Proposal summaries
B1069 - Changes in sedentary behaviour and cardiorespiratory fitness during childhood LINKED WITH B0679 - 03/11/2010
Sedentary behaviour, independent of physical activity, is a risk factor for impaired metabolic health and early mortality (1, 2). A limited number of cross-sectional studies have been conducted to determine if sedentary behaviour is associated with cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) (3, 4). A study assessing change in sedentary behaviour with regard to CRF levels would advance the understanding of the association between sedentary behaviour and CRF.
The purpose of the study is to determine if high levels of sedentary behaviour are independently associated with CRF levels during childhood.
- Objective 1: To determine if changes in sedentary behaviour from 12- to 16-years influence CRF levels at 16-years, independent of physical activity levels.
- Objective 2: To determine if gender, socioeconomic status and adiposity categories modify the association between changes in accelerometry determined sedentary behavior and CRF levels, as children age over time.
Dependent Variable:
- CRF at 16-years
Independent Variable:
- Sedentary behaviour class trajectory
- Moderate-to-vigorous physical activity at 16-years (MVPA; mins/d(cubed)3600cpm)
- CRF at 9-years
- Fat mass at 16-years (DXA)
- Breast-feeding status
- Social class
- Maternal obesity
- Maternal smoking status
- Birth weight
- Length of gestation
Statistical Analysis:
Trajectory classes of sedentary behaviour will be identified using latent class growth analysis, using PROC TRAJ (SAS version 9.2). Consideration will be given to quadratic models to determine if the trajectory classes are linear or curvilinear over time. The final number of classes identified will be determined by comparing Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) values. The resulting trajectory classes identified include individuals with the highest posterior probability of belonging to a particular trajectory class (5).
To address objective 1, analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) models will be conducted to determine if CRF levels at 16-years vary among the trajectory class of sedentary behaviour. The first ANCOVA model will adjust for CRF at 9-years-old, and the second ANCOVA model will additionally adjust for daily minutes of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA; accelerometer counts >=3600cpm) at 16-years-old. The third model will additionally adjust for fat mass at 16-years. The forth model will additionally adjust for breast-feeding status, maternal obesity, social class and maternal smoking status. The sedentary behaviour trajectory class variable will be treated as a categorical variable throughout and Tukey adjustments will be made to account for multiple comparisons between the trajectory classes.
To address objective 2, interaction terms will be included in the ANCOVA models. Specifically, a gender x sedentary behaviour interaction term will be included to assess if the association between change in sedentary behaviour and CRF is different for boys and girls. Second, a social class x sedentary behaviour interaction term will be included to determine if the association between change in sedentary behaviour and CRF is different between social class categories. Finally, a fat mass x sedentary behaviour interaction term will be included to determine if the association between change in sedentary behaviour and CRF is different depending on the level of fat mass. All analyses will be using SAS (version 9.2) and the statistical significance level of alpha=0.05 will be used throughout.
Proposed Tables/Figures:
- Figure 1: Trajectory classes of sedentary behaviour from 12- to 16-years
- Table 1: Descriptive statistics by sedentary behaviour trajectory classes
- Table 2: Association between sedentary behaviour class and CRF at 16-years
- Table 3: Association between sedentary behaviour and CRF at 16-years by gender, socioeconomic status and adiposity categories
Target Journals:
- Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise (MSSE)
- British Journal of Sports Medicine
- Katzmarzyk PT, Church TS, Craig CL, Bouchard C. Sitting time and mortality from all causes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. Med Sci Sports Exerc. May 2009;41(5):998-1005.
- Ekelund U, Brage S, Froberg K, et al. TV viewing and physical activity are independently associated with metabolic risk in children: the European Youth Heart Study. PLoS Med. Dec 2006;3(12):e488.
- Grund A, Krause H, Siewers M, Rieckert H, Muller MJ. Is TV viewing an index of physical activity and fitness in overweight and normal weight children? Public Health Nutr. Dec 2001;4(6):1245-1251.
- Lobelo F, Dowda M, Pfeiffer KA, Pate RR. Electronic media exposure and its association with activity-related outcomes in female adolescents: cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses. J Phys Act Health. Mar 2009;6(2):137-143.
- Andruff HC, N.; Thompson, A.; Gaudreau, P.; Louvet, B. Latent class growth modelling: a tutorial. Tutorials in Quantitative Methods for Psychology. 2009;5(1):11-24.
B1080 - The determinants of measures of immune function in a wild mammal - 02/11/2010
The purpose of the proposed research is to identify and quantify the principal determinants of measures of immune
function of a wild mammal, Mus musculus. The immune function of wild animals, and its control, is very poorly
understood, despite the key role that immune function plays in their fitness. We do not know what immune responses wild
animals make, nor what affects and controls this.
Wild animals are continually exposed to infections, against which they make immune responses. This inter-play between
exposure to infection and retaliatory immune responses ultimately determines the fitness and survival of individual
animals. Animal immune function is also central to host-pathogen population dynamics. Immune responses are the key
link between, and mediator of, these processes but are poorly understood in the natural environment. Understanding
what controls immune function, and the effects of immune function, is central to understanding the consequences of
infection for wild animals (as well as for their pathogens). Our work will exploit the deep laboratory based knowledge and
understanding of murine immunology and use a wide range of validated tools to - for the first time - discover what immune
responses a wild animal makes and what controls this.
Laboratory studies have shown the many factors that may affect immune responses (sex, genetics, nutritional status, age,
infection status etc.) but which factors actually do affect immune function, nor their relative roles and importance, in wild
animals is not known.
In a pilot project that investigated the immune function of wild caught M. musculus, we found that the immune responses
of these animals differed substantially from each other (and differed markedly from laboratory mice).
