Proposal summaries
B4567 - Anthropogenic Chemicals and Human Health - Non-invasive Human Biomonitoring Pilot Study - 27/03/2024
This project seeks to develop a non-invasive, human biomonitoring method to assess human exposure to anthropogenically sourced chemicals. In our day to day lives, humans are exposed to a mixture of “man-made” chemicals from the materials we touch, the food we eat or air we breathe. Some of these environmental pollutants may persist and accumulate in the human body, with potentially harmful or unknown health implications. Such chemicals may include pesticides, commercial drugs, flame retardants, combustion products of fuels, plasticisers or cosmetic components. Aside from accumulation in the blood, which would require invasive sampling to assess exposure, some of these anthropogenic chemicals can accumulate in human hair or nails. The focus of this pilot study is to develop an extraction procedure, to separate the target chemicals from hair, and optimised analytical approaches for chemical identification and quantification. For this, hair samples are required for method development. There is potential for this developed method to incentivise funding for additional sampling and analysis of a larger study group. A broader biomonitoring survey may provide valuable insight into chemical exposure sources and persistence both temporally and regionally. Monitoring exposure of chemicals with recognised human health implications may also provide new insight into the incidence of illness and disease.
B4548 - Intergenerational education persistence and aspirations - 13/03/2024
We try to understand intergenerational inequalities in education. Unraveling the process of human capital transmission over generations is fundamental to uncover the sources of inequality. Understanding the sources of inequality in turn is crucial to design and justify redistribution policies.
The process of human capital transmission is a widely researched topic in economics and social sciences. Given that parents transmit their genes to their children and expose these children to a particular environment at the same time, it is incredibly challenging to disentangle the pathways through which human capital transmission takes place. With the recent advances of social science genetics we can now have a direct measure of one’s genetic predisposition for a certain trait. In particular, we want to exploit the fact that ALSPAC contains a) genetic information on the child’s mother and father; b) detailed information on educational achievement of the child and parents; c) detailed information of the parental and peer behavior towards the child; c) educational aspirations and social network data.
Jointly, we hope to answer the question to what extent intergenerational inequality is due to genetic transmission, and environmental transmission including the educational aspirations of parents, children and their peers.
B4558 - Childhood Obesity and Overweight GWAS for the EGG consortium - 23/04/2024
Obesity is a common health problem. Obesity can start early in life, and it is thought that genetic factors may be important in people who become obese at a young age. Little is known about these genetic factors in children compared to adults. An international effort co-ordinated by the Early Growth Genetics consortium (EGG) is currently underway which aims to test for genetic effects on different measures of overweight and obesity in childhood. This proposal plans to carry out analysis of different measures of overweight and obesity in children in the ALSPAC cohort, and plans to share summary results of this analysis with EGG.
B4522 - The role of cognition in the association between early-life air pollution exposure and subclinical psychotic experiences - 12/03/2024
Air pollution is one of the biggest environmental health risks that the world faces, and is particularly problematic in cities. Growing evidence also suggests that air pollution may contribute to the development of mental health problems, including psychosis and psychotic experiences. However, little is known about the potential mechanisms that could link air pollution to mental health. One explanation includes disrupted neurocognitive development, which may be a consequence of air pollution, and subsequently increase risk for mental health problems.
B4552 - Early regulatory problems and adverse health and social outcomes in adolescence - 11/03/2024
Developing good self-regulation skills is one of the most important tasks for a child to accomplish. Earliest signs of difficulties in self-regulation include excessive crying, sleeping, or feeding difficulties, which are labelled as ‘regulatory problems’. Increasing evidence has shown that regulatory problems in infancy/toddlerhood increase the risk of several negative outcomes such as attention problems, emotional and behavioral dysregulation in childhood, and depressive symptoms in adolescence. However, it remains unknown if regulatory problems in infancy/toddlerhood are also associated with adverse health and social outcomes in adolescence.
The current study aims to investigate whether regulatory problems in infancy/toddlerhood increase the risk of following adverse a) health outcomes in adolescence: harmful drinking, smoking, cannabis use, illicit drug use, problem gambling, unwanted pregnancy, obesity, excessive screen time, and self-harm at 18 years, and b) social outcomes in adolescence: getting into trouble with police, not being in education, employment or training (NEET), low peer social support, low closeness in romantic relationships and relationship with parents.
