Proposal summaries
B3936 - ALSPAC - Enhancement of Transcriptomic Resources - 25/11/2021
ALSPAC collected samples at the 24 year clinic to preserve RNA. This can be used to look at which genes are being expressed in blood. We are hoping to obtain money to analyse some of these samples by a process called RNA sequencing. This will allow us to see which genes are switched on in different people. The data generated will create a resource for molecular research.
B3863 - How the interaction of genetic and environmental factors influences human traits - 23/11/2021
Subtle differences in a person's genes can affect their susceptibility to disease and cause them to respond differently an environmental exposure compared to other people. Interestingly, some people may develop a disease after being exposed to specific genetic and enviromental factors while others may not.
This project will combine genetic and environmental information from thousands of people aiming to understand how these factors influence risk to disease and characteristics like immune system response and vision.
As we learn more about the connection between genes and the environment, we can pursue new approaches for preventing and treating disease.
B3928 - Mechanisms linking early life exposures to comorbidity in young adulthood - 19/11/2021
Exposure to childhood adversity, including interpersonal violence, financial stressors, and household dysfunction, has been consistently linked to a variety of adverse physical and mental health outcomes in adolescence and adulthood. However, our understanding of the biological, behavioral, and social mechanisms that link different patterns of childhood adversity to specific outcomes is currently limited. In particular, the risk of co-occurring mental health, substance use, and physical health problems in young adulthood may stem from different pathways during the course of childhood and adolescence. In this study, we will examine the biological, behavioral, and social mechanisms through which trajectories of childhood adversity influence comorbid behavioral and physical health conditions in young adulthood. This project expands on our previous work using ALSPAC data to identify relations between childhood adversity trajectories and distinct outcomes in young adulthood, including depressive symptoms and violent behaviors. We will examine epigenetic and biologic mechanisms including differential DNA methylation, inflammation, heart rate, and stress-related biomarkers, as well as potential behavioral mediators like temperament, impulsivity, locus of control, mental health, parental supervision, and self-esteem. Social mechanisms will include the intergenerational transmission of behaviors from parents to children and peer influences. We will also consider characteristics at different stages of the life course, including in utero exposure to environmental toxicants, a positive home environment during childhood, and the presence of other supportive relationships in adolescence, as potential moderators of the relation between childhood adversity trajectories and subsequent outcomes. Finally, we will incorporate relations of interest into a computational agent-based model that can be used to simulate hypothetical interventions to prevent the development of adverse health outcomes.
B3927 - Social Skills in a Changing Labour Market - 02/12/2021
Across the developed world, employment has declined in middle-wage "routine" jobs and increased strongly in jobs requiring a degree. Recent evidence from the U.S. and Sweden indicates this change is associated with an increase in the demand for jobs requiring social skills. Over the last 30 years the UK labour market has witnessed a well-documented increase in the supply of graduates while the occupational structure has shifted towards managerial jobs. However, there is no strong evidence as yet that these changes have benefitted workers with higher social abilities.
In this project we will investigate the labour market returns to social skills in the context of the UK. Thanks to the availability of long-running cohort studies, the UK offers an opportunity to examine unique data on individual’s characteristics, such as cognitive, socio-emotional, and physical abilities. ALSPAC is particularly suitable to our purposes as it collects detailed information on these abilities.
The changing labour market is at the centre of some of the most important social policy debates worldwide, especially those focused on the effect of artificial intelligence on the demand for different types of skills. We will contribute to these debates by providing novel evidence of the relationship between different types of skills and labour market outcomes.
B3929 - Quality of relationship confounder or mediator of religious beliefs and health outcomes - 19/11/2021
Another existing project using ALSPAC data (B3397) is examining if religious and spiritual beliefs are related to healthy behaviours, disease end-points and biological biomarkers such as epigenetics. One possible way such associations may exist is that these beliefs may enhance the quality of intimate relationships either through shared beliefs and practices e.g. going together to a religious place of worship or helping to sustain them through difficult periods. This would imply that the quality of relationship may partially mediate the benefits. However, it is more complex than this as it is also possible that it is the relationship which also drives religious beliefs and hence this may confound any association. Furthermore both religious beliefs and relationships can change over time getting either stronger or weaker. We will use the repeat measures available in ALSPAC to examine these important questions.