We now to propose to undertake a full study of the immune function of wild mice and to partition the effect of different
intrinsic and extrinsic factors on M. musculus immune function. The specific objectives of the proposed work are to:
1. Make measures of immune function of wild M. musculus,
2. Quantify the effect of extrinsic and intrinsic factors on measures of immune function, and
3. Experimentally test causality of key explanatory factors of immune function.
To do this we will undertake a cross-sectional survey of wild M. musculus populations. We will assay the humoural and
cellular, innate and adaptive immune function of the mice. This will address objective 1. At the same time we shall
measure likely key intrinsic factors (sex, genetics, reproductive status, hormone status, body condition, infection status)
and extrinsic factors such as season and location. We will then seek to explain how the intrinsic and extrinsic factors (and
combinations of these factors) affect immune function, particularly using structural equation modelling. This will address
objective 2. To move from association to causality, we will then experimentally test these findings in wild mice, which will
address objective 3.
Understanding the control of immune responses and their relationship to other life-history aspects is central to ultimately
understanding fitness of wild animals. This information is key to understanding how wild animals deal with their existing
range of infection challenges and the effects that novel and emerging infections, or other changes in their environment,
will have on them. This is particularly pressing given the current high rate of environmental change.
B1071 - Maternal stress in pregnancy and risk of autistic traits and autism spectrum disorder in offspring - 02/11/2010
Several converging lines of evidence point towards the role of prenatal stress and anxiety in the aetiology of autism spectrum disorders , although population based human studies are scarce.1 One large Danish study investigating this issue used bereavement as a proxy for stress during pregnancy and observed associations which were lost in adjusted analysis (this included possible mediating factors that should arguably not be adjusted for). Two clinic based studies reported a significant effect of exposure to stressful life events on the diagnosis of autistic disorder in the child. Both these were small with retrospective data collection and may be open to selection and recall bias.2,3 There is also evidence from an ecological study describing higher incidence of autism in areas affected by tropical storms. Affective disorders in parents have also been reported to be 'independent' risk factors for autism in one study.4 However, reverse causality may explain this association since no study has ascertained parental diagnoses prior to the birth of the child, and caring for a disabled child may predispose parents to develop mood and anxiety disorders.
It is also not known if observed associations are largely due to a) genetic or biological factors related to stress and anxiety, b) foetal exposure to antidepressant or similar medication, c) due to early life environmental disadvantage associated with growing up with a stressed or mentally unwell parent, or d) chance findings as they have yet to be replicated in other well designed population based studies.
The ALSPAC data allows us to investigate these questions in some detail. First, stress and anxiety are measured in a number of ways, at different time points including adverse life events (possibly other measures of adversity- the 'stressors') as well as self reported anxiety (that may depict the individuals' response to stress, and may be used to differentiate between acute or chronic/ state or trait anxiety based on the number of times the woman appears stressed on questionnaires) along with possible confounders in this relationship including drug use and important socio-demographic characteristics.
1 Kinney DK, Munir KM, Crowley DJ, Miller AM. Prenatal stress and risk for autism. Neurosci Biobehav Rev 2008;32:1519-32.
2 Beversdorf DQ, Manning SE, Hillier A, Anderson SL, Nordgren RE, Walters SE, et al. Timing of prenatal stressors and autism. J Autism Dev Disord 2005;35:471-8.
3 Ward AJ. A comparison and analysis of the presence of family problems during pregnancy of mothers of "autistic" children and mothers of normal children. Child Psychiatry Hum Dev 1990;20:279-88.
4 Larsson HJ, Eaton WW, Madsen KM, Vestergaard M, Olesen AV, Agerbo E, et al. Risk factors for autism: perinatal factors, parental psychiatric history, and socioeconomic status. Am J Epidemiol 2005;161:916-25.
B1067 - Intrauterine exposure to tobacco use and childhood cognitive skills a parental-offspring comparison using the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children - 31/10/2010
Evidence increasingly suggests that mental health problems are associated with insults during critical times of brain development, and also by exposures over an individual's life course. These include in-utero exposures, which may lead to subtle neurobehavioral difficulties. Further, there is a body of evidence relating birth weight to cognitive function in childhood, though sibling-based analyses suggest the association is more likely to be due to fixed familial factors such as background socioeconomic position and behaviours/exposures that are similar for all siblings within a family. (1)
However, there is relatively little work on the role of early alcohol and tobacco exposure on the occurrence of a range of cognitive, behavioural and emotional difficulties. In-utero to these substances may cause a variety of adverse developmental outcomes. (2) Finally there is emerging evidence pointing to an association between alcohol and tobacco use in pregnancy and the development of addictive behaviours, such as addiction to alcohol and tobacco. (3-6)
The mechanisms underlying these associations are unclear. It is assumed that the effects are due to specific intrauterine exposure, but genetic factors and shared familial factors (including socioeconomic position, shared/learnt familiar behaviours) may well explain any link between maternal alcohol and tobacco consumption in pregnancy and later effects on offspring cognitive function and behaviour. One way to further explore this is to compare associations of maternal alcohol and tobacco use during pregnancy with offspring outcomes to the same associations with paternal alcohol and tobacco consumption. Analyses using these analytical techniques are needed to ascertain whether in-utero exposure to alcohol and tobacco consumption truly contributes to later developmental problems. If this is so it is also important to understand the mechanisms underlying these associations. To date only one study has done this and both George Davey Smith and I have been involved in preparing that paper (7).
In the previous paper published in 2008, we carried out comparisons of both alcohol and tobacco use with child's IQ at age 8 and found no important adverse effect of both moderate maternal alcohol and tobacco consumption on offspring IQ at age 8, though IQ scores were lower in children of mothers who reported greater quantity of 'binge'- like style of drinking. (7) Further to that study, a Welcome Trust project grant led by Dr Ron Grey, has allowed us to progress our work in this area and carry out maternal-offspring and paternal-offspring alcohol comparisons with a range of child's neuro-developmental outcomes, including cognitive abilities at age 11 (paper awaiting ALSPAC Exec approval).