B4557 - Investigating the relationships linking adverse childhood experiences to psychotic-like experiences - 11/03/2024
Psychosis is a severe mental health problem whereby sufferers lose some contact with reality. Two main symptoms of psychosis are hallucinations, where people hear or see something that others cannot, and delusions, where a person has strong beliefs that are not shared by others. People with a psychotic disorder are approximately 2-3 times as likely to have had adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) compared to those without this diagnosis. However, the exact mechanisms linking childhood trauma to psychosis and whether certain characteristics can reduce this risk are unknown. The prevalence of psychotic symptoms reduces from childhood into early adulthood, suggesting that most psychotic experiences in young people are short-term. However, less is known about what factors may predict the persistence of these symptoms. Much of the literature investigating the role of ACEs in the onset of psychosis has been based on study designs which only provide weak evidence about causation. For example, much of the literature relies on case-control studies which can only detect associations, rather than causal relationships between ACEs and psychosis, as a third, unaccounted variable may explain the association.
This project will examine:
(1) The trajectories of psychotic experiences from childhood into early adulthood and whether exposure to ACEs predicts the persistence of symptoms;
(2) whether social factors and cannabis use make the relationship between ACEs and psychosis stronger or weaker; and
(3) pathways linking ACEs to psychosis, namely cannabis use, self-esteem and PTSS (posttraumatic stress symptoms).
B4554 - Investigating physical and mental health multimorbidity determinants throughout the lifespan - 13/03/2024
Multimorbidity (MM) happens when two or more different diseases are present at the same time in an individual. This is common between physical and psychiatric diseases with almost half of people with a psychiatric disease also having a physical disease. As well as about a third of people with a physical disease also having a psychiatric disease. These patients have worse quality of life than those with a single disease, they often struggle to get the best care and are at risk of living less long. A common and serious type of MM is between internalizing diseases (depression and anxiety) and cardiovascular disease (ICV-MM). Still, very little is understood as to how ICV-MM develops and why it happens. We do know however that both internalizing disease and cardiovascular risk (e.g., obesity, cholesterol) tend to begin before adulthood.
To really understand how ICV risk develops, we need large studies of people of all ages whose health has been followed over time. Studies of children are crucial because they can tell us about early risks for development of ICV-MM later in life. This is important for developing better plans to prevent at-risk children developing ICV-MM. We also know that certain conditions that start early in life (neurodevelopmental conditions) such as intellectual disability, autism and ADHD increase risk of developing ICV MM later. Children's environments can also increase this risk, for example, stressful experiences such as poverty and physical or sexual abuse. But how exactly neurodevelopmental conditions and early environmental risks influence the development of ICV-MM over the lifespan is still not understood. Certain groups are known to be at increased risk of ICV-MM, such as people of South Asian heritage and women, but we don't know why this is. Better understanding of how ICV-MM develops in different groups in society will help doctors give patients care that is matched to their specific needs. It will also help doctors, governments and schools prevent ICV-MM in at-risk children in ways that work best for them.
To really understand the complexities of ICV-MM development, a team of researchers with a wide range of expertise is needed who together understand physical and psychiatric diseases as well as how neurodevelopmental conditions and the environments people live in influence them throughout their lives. The PhD student will benefit from working within our LIfespaN multimorbidity research Collaborative (LINC), which combines wide-ranging medical and research expertise in physical and psychiatric diseases. LINC has brought together five very large studies (of which the student will access two – ALSPAC and UK Biobank) in which the health of many people has been followed over time. Rich medical data is available, including from medical records. Important information has been collected such as on people's living environments, life events and lifestyles. These studies follow the health over time of children, adolescents and adults. We can therefore study how internalizing and cardiovascular disease happen together in adulthood. Importantly we can then also study early risk factors in the children before they develop these conditions. Because our child and adult samples differ in ethnicity and economic situation, we can also study how the development of ICV-MM differs for different groups in society. The student’s studies will further LINC’s efforts in understanding how ICV-MM develops and which circumstances influence this. What we learn will be important for the prevention of ICV-MM in children who are at risk because of their sex, or ethnic or economic reasons. The student will disseminate their research to Welsh government, patient and public involvement groups and charities to develop specific health advice in order to reduce ICV-MM in at risk groups in the future.