B3849 - Testing for interaction between early life adversity and adolescent alcohol use in the development of alcohol use disorders in a - 16/11/2021
Alcohol use disorders (AUDs) affect over 100 million people worldwide with alcohol use accounting for 4.2% of global disability adjusted life years (DALYs) (Degenhardt et al. 2018).
Adolescence and young adulthood is recognised as a critical window for the development of AUDs due to the vulnerability of the corticolimbic system to alcohol-induced damage during this period (Nixon and McClain, 2010). AUDs commonly develop during late adolescence and early adulthood, with a median age of onset for alcohol abuse of 21 and alcohol dependence of 23 (Kessler et al, 2005). Adolescent alcohol use has both immediate and longer-term effects on the development of AUDs. In adolescents that used alcohol for the first time between the ages of 11 and 14 the rate of alcohol dependence measured ten years post exposure was 15.9% in contrast to those who used alcohol for the first time after the age of 19, where rates of alcohol dependence ten years post exposure were only 1% (DeWit et al, 2000). A prospective cohort study in the UK demonstrated that following adjustment for other predictors, frequent teenage alcohol use and antisocial behaviour held persisting and independent associations with later alcohol dependence (Bonomo et al 2004).
Early life stress and traumatic experiences are widely recognised to contribute to AUDs in humans (Viner and Taylor, 2007). In the UK the association between trauma and substance use disorders has been recognised by the Department of Health with services required to use a trauma-informed model of addiction care (Clinical Guidelines on Drug Misuse and Dependence Update 2017). In epidemiological studies the presence of Adverse Childhood Events (ACEs) is associated with an earlier onset of alcohol use and increased levels of alcohol consumption (Rothman et al. 2008). ACEs specifically linked to alcohol use include physical abuse, sexual abuse, having a mentally ill household member, substance abuse in the home, and parental discord or divorce (Rothman et al. 2008). All forms of childhood trauma act as risk factors for adolescent binge drinking; with earlier adverse alcohol consumption potentially lying on the causal pathway between trauma and alcohol use disorders (Shin et al. 2009). One pathway that may explain how early life adversity and adolescent alcohol use lead to AUD in adulthood is through long term changes in gene expression as a result of epigenetic modification. Exposure to early life adversity and adolescent alcohol use independently lead to long-term epigenetic changes (Houtepen et al. 2016, Kyzar et al. 2016). Markers of early life adversity have been demonstrated to show conserved epigenetic changes between human and rat hippocampal tissue providing scope for translation between preclinical and epidemiological studies (Suderman et al. 2012).
This study aims to explore the interaction between early life adversity and adolescent alcohol use in the development of alcohol use disorders in adulthood using the ALSPAC cohort. This study will quantify ACEs in the ALSPAC cohort using previously developed approaches (Houtepen et al. 2018) and develop an approach to quantify adolescent alcohol use. These measures will be used as predictors of a diagnosis of AUD using DSM V criteria at age 25. Epigenetic associations with early life adversity and adolescent alcohol use will be explored with the intention of using these findings to bridge between this study and a parallel programme of preclinical experiments taking place Department of Physiology, Pharmacology and Neuroscience at the University of Bristol.
B3923 - Examining the relationship between leptin levels in childhood and lifetime anorexia nervosa using observational and genetic epid - 16/11/2021
In this project we plan to use longitudinal observational data and human genetics to examine the relationship between leptin and anorexia nervosa
Leptin is a hormone with pleiotropic functions that affect several tissues in animal and human subjects (Hebebrand, 2006) and is shown to be involved in eating behaviour (Farooqi, 2007). Several symptoms in individuals with anorexia nervosa have been reported to be related to low leptin levels (Hebebrand, 2006) and a recent MR investigation found that a low endogenous leptin synthesis represented a risk factor for developing anorexia nervosa (Peters, 2021). Whether this association is dependent on leptin levels at particular time periods in the lifecourse is yet to be determined. In this project we plan to use longitudinal observational data and human genetics to examine the relationship between leptin in childhood and anorexia nervosa later in the lifecourse.