The role of intra-uterine exposure to tobacco has not been investigated in this grant. Hence, we propose to examine the association between parental smoking and offspring cognitive abilities at age 11. Several studies have found an inverse association between parental (usually maternal) smoking during pregnancy and offspring IQ. Biological mechanisms involving in utero exposure to tobacco combustion products and their metabolites have been proposed however other evidence suggests that confounding by factors related to social position may be more important. [2,3] Unlike alcohol use, smoking at even relatively moderate levels may be a marker of adverse social environment in contemporary populations. This is likely to be particularly true of maternal smoking during pregnancy.
The aim of this proposal is to use ALSPAC data in order to determine whether intra-uterine exposure to tobacco consumption (assessed by maternal self-reports during pregnancy) is related to poorer academic abilities at age 11 (KS2 linked data). The association of maternal smoking during pregnancy with academic abilities will be compared to similar associations of paternal tobacco use (based on self-report by the partner of the mother, or where this is not available the mother's report of the fathers tobacco use, with restriction to those who define themselves as the biological father). This comparison will strengthen our ability to determine whether there is a true intrauterine effect, since if there is one, it should be only apparent with maternal tobacco use. Similar association between maternal and paternal tobacco use and child's cognitive skills would suggest that genetic factors and/or shared family environmental factors explain the association rather than specific intrauterine effects. We propose to examine the effect of maternal and paternal smoking during pregnancy and offspring KS2 scores at age 11, both before and after adjustment for covariates. I will conduct the analysis using the current Wellcome Trust dataset, and will need additional alcohol and tobacco variables in the postnatal period to include prenatal and postnatal parental effects in the analysis (see analysis used in the alcohol paper awaiting approval).
B1019 - An investigation of common genes influencing depression and cardiovascular disease in early life - 29/10/2010
This proposal is an extension of our proposal previously accepted by the ALSPAC executive committee (B627). The proposal (B627) was approved to investigate genetic mechanisms that may potentially explain the association between cardiovascular disease risk factors and psychosocial outcomes (specifically aggressive behaviour and anxious/depressed symptoms) throughout childhood. The association between CVD and its risk factors and psychosocial outcomes has been well documented in adult studies and more recently in childhood studies. There are no studies that have been published that have investigated genetic mechanisms that may explain this association.
In this proposal we seek approval for use of candidate genes, specifically Leptin (LEP), its receptor (LEPR) and Monoamine Oxidase A (MAO-A) gene, available within the ALSPAC genome wide scan genotype data.
We will use these SNPs to replicate our findings within the Western Australian Pregnancy Cohort (Raine) Study, an ongoing longitudinal prospective birth cohort of children. Briefly, the original cohort consisted of 2,900 pregnant women, all of whom were recruited at approximately 18 weeks of gestation. Their babies were serially followed from recruitment at the average ages of one, two, three, six, eight, ten and fourteen, seventeen and currently twenty-one years. The majority of the children are of Caucasian ethnicity (82% have two Caucasian parents). Depression and Aggression measures and certain CVD risk factors were assessed from the ages of five onwards.
Analysis of the ALSPAC data (genotype and phenotype) will be carried out inBristol. As we have most of the phenotype data, Sandra Louise will be able to provide all the necessary syntax required to carry out the genetic analysis.
B1065 - Adiposity and risk of self-harm/suicidal behaviour in ALSPAC trajectory analyses and a Mendelian randomisation study Fellowship - 27/10/2010
Several recent cohort studies have reported inverse linear associations of adiposity measures (e.g. body mass index, BMI) with risk of completed suicide (Magnusson et al. 2006; Mukamal et al. 2007; Bjerkeset et al. 2008; Batty et al. 2010; Mukamal et al. 2010). Stepwise associations are found across the range of BMI - low BMI is associated with increased suicide risk, and raised BMI is associated with reduced suicide risk. These associations are robust to controlling for a range of possible confounding factors, including mental illness, and are seen regardless of suicide method. In contrast, results from studies of non-fatal suicide attempts have been markedly less consistent (Jiang et al. 1999; Carpenter et al. 2000; Falkner et al. 2001; Eaton et al. 2005; Brunner et al. 2006; Dong et al. 2006; Crow et al. 2008; Osler et al. 2008; Dave et al. 2009; Batty et al. 2010). Likewise, studies report inconsistent findings for the association of obesity with depression (Lawlor et al. 2007; Atlantis et al. 2008; Bjerkeset et al. 2008; Luppino et al. 2010).
Body weight fluctuates over time, and distinct patterns of its change have been shown to be associated with particular psychiatric outcomes. For example, a prospective study of a sample of American children found associations of chronic obesity with defiant oppositional defiant disorder in boys and girls and with depressive disorders in boys (Mustillo et al. 2003). A recent birth cohort study finds associations of mood symptoms with change in body mass index over the course between age 15 to 53 years but the relationship varies by sex and age at onset of symptoms (Gaysina et al. 2010). However, there have been no studies investigating the association of the growth or adiposity trajectories with risk of suicidal behaviours.
One possible explanation for the conflicting findings of the association of adiposity with non-fatal suicide attempts is that the relationship is subject to confounding by other risk factors for suicide (e.g. smoking, alcohol use, physical and mental illness and socioeconomic position), which are associated with both body weight and suicide (Mukamal et al. 2010). One possible approach to examining the causality of the observed adiposity-suicide relationship is Mendelian randomisation (Batty et al. 2010), which uses genetic variations as non-confounded proxies for environmental exposures (Davey Smith et al. 2003; Lawlor et al. 2008). The recent discovery of common markers of obesity such as FTO (Frayling et al. 2007) and MC4R (Loos et al. 2008) makes it possible to investigate the association of adiposity with suicide using such an approach.
We aim to investigate whether self-harm/suicidal behaviour is associated with body weight or distinct growth/adiposity patterns within the ALSPAC cohort. We also aim to explore the potential of using the ALSPAC to investigate the causality of any observed relationship between adiposity and self-harm/suicidal behaviour using the Mendelian randomisation approach.
B1066 - The short and long-term impact of eating disorders on bone health and development - 26/10/2010
1) To determine the impact of adolescent eating disordered (ED) behaviours on bone accrual and bone development. To determine the role of factors such as caloric restriction, delayed puberty, excessive exercise, gender in explaining the effect of ED behaviours on bone health in adolescence.