B4551 - Consortium of Refractive Error And Myopia research in Children - 21/05/2024
Myopia (near-sightedness) is increasing in prevalence worldwide, most likely due to higher levels of education and changing lifestyles of young generations. The expectation is that half of the world’s citizens will be myopic by 2050. Myopia-related complications later in life are a serious threat to vision and will increase the rates of untreatable blindness. Prevention strategies and pharmacological and optical treatments to delay progression of myopia in childhood are emerging, but most eye care professionals still do not apply these interventions due to inadequate information and limited efficacy. To facilitate future myopia research, the Consortium of Refractive Error And Myopia research in Children (CREAM-Kids) is embarking on a collaboration to collect, harmonize and openly release individual-level data for 16 different cohorts of children from across the world. We aim to accurately predict myopia progression, identify lifestyle risk factors for myopia, and develop targeted prevention strategies.
B4555 - Can arts engagement protect against common mental health issues in children and young people - 05/03/2024
This project sets out to investigate whether involvement in the arts can play a role in preventing anxiety, depression, and eating disorders among young people. By analysing data from large community studies tracking the development of children over time, we aim to achieve four main objectives:
1) Current Relationship: We will look into the connection between participating in the arts and the mental health of young individuals at the present moment.
2) Future Impact: We aim to understand if there's a link between participating in the arts at one time and later mental health outcomes of young people. This will help us determine if arts involvement could potentially act as a preventive measure against mental health issues.
3) Variations Across Time and Countries: Through comparing data from different cohorts, we will explore whether the relationship between arts engagement and mental health outcomes varies over time and across different countries.
4) Arts engagement as a protective factor: We will explore whether arts engagement may protect against later mental illness in children experiencing socioeconomic adversity using mediation methods.
By undertaking this careful analysis, we hope to provide high-quality evidence regarding the potential benefits of arts engagement in promoting good mental wellbeing in young people. This research could inform interventions and policies aimed at promoting mental health through creative activities, potentially offering valuable insights into preventive strategies for anxiety, depression, and eating disorders among young individuals.
B4549 - Investigating the associations between ADHD sleep disturbance and comorbid mental health outcomes across the lifespan Part 2 - 04/03/2024
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a common diagnosis. It affects around 3% of the population. ADHD has symptoms of hyperactivity, inattention, or both. Although ADHD is usually seen in childhood, it is now accepted that for many, ADHD persists into adulthood. Adults with ADHD are more likely to also have symptoms of depression and anxiety. Without effective management, this can make life more difficult for someone with ADHD.
Both children and adults with ADHD also often report sleep problems. Getting good quality sleep is crucial to someone's health. Sleep problems are also a key aspect of mental health conditions, including anxiety and depression. In this proposal, we set out how we aim to investigate what role sleep disturbance plays in both ADHD and mental health.
This project will use existing measures collected from consenting ALSPAC participants. In particular, we will use measures of ADHD symptoms, sleep, anxiety, and depression. Through statistical analysis, we will explore whether ADHD influences someone's sleep quality. We will build on this by exploring whether a relationship between ADHD and sleep goes on to impact someone's mental health.
Our findings may have consequences for how we view the importance of sleep for someone with ADHD. Crucially, sleep is a modifiable behaviour. Our results may help promote clinical recommendations that consider sleep as a key component of ADHD management.
This proposal will use the dataset for B4541 only. No new data is required.
B4543 - Associations of air pollution exposure with epigenetic age at birth and in childhood a meta-analysis LongITools - 04/03/2024
Early-life exposure to ambient air pollution has been associated with adverse birth outcomes and poorer health across the life course. The mechanisms underlying these associations are still unclear, but differential DNA methylation might be involved. Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and particulate matter (PM) exposure in pregnancy have been found to be associated with newborn DNA methylation. The objective of the present study is to examine the associations of air pollutant exposure during early life with epigenetic age acceleration at birth, in childhood and in adolescence in a multi-cohort setting.