B3926 - What is the relationaship between biological markers of adversity and chronic inflammation to psychiatric outcomes at age 24 - 29/11/2021
A wealth of data implicates inflammation in the pathophysiology of psychiatric and many other disorders. Childhood adversity is a risk factor for later psychiatric disorder and it is associated chronic inflammation as measured by the soluble urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor [suPAR]). We have shown that suPAR is elevated among ALSPAC participants who have psychotic experiences and psychotic disorder at age 24. We have also shown that the complement pathway in the blood, which contributes to inflammation, is upregulated in the blood 6 years prior to the identification of psychotic disorder (PMID 29036721). Similarly we have shown that people at clinical high risk for psychosis who later develop a psychotic disorder show increased baseline levels of markers of the complement pathway (PMID 32857162). Most recently we have shown (preliminary data) that the complement pathway is upregulated among those in the first episode of psychosis who respond well to antipsychotic drugs. These findings implicate the complement pathway in psychosis. Of the members of the complement pathway that have been shown to be dysregulated, C1r, has been most consistently and strongly altered and has been validated using ELISA (PMID 32857162; PMID 32857162). C1r is linked to the activation of C4A variant implicated so strongly in schizophrenia genomic studies (PMID: 26814963) and is associated with other medical diseases such SLE and Hereditary Angioedema.
What is not known is:
1. what is the relationship of this marker of chronic inflammation [suPAR] and this plasma marker of the complement pathway, C1r, at age 24 to adversity in childhood and adolescence
2. what is the relationship between plasma suPAR and plasma C1r.
3. do measures of suPAR and C1r at age 24 mediate the relationship between adversity in childhood and adolescence and psychiatric outcomes at age 24.
We propose to answer these questions by quantifying these markers of chronic inflammation and complement activation in all young people who gave bloods in the ALSPAC clinics at age 24 to investigate the relationship to adversity and psychiatric outcomes at age 24.
We note that chronic inflammation and complement pathway function is an important contributing factor to many medical diseases and that this information can therefore be applied broadly and will find relevance far beyond the field of psychiatry.
B3925 - Networks of Adversity in Childhood and Adolescence and their Relationship to Adult Mental Health - 17/11/2021
Adverse events before the age of eighteen are common and include diverse experiences ranging from sexual abuse to parental divorce. These stressful events have been linked to physical and mental health issues. Previous research has focused mainly on childhood adversity and adverse experiences in the family environment, and little consideration has been given to what types of adversity may be particularly harmful in adolescence.
B3879 - Gene-environment interactions in mental health trajectories of youth - 12/11/2021
This work aims to improving our understanding of the emergence of mental health problems across childhood, adolescence and young adulthood. We will investigate how different biological and environmental factors interact to drive or prevent the onset of mental ill-health.
B3878 - Play and Child Development Role of Parent and Child Genes and the Environment - 12/11/2021
To better understand the function of play, its origin, and purpose in child development; developmental psychology, and behavioural genetics methodologies are uniquely combined in an original approach to studying children's play. Variables related to children, their parents, and the genetic propensities of both will be combined to explore linkages between home environments, play, and children’s social/cognitive outcomes, in a cross-cohort-longitudinal approach. Data from three UK longitudinal studies will be used in a holistic attempt to tap into the construct of play given it is a multidimensional construct. The study addresses the call for novel approaches to studying how play relates to child development.
B3924 - Novel diagnostic and therapeutic pathways and improved exacerbation prediction in asthma and COPD - 19/11/2021
Respiratory disease, the third largest cause of death in England, affects one in five people. Hospital admissions for lung diseases drive NHS winter pressures, costing £11billion annually. Reducing the impact of respiratory disease and associated health inequalities is a UK Government priority (UK Life Sciences Vision 2021).
In collaboration with ALSPAC we will focus on
• Workstream 2: Asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
B3921 - Sugar Sweetened Beverages and adiposity - 04/11/2021
It has been repeated suggested that drinking sugar sweetened drinks is a major risk factor for obesity. The role of pure fruit is controversial as although it contains natural sugar it also provides beneficial polyphenosl and vitamin C. The project will compare the drinking sugar sweetened drinks, sugar sweetened fruit containing drinks and pure fruit juice by the mother during pregnancy and during the firts year of age. The effects on the weight gain during the first ten years of life will be examined.