2) To investigate the long-term impact of ED on bone mass in perimenopausal women.
3) To inform the development of effective strategies to prevent long-term consequences on bone health in subjects with ED
Eating disorders (ED) are chronic disorders and affect about 5-10% of the population (Hoek and Van Hoeken, 2003).
Adolescent ED and bone development: ED have a peak incidence in adolescence, a crucial time for physical and skeletal development. Pubertal years are the period in the life course when bone mass reaches its highest level. The level of bone mass attained at this age is a key determinant of long-term bone health and risk of osteoporotic fractures in later life (Ott, 1991).
Past research focusing on bone density in ED has shown that restrictive ED (such as anorexia nervosa (AN) and atypical anorexia nervosa/ Eating Disorder not otherwise specified-EDNOS) are associated with reduced bone mass. This is probably secondary to low weight, reduced fat mass and hormonal abnormalities secondary to poor nutrition (ref). Whilst recovery from the ED has been shown to lead to improvements in bone density, several studies show that bone density remains lower than in individuals who have not experienced an ED, particularly in cases where the ED onset was in adolescent years (Biller et al., 1989; Hartman et al., 2000; Wentz et al., 2007; Bolton et al., 2005).
Binge- type ED (such as bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder) have been less well studied, and appear not to affect bone density to the same extent as restrictive ED, particularly if normal weight is maintained (Misra, 2008). However, higher fracture risk was also shown in these women compared to controls (Vestergaard et al., 2003).
Studies investigating bone density in adolescents with restrictive ED as measured by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) have shown low bone density at the spine, hip and femoral neck (Misra, 2008); as well as reduced bone turnover. These effects are apparent in both girls and boys (Castro et al., 2002). Follow-up studies of adolescents have reported some improvement in bone density with nutritional restoration, mainly in areas of trabecular bone, such as the spine. Several studies, however, have shown fewer improvements in bone density at cortical sites despite recovery from the ED ((Herzog et al., 1993; Mika et. al, 2007). Given that the adolescent years provide a narrow window of opportunity in which to optimize bone mass accrual, disruption during these years might lead to permanent deficits.
Long-term bone health: Osteopenia, osteoporosis and higher fracture risk have all been shown as a short and long-term consequence of ED (Hartman et al., 2000; Ward et al., 1997; Vestergaard et al., 2003). The latter study showed a 2.5-fold increased risk of any fracture in patients with AN compared to general population controls, and a 5-fold increased risk of hip and spine fractures. As highlighted above there is evidence that ED affect long-term bone health, with little increase in mean bone density after weight recovery in adult women with AN (Rigotti et al., 1991; Hartman et al., 2000).
Gaps in the literature:Most studies in the field to date rely on small clinical samples, and are likely to represent more severely ill subjects attending in- or out-patient services and not be generalisable to all ED. Length of follow-up has often been limited to 1-2 years. Moreover, DXA provides an overall estimate of bone mass but does not directly measure aspects like cortical thickness and cross sectional area that determine overall bone strength. Techniques like peripheral quantitative computed tomography (pQCT) can provide detailed information about cortical bone geometry and strength, but only one study to date has used this method to study bone changes in adolescents with ED (Milos et al.,2007). In light of our recent finding that fat mass is an important positive determinant of cortical bone size and thickness (Sayers & Tobias, 2009), we are particularly interested in examining whether adolescent ED predicts weaker cortical bones due to reduced fat mass.
To our knowledge there are: (1) no studies on a general population sample of adolescents able to link temporal relationships between ED behaviours and bone development; and (2) very few long-term studies on bone health in relation to ED. Both would allow a clear identification of causal biological mechanisms, and take into account the role of confounders. The current lack of evidence impacts on available prevention and early treatment for patients with ED.
This study is unique in that data have already been collected prospectively and independently on bone density and ED behaviours in about 6,000 adolescents from the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC); and on lifetime ED history and bone density in 5,500 mothers from the same cohort. This longitudinal prospective study will allow: (1) determining precise temporal relationships between predictor (ED behaviours) and outcome (bone density and cortical bone size and thickneness); (2) generalisability of findings (general population sample); (3) focusing on causal biological mechanism taking into account the role of confounders (thanks to the wealth of data available in ALSPAC).
Theoretical/conceptual framework: This is a longitudinal study which will rely on data prospectively collected as part of the ALSPAC study. The ALSPAC study is a longitudinal prospective cohort of 14,000 mothers and their children. Women were enrolled in the study in pregnancy. Children have been followed up at regular intervals from birth up to age 18.
Research questions:do adolescent eating disordered behaviours (not only clinical ED) negatively affect bone accrual and bone development during puberty, including children with subclinical disorders not currently viewed as being at risk? Do reductions in fat mass contribute to these deleterious effects of ED behaviours on bone development particularly those on cortical bone? This being the case, are reductions in fat mass in the context of ED behaviours particularly harmful, reflecting the fact that they are achieved by dietary restriction as opposed to by increased physical activity? What is the long-term impact of eating disorders (ED) on bone mass? Can effective strategies be developed to prevent long-term consequences on bone mass in subjects with ED?
1) Total DXA scans have been performed on the children/adolescents at ages: 11.5 (n = 7159), age 13.5 (n = 6147), age 15.5 (n= 5509) and age 17.5 (approximately 4000). In addition, hip DXA scans have been performed at age 13.5 and 17.5, and pQCT scans of the mid tibia at 15.5 and 17.5. Standard DXA and pQCT parameters related to bone development have been derived and will serve as the main outcomes. Data on fractures has also been collected at regular intervals.
2) Total body and hip DEXA scans have been performed on the ALSPAC mothers between ages 42 and 47.
Women will be sent a 1-page questionnaire on osteoporosis and fractures.
1) Data on adolescent ED behaviours have also been collected at age 13, 14 and 16, on 8,000 adolescents (as part of an NIHR clinician scientist award).
