form of multimorbidity, typically defined as the presence of at least one mental health condition and at least one physical health condition. People who experience MPMM have more complex health needs than people with only physical health problems or only mental health problems. Each set of health problems may make the challenges of the other set worse, leading to worse quality of life for these patients. Poverty and other measures of deprivation are strongly linked to MPMM, making it a key driver of health inequality.
Research on MPMM is limited, but most studies that do exist focus on adults. However, data from primary care records suggest that 2.5% of 10-19 year olds and 11.1% of 20-29 year olds have MPMM. The true level of MPMM in children and young people will be much higher than this, as many health conditions, particularly mental health conditions, are poorly recorded in health records. Children and young people who already have MPMM are likely to go on to experience complex health needs across their life course, and represent a challenging group for the health service. Understanding who comprises this group, and the determinants and consequences (both for the health service and for the young people themselves) is crucial to identify potential intervention points to reduce the incidence of MPMM and to mitigate its adverse consequences.
In this project, we use birth-cohort data from three studies in the UK and Brazil to explore how and when MPMM occurs in children and young people, estimating the prevalence of overall MPMM and of specific combinations of health conditions. We will also examine the causal determinants of MPMM, and the consequences for young people (including education, employment, pain, health-risk behaviours, and wellbeing) and the health service. Studying both causes and consequences will allow us to reach conclusions about potential intervention targets both for preventing MPMM and for mitigating its adverse effects, and to quantify the potential gains from interventions to prevent MPMM or supporting young people with MPMM. Using data from both a high income country and a middle income country allows us to explore setting-specific patterns, causes, and consequences of MPMM – essential for understanding how tailored interventions must be to the local setting. Using birth cohort data allows us to circumvent the problems of under ascertainment of health conditions in administrative health records; linked health data in the UK cohorts will allow us to quantify this problem.
B4297 - Is waist circumference to height ratio an alternative tool for predicting metabolic risk above that achieved with BMI - 24/04/2023
Studies have suggested that waist (cm)/height (cm) ratio (WC/H) is a useful alternative measure of central adiposity and obesity related metabolic risk in adults and children than body mass index (BMI) (1-3). In practice, BMI has shown poor performance in certain cohorts and does not indicate an individual’s distribution of fat. WC/H focuses on central adiposity, a known cardiometabolic risk factor for adults and children. Furthermore, calculating BMI requires weighing equipment, a calculator and potentially software/charts. WC/H only needs a tape measure, uses a simple calculation and has a pre-defined ratio to define risk across participant types (cited as >0.5).
NICE have recently recommended the use of WC/H alongside BMI to assess and predict weight-related conditions. There is currently a paucity of research describing the life course patterns of WC/H or demonstrating that it provides equal or improved prediction in metabolic health from childhood to adult life compared to BMI. There is also little evidence relating WC/H to outcomes or intermediates related to central adiposity in particular – e.g., hypertension and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
This study aims to 1) chart the trajectory of WC/H compared to BMI through ages 7, 11, 15 and 24, 2) examine associations of WC/H or BMI, and blood pressure and liver health at these ages and 3) compare these associations to explore if WC/H is more discriminatory in defining risk. This will provide additional evidence for the recommendation of an easier measure to assess clinical need for weight management interventions across childhood and adolescence.
1. Ashwell M, Gibson S. Waist-to-height ratio as an indicator of 'early health risk': simpler and more predictive than using a 'matrix' based on BMI and waist circumference. BMJ Open. 2016 Mar 14;6(3):e010159.
2. Savva SC, Tornaritis M, Savva ME, Kourides Y, Panagi A, Silikiotou N, Georgiou C, Kafatos A. Waist circumference and waist-to-height ratio are better predictors of cardiovascular disease risk factors in children than body mass index. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord. 2000 Nov;24(11):1453-8.
3. Khoury M, Manlhiot C, McCrindle BW. Role of the waist/height ratio in the cardiometabolic risk assessment of children classified by body mass index. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2013 Aug 20;62(8):742-51.