B3920 - The connectomics of Alzheimers risk characterising brain temporal network dynamics in young adults - 04/11/2021
Using advanced imaging and novel mathematical approaches, we will identify spatio-temporal brain networks that show altered dynamics in young adults with genetic risk for Alzheimer's disease. The PhD will provide grounding in network neuroscience — an evolving field using network theories to study the brain across multiple scales and modalities.
B3899 - Developmentally-induced DNA methylation changes in response to maternal tobacco and cannabis use during pregnancy - 03/11/2021
Substance use during pregnancy is a large driver of health inequalities in exposed children, and despite the known impacts on infant health that accompany its use, tobacco use during pregnancy is still prevalent. Additionally, cannabis use in pregnant women is increasing. Tobacco use during pregnancy is associated with low birth weight, respiratory distress, and an increased risk of neurodevelopmental disorders and Irritable Bowel Disease (IBD) in exposed offspring. Developmentally-induced health inequalities are often driven by environmentally-induced genetic change, and our recent research has shown a link between DNA methylation and neurodevelopmental disorders. Interestingly, exposure to cannabis during development shows similar phenotypic patterns to tobacco, however, the molecular links between exposure and phenotype have not yet been explored.
Thus, in addition to data derived from our current cohorts (the Christchurch Health and Development Study [CHDS], Southampton Trio Cohort of the UK & Ireland Paediatric IBD Genetics Group) which both have well documented maternal tobacco and cannabis exposure measures, and manifestations of disease in the offspring, we seek to include DNA methylation data from ALSPAC to determine whether maternal tobacco and cannabis use impacts the genome of exposed offspring at genes involved in neurodevelopment and immune regulation, which may help explain the observed link between developmental exposure and offspring outcomes.
This research addresses the knowledge gaps around the association of maternal substance use and health outcomes in children, clarifying the potential risks of substance use, particularly maternal cannabis use, and indicate what this might mean for the health outcomes of exposed children.
B3915 - Smoking induced newborn DNA methylation and early childhood caries experience - 01/11/2021
Dental caries a complex chronic disease of multifactorial etiology that affects a children worldwide. Its risk factors include a susceptible tooth, fermentable sugars and caries bacteria. Certain upstream factors have also been implicated in the etiology of dental caries and they are those that promote a favorable oral environment for dental caries susceptibility and progression. One of such upstream factors is prenatal smoking. The prenatal period is a sensitive time for fetal growth and development, including the development of the primary tooth germ that commences at the end of the 5th week of gestation. Exposure to prenatal smoking during this critical period not only affects the health and wellbeing of the developing fetus but also the quality of the developing tooth. Previous studies that have found an association between prenatal smoking and dental caries in the child relied on self-reported smoking during pregnancy, and thus, susceptible misreporting and recall bias of actual smoking status. This current study utilizes an objective measure of exposure to smoking in-utero in the form of newborn DNA methylation (DNAm) measured in cord blood collected at birth.
B3918 - Modelling longitudinal trajectories of lung function using UNICORN cohorts - 28/10/2021
Introduction: Several studies have reported that lung function in early adulthood is a significant predictor of mortality and COPD and that childhood events in part determine lung function in adult life. Multiple birth cohort’s studies support these findings; these studies have shown different lung function growth trajectories in the population. Most of the studies reported parallel lung function trajectories with two to four trajectories, except Tasmanian longitudinal health study. Tasmanian longitudinal health study identifies six trajectories, besides persistently high, average, below average, persistently low they also reported trajectories with early below average, accelerated decline and early low, accelerated growth, normal decline, the reason for this may be due to long follow-up time (up to age 53 years).
Hypothesis: We hypothesised that besides the parallel trajectories already reported in the literature, there are trajectories with both declining and increasing trends. We have already found some interesting findings to support our initial hypothesis using the MAAS and IOW data, which need validation using a similar cohort but larger sample size. Furthermore, using MASS and IOW, we are modelling other spirometry patterns derived from actual spirometry measures; these new derived markers are more clinically relevant and easily interpretable.