2) Data have been collected on maternal lifetime ED behaviours (at maternal age 46-47). We have interviewed all women screening positive for lifetime ED for complete details on ED lifetime history (n=900) and a random sample of screen negative women (n=400) (as part of an NIHR clinician scientist award).
Other explanatory variables (mediators and/or confounders):
1)- Data are also available on pubertal timing and anthropometric measures at all the above ages on ~8,000 adolescents.
-Total body fat and lean mass as measured by total body DXA
-Physical activity as measured in the children by accelerometry at multiple time points
-Detailed information on diet in the children using a combination of diet diaries and food frequency questionnaires
2) Data on maternal menstrual history and Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) have also been collected.
-Extensive information on socio economic status
Analyses: Univariate and multivariate logistic models will be sued to determine the effect of relevant predictors on outcomes. Longitudinal statistic modelling will be used for longitudinal repeated data and to model hypothesised relationships.
Oct 2011-March 2012: data entry, data clearing and extraction of data specific for this study. Sending out additional questionnaires to mothers.
March 2012-October 2012: initial analyses of data relating to adolescents. Receipt of all maternal additional questionnaires
October 2013-March 2013: data entry of maternal additional questionnaires. Write up of findings in relation to adolescents. Initial analyses of data on mothers.
March 2013-October 2013: complete all analyses, write up and dissemination.
B1058 - Early life fatty acid status and obesity risk - 21/10/2010
As obesity is a powerful risk factor for a variety of diseases, this development represents a tremendous challenge to the healthcare systems worldwide. Such complications are particularly serious if obesity starts early in life and causes long term exposure of organs to excess body fat. There are convincing indications that early life weight gain is a strong influencing factor a later weight and thus contributes to the risk of developing obesity eventually already in childhood (Gillman et al, 2008; Stettler et al, 2010).
Although current knowledge about mechanisms which contribute to early childhood obesity is limited, there is some evidence that fatty acid status may influence the risk to become overweight or obese. Fatty acids influence adipogenesis by binding to PPARgamma and beta/(delta), which act as a regulator of fat cell formation (Spiegelman, 1998), thereby providing a molecular link between fatty acid status and fat cell development. Of particular importance for adipogenesis seems arachidonic acid, the major long chain polyunsaturated fatty acid of the linoleic acid derived n-6 series (Demmelmair et al, 1999). Arachidonic acid is converted into prostacyclin, which stimulates via cAMP production adipose differentiation of primary preadipocytes in cell culture studies (Massiera et al, 2003). In contrast, the n-3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid were found to inhibit the stimulatory effect of arachidonic acid on cAMP production (Massiera et al, 2003).
Based on these findings G. Alihaud developed the hypothesis that a high intake/availability of n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids is a potent promoter of adipogenesis in vitro and adipose tissue development in vivo (Massiera et al, 2006; Ailhaud et al, 2004).
Although the observed increase of the intake of n-6 fatty acids during the last decades and the increase in childhood obesity agree with this hypothesis (Ailhaud et al, 2008), it has not been tested so far in birth cohorts. By now the importance of the influence of genetic variants of the fatty acid desaturases FADS1 and FADS2 on human fatty acid status primarily in respect to n-6, but also on n-3, long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids has been demonstrated (Glaser et al, 2010). Inclusion of FADS genotype into studies relating fatty acid status to weight development seems important, as this provides the opportunity to identify a relationship between FADS genotype and obesity risk..
Considering the numerous identified and potentially also unidentified factors, which determine anthropometry during infancy and child adequate statistical power has to be achieved. An ideal opportunity to investigate the hypothesis provides combination of several sizable, well characterized birth cohort for an individual subject based metaanalysis.
To test whether fatty acid status during early life and/or FADS genotype are related to growth during childhood in population based prospective birth cohorts considering further (e.g. diet, socioeconomic status) influencing factors.
Data on fatty acid status at various time points during infancy, genotype, parental anthropometry, dietary intake and socioeconomic status shall be combined for analysis from birth cohorts: e.g. ALSPAC (Bristol, UK), Generation R (Rotterdam, NL),
Statistical modelling will start by applying latent cluster structure analyses techniques to study trajectories for height, weight, relative weight (z-scores), and overweight. Further factors will be considered as confounders and/or effect modifiers. Suitable models were described in a recent paper (Rzehak et al, 2009), which has also shown that a study of approximately 1000 subjects has sufficient power to detect small differences in weight gain due to the longitudinal modelling and the continuous outcome. Thus, it can be expected that even a small effect of fatty acid status on anthropometric development can be detected/excluded by studying more than 10 000 subjects, even if not fully standardized measurements of fatty acid status (age of sampling, analytical procedure) and corresponding modelling is needed.
Expected output
Scientific manuscript describing and discussing the relationship between the levels of fatty acids and genotype with infantile anthropometric development, with a focus on the incidence of overweight and obesity, until the age of 10 years.
(1) Gillman MW, Rifas-Shiman SL, Kleinman K, Oken E, Rich-Edwards JW, Taveras EM. Developmental origins of childhood overweight: potential public health impact. Obesity (Silver Spring) 16 (2008): 1651-6.
(2) Stettler N, Iotova V. Early growth patterns and long-term obesity risk. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care 13 (2010): 294-9.
(3) Spiegelman BM. PPAR-gamma: adipogenic regulator and thiazolidinedione receptor. Diabetes 47 (1998): 507-14.
(4) Demmelmair H, Iser B, Rauh-Pfeiffer A, Koletzko B. Comparison of bolus versus fractionated oral applications of [13C]-linoleic acid in humans. Eur J Clin Invest 29 (1999): 603-9.
(5) Massiera F, Saint-Marc P, Seydoux J, Murata T, Kobayashi T, Narumiya S, et al. Arachidonic acid and prostacyclin signaling promote adipose tissue development: a human health concern? J Lipid Res 44 (2003): 271-9.