B4550 - Is persistent childhood irritability a core feature of ADHD - 05/03/2024
Severe irritability, characterized by an elevated disposition towards anger and provocation relative to peers, is highly impairing, disruptive and a common reason for referral to mental health services. It also co-occurs with several different mental health and neurodevelopmental conditions, such as ADHD, autism, anxiety, and depression. Importantly, severe irritability is currently classified differently in European (ICD-11) and American (DSM-5) diagnostic manuals, either as a behavioural or mood problem, respectively. A high prevalence of irritability in children with ADHD, along with genetic overlap, has also led to the hypothesis that irritability may be a core feature of ADHD, a neurodevelopmental condition. Recent research suggests that irritability may be different (e.g., more related to ADHD or mood/depression phenotypes) depending on the age when symptoms commence. Research that spans different ages is therefore very important. This project aims to test the hypothesis that childhood-onset persistent irritability, resembles ADHD in its developmental course and aetiology.
B4546 - Social Inequality in child mental health difficulties Understanding epigenetic and family pathways - 04/03/2024
Social inequality is the unequal distribution of socio-economic (SES) resources which affects people’s standards of living. Typically, individuals from lower SES backgrounds have a higher risk of poor physical and mental health, and children, have an increased likelihood of developing emotional and behavioural difficulties. Multiple factors such as family stress or genetics can influence this relationship between SES position and mental health difficulties. For example, low family income can contribute to difficulty in affording needs and parental distress, which in turn may lead to harsher parenting or family conflict which affect child development. Some of the exposures associated with low SES position can lead to heritable changes in gene expression without altering the DNA sequence which could then affect mental health outcomes. These changes are known as epigenetics, and DNA methylation (DNAm) is the most common epigenetic mechanism through which social inequality can affect gene expression. Low SES position has been previously associated with more alterations to DNAm profiles compared to higher SES positions. DNA methylation occurring in some gene regions have also been observed to associate with child mental health difficulties. Therefore, in this study we propose to investigate the relationship between SES position and child mental health difficulties, and whether this relationship can be explained by epigenetic changes and family functioning. We will make use of multiple methods, most notably structural equation modelling (SEM) for longitudinal analysis of participant data from the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC).
B4553 - Pregnancy history of ALSPAC G1 participants - 04/03/2024
We will prepare a complete history of pregnancies for ALSPAC G1 female participants and those of G1 male partners.
This will help us to identify participants who have never enrolled in G2 and ensure we have the correct information for those who have enrolled. We plan to provide summary data for other researchers and produce a data note explaining the variables we have derived.
B4545 - Prediction of persistent atopic dermatitis in childhood a comparative study of birth cohorts in diverse settings - 01/03/2024
Eczema (atopic dermatitis) is a skin condition which causes dry and sore skin. It affects up to 20% of children worldwide. In some children their eczema symptoms will improve and resolve as they get older, but in others the symptoms can persist throughout childhood and severely impact quality of life. If we could identify the children who are likely to go on to have persistent or severe eczema, they could be offered more intensive or different treatment for their eczema. There have been several studies to define subtypes of eczema, such as early-onset resolving or persistent, and to try to identify which early life factors are associated with each subtype. However, the evidence so far is conflicting, there are no clinical risk prediction tools available, and most studies have only involved children of European ancestry. There is a critical need for a clinical risk prediction algorithm that could facilitate teat decision-making in clinic and inform whether emergent treatments are disease-modifying.
This study will analyse existing data from birth cohort studies which include children from a range of ethnic groups. Within each cohort we will group children with eczema into subgroups, according to the age at first symptoms, whether the symptoms come and go over time or are persistent, and the severity of the symptoms. Then we will investigate whether persistent or severe eczema (compared to resolving eczema) is linked to early factors such as family history of eczema, sex at birth, birth weight, ethnicity, breastfeeding and genetic factors.
We will develop prognostic models to help counsel parents on treatment decisions and stratify patients in future clinical trials. Within each cohort, we will also examine a longer list of early life factors that may be more challenging to measure to examine how much they increase the utility of the prognostic models. Comparison of the findings between cohorts will identify common predictors of persistent eczema which could help target treatment to children at risk, and identify areas that may require additional focus.