Methods: We will use a latent process mixed model for multivariate markers and latent transition analysis to support our hypothesis. After deriving the trajectories, we will identify early-life predictors for these trajectories; we will also use the genotyping data to see whether these trajectories have genetic bases. To Validate our findings from MAAS and IOW, we need a larger cohort, and ALSPAC is vital for this validation due to its larger sample size.
B3919 - Investigating the mechanisms underlying sleep problems and links to mental ill health in autistic children and adolescents - 01/11/2021
Disordered sleep is commonly reported in autism from a young age, as are symptoms of mental illness. Mental health and sleep are known to influence each other in a bidirectional manner within the general population, but the nature of the association between sleep and mental health problems in autism is poorly understood. Moreover, the underlying causes of sleep problems in autism are unknown. Thus, current treatments for sleep problems are largely ineffective in autistic people, and they also face severe consequences of mental ill health, such as high rates of suicidality and in-patient care. We aim to characterise the relationship between sleep problems and mental ill health, and identify factors underpinning the sleep problems in autism and in people with autistic traits. We will focus specifically on childhood and adolescence as this comprises the typical age-range of onset for problems in both sleep and mental health. Our approach to answering these questions will involve statistical modelling of longitudinal data on sleep and mental health in ALSPAC.
B3909 - The tempo of childhood growth and physical and neurocognitive development - 27/10/2021
In our research and clinical experience, we have found that children with delayed puberty often have delays in other aspects of childhood growth and development, including later emergence of adult teeth (secondary tooth eruption), slower growth in childhood, and delayed appearance of changes driven by hormones from the adrenal glands, such as pubic hair, underarm hair, and body odor. These observations suggest that some "master" mechanism (currently unknown) dictates the tempo of childhood growth and development.
This master mechanism may also affect aspects of neurocognitive development, as we have observed high rates of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in children with delayed puberty - over 35%, compared to 5% to 10% in the general population. Alternatively, it has been proposed that ADHD medications may affect the timing of puberty (perhaps through suppression of appetite, or by stimulating production of the hormone cortisol), though studies that have formally examined this possibility have not found evidence for this.
Our above studies focused on children with delayed puberty. In this project, we seek to examine relationships between these childhood milestones in a more general population. We also seek to identify the genetic factors that control the tempo of childhood growth and development.
B3793 - Clusters of exposome components and their association with lung function evolution during the youth - REMEDIA project - 19/11/2021
The concept of exposome refers to the totality of the environmental exposures (diet, lifestyle, occupational and environmental factors, …) from conception onwards, including its external and internal components. Among non-communicable respiratory diseases, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and cystic fibrosis (CF) are two highly debilitating diseases that are of particular interest to consider in parallel in a human exposome study. The overall objective of the REMEDIA project is to determine how and to what extent the exposome affects the severity and morbidity of COPD and CF throughout the progression of disease, thus providing key elements to design more tailored prevention and care programs. We assess exposome and health data from several cohorts and population registers to determine, at various times of life, whether specific exposome(s) is(are) associated with particular phenotypes of COPD/CF in terms of severity, morbidity, exacerbations and co-morbidities. Yet, lung function development starts in utero and continue up to early adulthood, when a maximal lung function is reached. It is therefore of crucial importance to understand the impact of exposome on this key determinant of adult pulmonary health.
We hypothesize that lung diseases occurrence and lung function development during the youth is both influenced directly by individual/contextual components of the exposome and indirectly (mediated) via more complex pathways. Human research on this topic has generally focused on single exposure–health effect relationships. Our objective is to consider a broader definition to the exposome accounting for its multiple facets at the individual/contextual levels, also taking into account the potential clustering of exposures which may often be observed in combination (e.g. air pollution, socioeconomic indicators and individual health-related behaviours).
Consequently, the specific objective to be addressed using the ALPSAC cohort is to investigate whether there are specific exposome components, in isolation and/or in combination (clusters), linked to lung function trajectories and maximal achieved lung function at early adulthood, taken as an early determinant of COPD and CF outcome.