(6) Massiera F, Guesnet P, Ailhaud G. The crucial role of dietary n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids in excessive adipose tissue development: relationship to childhood obesity. Nestle Nutr Workshop Ser Pediatr Program 57 (2006): 235-42.
(7) Ailhaud G, Guesnet P. Fatty acid composition of fats is an early determinant of childhood obesity: a short review and an opinion. Obes Rev 5 (2004): 21-6.
(8) Ailhaud G, Guesnet P, Cunnane SC. An emerging risk factor for obesity: does disequilibrium of polyunsaturated fatty acid metabolism contribute to excessive adipose tissue development? Br J Nutr (2008): 1-10.
(9) Glaser C, Heinrich J, Koletzko B. Role of FADS1 and FADS2 polymorphisms in polyunsaturated fatty acid metabolism. Metabolism 59 (2010): 993-9.
(10) Rzehak P, Sausenthaler S, Koletzko S, Reinhardt D, von BA, Kramer U, et al. Short- and long-term effects of feeding hydrolyzed protein infant formulas on growth at less than or = 6 y of age: results from the German Infant Nutritional Intervention Study. Am J Clin Nutr 89 (2009): 1846-56.
B1057 - GWA association study of haemoglobin and red cell indices - 21/10/2010
Genome-wide association analysis of haemoglobin at age 7. The results are to be submitted as part of a large consortium on the genetics of red cell indices led by John Chambers of the CHARGE consortium. Analysis via standard methods.
B1060 - Genes and Mechanisms in Type 1 Diabetes - 20/10/2010
As part of our ongoing research into the soluble form of the interleukin-2 receptor alpha (sIL-2RA) and
type 1 diabetes (T1D) risk, we would like to measure sIL-2RA in plasma or serum of ALSPAC children
aged 7, 9 and 11 years old. This would provide the sIL-2RA measurements that we currently lack in
controls subjects. We would measure sIL-2RA in all available samples, or at least 500 samples per age
group. In particular, we would like to measure sIL-2RA in the 500 ALSPAC children bled at the 7, 9 and
11 year clinics, as this would be informative about how well the levels of sIL-2RA tracked in children,
that is, are children in the lower quartile for levels of sIL-2RA at 7 years old, more likely to be in the
lower quartile at subsequent assessments?
We have measured concentrations of sIL-2RA in plasma of 6,000 T1D patient (almost all under age 17
yrs) and 6,000 adult control samples using a reproducible and sensitive immunoassay. In control
subjects, sIL-2RA concentration does not increase with age at sample acquisition (age range 17-69) and
we would like to know whether children have similar concentrations of sIL-2RA. Currently, our data
indicate that T1D children have higher levels of sIL-2RA than adults and this is associated with age-atdiagnosis.
The exciting possibility, which we want to explore further, is the circulating sIL-2RA
concentration maybe a biomarker of T1D diagnosis.
Concentrations of sIL-2RA will be estimated using a commercially available sIL-2RA immunoassay,
OptEIA(tm) Human sIL-2R ELISA (BD Biosciences), with dissociation-enhanced lanthanide
fluoroimmunoassay (DELFIA) detection reagents. Duplicate dilutions of plasma and sera will be assayed
on the same 96 well plate containing a standard curve of recombinant human sIL-2RA. A minimum of 24
micro-l of plasma or sera is required for each sIL-2RA concentration estimate. However, we would like to
receive greater than 30 micro-l to allow for dead volume. We would require information on sex, body mass index (BMI),
age at sample acquisition, T1D status and age at T1D diagnosis information. Also, if asthma/allergy
status is recorded on the questionnaire this might affect sIL-2RA levels.
We would also like to apply for access to the circulating levels of vitamin D [25(OH)D] measured in
ALSPAC children aged 7, 9 and 11 years. The repeat 25(OH)D measures in about 500 ALSPAC children
would be informative about how well levels of 25(OH)D tracked in children. Also, the levels of
25(OH)D in ALSPAC children would be a useful population reference for our T1D patients with
25(OH)D measured. In addition to the 25(OH)D measurements, we would require sex, BMI, age at
sample acquisition, month of sample acquisition, year of sample acquisition, T1D status and age at T1D
diagnosis information.
B1062 - ADH1B Alcohol CVD Biomarkers Collaboration - 19/10/2010
The background to the project and analysis plan are attached in the Appendix. Specifically, with regard to ALSPAC we plan to examine associations with mothers blood pressure measured at the first antenatal clinic where this was done prior to 15 weeks gestation (recent analyses by C MacDonald-Wallis & Debbie Lawlor show that this is prior to the pregnancy related increase in blood pressure which occurs at 18 weeks (95%CI:17, 19) in ALSPAC mothers and between 18-20 weeks in other published studies). This will provide a large sample size. In addition we will examine associations with mothers blood pressure currently being assessed at the "focus on mothers" clinic in order to confirm that these associations with non-pregnant blood pressure are similar to those in the larger numbers with an early antenatal measure.
Data on 1 SNP in ADH1B is requested (rs1229984), which is already available for all the mothers who have extracted DNA (N~8,000).
B1059 - Toddler portion size range recommendations - 19/10/2010
It is important to give mothers good advice on feeding their young children. Part of this advice should be about how much of each food to offer to their children. Very little information is available about this.
ALSPAC has collected diet diary information at 18 and 43 months which could be used to inform us about the amount of food that children are likely to eat on each meal occasion at these ages. We will use this data to give a mean, median and inter-quartile range for each food eaten on more than five occasions by the children. This data would not be linked to other ALSPAC variables .
We would like to use this analysis of portion sizes as a backup resource to support a web-based educational tool for health care professionals, carers and parents to access. The aim of this tool is to give guidance on suitable portion sizes to offer and reassurance that the amounts being eaten are appropriate. Part of the reason for this is that excessive portion sizes are likely to be contributing to the increases in obesity in children. This will be part of the Infant and Toddler Forum educational initiative website which Pauline has contributed to in the past. It is funded by an educational grant from Danone but is totally independent scientifically.