B4547 - Dynamic complementarities in human capital - 05/03/2024
The goal of the European Social Science Genetics Network (ESSGN) is to integrate genetic information in the social sciences to improve our understanding of a range of long-standing questions, including the roots of inequality, the 'nature versus nurture' debate, and the significance of the interplay between environments and genes in shaping individuals' lives. Building on the significance of teacher quality (proxied by teachers’ value-added in cognitive and non-cognitive skills) in influencing student outcomes, our study within the network aims to investigate whether children with low/high genetic predispositions to education benefit more/less to varying levels of teacher quality within the ALSPAC cohort. This investigation involves aligning data on teacher and school quality with genotyped parents and children from ALSPAC to investigate the influence of teachers on life chances, and potential moderation of this relationship by children’s genetic predisposition.
B4531 - Fetal and Infant Growth and Childhood Behavior and Cognitive Outcomes Individual Participant Data Meta-analysis 95000 children - 26/02/2024
In this project we will examine the associations of fetal and infant growth with behavior and cognitive outcomes in children between 4 and 15 years old. Specifically, we will evaluate the effect of birth weight, gestational age at birth, gestational age adjusted birth weight and internalizing and externalizing problems, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder symptoms, autism spectrum disorder traits and non-verbal IQ. Furthermore, we will examine the associations of growth patterns between birth weight and infancy body mass index and the same behavior and cognitive outcomes. For this study, we will use harmonized data from birth cohort studies across Europe and analyze this data combined.
B4542 - Identifying markers for brain signatures of adolescent depression and depression risk - part 2 - 20/02/2024
We are requesting permission for a PhD rotation student to analyse existing data that is held at the University of Edinburgh under the proposal B3860. We do not require any more data, only to allow the student access to this data so they can replicate some analysis that has been done in Generation Scotland.
B3860 is examining: investigating the brain signatures of
adolescent depression and depression risk. In order to fully examine this project,
we are running some initial analysis to define the most robust markers of
depression across adolescence. From preliminary analysis and other research, we
have found that trajectories of depressive symptoms may be robust markers for
some brain signatures. Additionally, these trajectories could mediate the
relationship between early risk factors and later brain signatures.
B4535 - How Childhood Dietary Patterns Shape Adolescence-to-Early Adulthood Metabolic Health and Immune Response - 26/02/2024
A healthy, balanced diet is important for keeping metabolic health and supporting immune system. Obesity is associated with a wide range of metabolic syndromes, including dyslipidemia, hyperglycemia and fatty liver. Hyperglycemia and lipid accumulation may provoke lipid oxidation and further lead to an overproduction of cytokines, hyperactivation of complement system and activation of coagulation system, which all serve as immunological triggers to severe infection of COVID-19 as well as other infectious diseases. With the soaring prevalence of cardiometabolic diseases attributed to obesity and metabolic syndrome, the significance of dietary factors in this context is becoming increasingly emphasized. Mirroring the obesity pandemic in adults, paediatric obesity is also rapidly growing worldwide. As a consequence, metabolic dysfunction-associated steatolic liver disease (MASLD) has become the most common liver disease affecting children1. A concern about paediatric liver diseases is that the disease is likely to persistent into adulthood, conferring a substantial cumulative risk of progressing into chronic liver disease, as well as cardiometabolic dysfunction2. Beyond examining individual dietary components, such as fruits or red meat individually, the impact of overall dietary patterns during childhood on indicators of overall health outcomes, such as blood glucose levels, blood pressure, liver fat and chronic inflammation, in adolescence and early adulthood remain inadequately understood. Moreover, the advent of advanced omics technologies, such as metabolomics, provides a promising approach to elucidate the intricate mechanisms/pathways linking dietary patterns to health outcomes. In the current proposed project, we will explore all the potential associations between dietary patterns and immune response, as well as potential metabolic-related mediators to explain the observed associations between diet and immune response through mediation analysis in the ALSPAC study.
B4538 - Genome-Wide Association Study of Lipid Traits and the influence of Body-Mass Index and Age - 20/02/2024
The Global Lipids Genetics Consortium (GLGC) is a world-wide collaboration of investigators dedicated to understanding how the different variants in genes can influence the blood levels of lipid traits, such as cholesterol, triglycerides, etc. In our study, we will analyse the association of gene variants with blood lipid levels, considering the effect of age and body-mass index in ALSPAC participants. The results will be combined with results from other groups of participants around the world to be able to identify new gene variants that help understand the biology of blood lipid traits.