B1056 - Dietary patterns and depression in a UK cohort of men and women - 06/10/2010
Several studies in the literature have reported associations between individual nutrient and food intakes and the prevalence of depression. However, the directions of effects are inconsistent. Studying foods or nutrients alone can be problematic due to the inter-correlations between them and their interactive effects. The use of dietary patterns enables the study of the whole diet by reducing a large number of food intake variables into a handful of variables which best describe the overall dietary types in a population. Dietary patterns have already been obtained in both the ALSPAC mothers and their partners when their study child was 47 months of age (Northstone & Emmett, 2010).
A small number of studies have examined cross-sectional associations between dietary patterns and depression in diverse populations. A Japanese study found a protective effect of a 'healthy' dietary pattern (high intakes of fruit, veg, soy products) and depressive symptoms (Nanri et al, 2010). Similar associations were seen in a French elderly population (Samieri et al, 2008) and in a UK sample of middle-aged adults (Akbaraly et al, 2009) whereby a 'healthy' pattern was associated with a reduced risk of depression. Finally Oddy et al (2009) reported poorer mental health in Australian adolescents who scored higher on a 'Western' pattern (high in red/processed meats, confectionery and refined foods).
However, all these studies are limited by their cross-sectional nature and the alternative explanation of reverse causality cannot be excluded. In other words it is possible that the presence of depression in individuals may cause them to alter the way in which they eat (possibly in order to enhance mood or because when depressed individuals turn to 'easy'foods).
To overcome this limitation, we propose taking a 'disease-free' cohort of men and women based on EPDS scores recorded when the study child was 33 months of age. That is, selecting those who are not depressed at baseline (EPDS score less than 13). We will then examine the effect of dietary patterns obtained at 47 months on depression assessed at 61 months (in men and women separately).
A large number of confounders will be considered including age, ethnicity, education, employment, marital status, physical activity, smoking, alcohol intake, energy intake and health status.
This project will feed into further work where we propose to examine the effects of diet on mental health in adolescents, subject to funding.
Akbaraly TN, Brunner EJ, Ferrie JE, Marmot MG, Kivimaki M, Singh-Manoux A. Dietary pattern and depressive symptoms in middle age. Br J Psychiatry 2009; 195: 408-413.
Nanri A, Kimura Y, Matsushita Y, Ohta M, Mishima N, Sasaki S, Mizoue T. Dietary patterns and depressive symptoms among Japanese men and women. Eur J Clin Nutr 2010; 64: 832-839.
Northstone K, Emmett PM. Dietary patterns of men in ALSPAC: associations with socio-demographic and lifestyle characteristics, nutrient intake and comparison with women's dietary patterns. Eur J Clin Nutr 2010; 64: 978-986.
Oddy WH, Robinson M, Ambrosini GL, O'Sullivan TA, de Klerk NH, Beilin LJ, Silburn SR, Zubrick SR, Stanley FJ. The association between dietary patterns and mental health in Australian adolescence. Preventive Medicine 2009; 49: 39-44.
Samieri C, Jutand M-A, Feart C, Barberger-Gateau P. Dietary patterns derived by hybrid clustering method in older people: Association with cognition, mood and self-rated health. J Am Dietet Assoc 2008; 108: 1461-1471.
B1055 - Identifying a subgroup of oppositional children who are at risk of depression - 06/10/2010
Fewer than twenty years ago, developmental psychopathologists and psychiatrists believed that there was little overlap between externalizing childhood psychiatric disorders, such as oppositional defiant disorder (ODD), and internalizing disorders, such as depression. There is now ample evidence from my own research (Boylan et al., 2007, 2010) and research of others (Copeland et al., 2009; Nock et al,.2007; Burke et al., 2010; Stringaris and Goodman, 2009), that childhood ODD shows significant concurrent and prospective associations or comorbidity with later depression. This discovery is changing the way we treat youths with ODD, and think about the causes of the disorder.
Despite these advances, important questions remain unanswered: Do all youths with ODD develop depression or will this only occur in sub-groups? What are the distinguishing characteristics of children belonging in one or other subgroups? The answers to these questions have profound clinical implications. If all youths with ODD develop depression, then perhaps we should begin prophylactic depression treatment, even before symptoms occur. On the other hand, if we can identify sub-groups of youths with ODD that develop depression, then prevention and treatment protocols can be applied in a more sophisticated and effective manner.
Based on my earlier work and the works of others which have demonstrated ODD symptoms cluster in various ways in the population , I propose that there are sub-groups of youths with ODD that will develop depression over time and the ability to identify and validate these groups is of substantial importance.
Study Aims:
(1) To determine whether oppositional symptom sub-groupings identified in previous factor analytic studies can be linked to groups of children who are oppositional.
(2) To determine whether these groups show differential risk for developing depression over time. If there is not strong evidence for person-based groupings, we will test how oppositional behaviours are associated with risk of depression across childhood.
Research objectives:
(1) To assess whether oppositional symptom subgroups identified by others (ie. a predominantly negative emotion and a predominantly antisocial symptom type) can be reliably identified in individual children using cross sectional and longitudinal data from an epidemiologic cohort sample.
(2) To determine if one, or more, of these groups is differentially associated with depression in late childhood and adolescence.
(3) To assess whether membership in these groups can be predicted on the basis of neurobiological and psychosocial risk factors that are associated with the ability to regulate negative emotions, in each of the following domains:
The child themselves (physiology of stress response, early life temperament, cognitive abilities, aggression, anxiety comorbidity)
The family context (family functioning, early attachment, parent discipline, family socioeconomic and family structure, parent mental health)
The peer and social context: peer relationships, school connectedness, social skills
Proposed methods:
We propose to use previously-collected questionnaire data for children from the ALSPAC study. The main outcome variables are the ODD and major depression and dysthymia symptoms from the DAWBA (at ages 7, 10 & 16) as reported by parents. Additional covariables, predominantly from questionnaire data, will be requested to distinguish the ODD groups and or predict relationships between ODD symptoms and depression based on study hypotheses. Longitudinal data on the DAWBA responses for the entire cohort will be requested to understand the impact of sample loss over time as complete data on DAWBA assessment periods is not necessary to conduct the analyses.
Analytic strategy:
Objective 1: A two step approach will test for the presence of groups of children with i) different types of ODD symptoms and ii) the stability (or reliability) of these prototypes/groups over time. The clustering of ODD symptoms will be identified from the DAWBA ODD symptoms data using factor analysis, followed by a confirmatory method (longitudinal confirmatory factor analysis). In step 2, we will test whether these (?#) identified ODD groups are developmentally distinct in that they can be distinguished based on the course of their symptom trajectory over time. To do this, we will use the group-based trajectory approach (with the Proc Traj procedure in SAS) which estimates the number and shape (course) of longitudinal trajectory groups in the sample, the proportion of children in each group and a probability for each child to belong to each group. Trajectories will be estimated for each ODD symptom cluster that is identified. Following this step, an extension of Proc Traj allows trajectory groups of one symptom cluster to be linked probabilistically to groups of another symptom cluster as joint trajectories to describe how the course of "comorbid" symptoms potentially overlap within individual children. As many children are likely to have both clusters of ODD symptoms over time, but most will have one or the other cluster (ie not have symptom overlap), assessing joint trajectories will establish how common these "comorbid" and non-comorbid children are. If comorbidity between ODD clusters is common, this suggests that there are not distinct ODD subtypes or subgroups.
In summary, the outputs of these analyses will identify: 1) are there likely ODD clusters? 2) how common are they? 3) how distinct are they from each other in terms of developmental course or how commonly do they overlap?
Objective 2: The identified joint oppositional symptom trajectory groups will be used to predict youth self-report of depression as an outcome at age 16 (measured as the youth DAWBA) using an extension in Proc Traj for this purpose. The output here will consist of a regression coefficient describing the strength of association between the various identified joint trajectory with the outcome of depression.
Objective 3: The same joint trajectory groups will be compared for their differential association with covariables (based on hypotheses which we do not outline here given space issues) as a means of exploring how they may differ etiologically from each other and how they may be differentially associated with risk of depression. Logistic regression will be conducted to examine if the prevalence rate of each covariate differs across trajectory groups.
B1053 - A Genome-wide association of variation in cotinine levels within the ALSPAC study PhD - 02/10/2010
Evidence within the literature and other studies has suggested a role in the influence of genetics on adolescent tobacco smoke, and eventual addiction to that substance (Li 2003). Genome wide association studies (GWAS) have provided a very robust methodology for identification of causal genetic influences on complex disease phenotypes.
The abuse of tobacco in adolescence can cause addiction in future life increasing your chance to have a lower mortality age (Aklin et al. 2009). It is a very important societal problem as tobacco smoke has one of the highest death rates of a preventable death rates, tobacco use kills approximately 5-6 million people annually worldwide, accounting for 1 in 5 of all male deaths and 1 in 20 of all female deaths. It is predicted to kill 450 million adults, on the basis of current consumption, between 2000 and 2050 (Jha 2009). The Caporaso et al. (2009) genome wide association study into different smoking phenotypes, such as duration and age of smoking initiation, found no loci at genome-wide significance (pless than 10-7), although there were some suggestive hits. Therefore refinement of the phenotype to use a more biological measure may contribute more to our understanding of this disorder and increase of number of individuals as we would be able to use more of the ALSPAC sample.
Tobacco abuse contains the psychotropic chemical nicotine; cotinine is an alkaloid found in tobacco and is a metabolite of nicotine. This substance is a good proxy for amount of nicotine within the individual and therefore the amount smoked by the individual. This phenotype will not be prone to reporter bias; although the chemical is short-lived within the body therefore there could be some measurement error according to the smoking behaviour of the individual. The amount of this substance will be the principle phenotype used within this GWAS to investigate whether any possible signals of genetic loci at genome-wide significance (pless than 10-7) can be found. This can then be compared to other candidate gene studies to investigate if any of the genetic loci of biological relevance can be found within the signals, or if novel signals have been discovered for the amount of cotinine within an individual. The best measure of this would be at 15 + years of age, as this is around a similar time to when we have self reported measure of tobacco use, which can be compared as a control measure. Cotinine can be measured in the urine or saliva samples which ALSPAC receive from clinics.
The principle aim of this project is to discover novel genetic loci which may contribute toward the complex disorder of tobacco abuse, which may give us some early indications towards adolescent abuse to adult addiction. This project has a novel approach by using the quantitative biological sampling of cotinine, which has no reporter bias and is generally less biased than using questionnaire data which is common for previous studies.
For this project cotinine levels would be needed on all individuals where it has been measured, also the genetic information for ALSPAC which is currently available. Also covariates could be retrieved from the ALSPAC folder from previous questionnaires. We will undergo the GWAS for the continuous variable of cotinine using related programmes; the covariates would be measured for an association with the main phenotype and then added to the GWAS. Covariates could include parental smoking behaviours, parental smoking, socio-economic status and phenotypes related to smoking.
Aklin, W.M., Moolchan, E.T., Luckenbaugh, D.A., & Ernst, M. 2009. Early tobacco smoking in adolescents with externalizing disorders: Inferences for reward function. Nicotine Tobacco Research, 11, (6) 750-755 available from:
Jha, P. 2009. Avoidable global cancer deaths and total deaths from smoking. Nat Rev Cancer, 9, (9) 655-664 available from:
Li, M.D. 2003. The Genetics of Smoking Related Behavior: A Brief Review. The American Journal of the Medical Sciences, 326, (4) available from:
B1052 - Maternal CHRNA3 genotype prenatal smoking and maternal blood pressure in pregnancy - 02/10/2010
Pre-eclampsia is a syndrome of pregnancy that is marked by proteinuria and hypertension. It is a leading cause of maternal mortality and is also associated with fetal growth restriction, placental abruption and perinatal death 1. Interestingly, there is a well-documented association between maternal smoking during pregnancy and reduced risk of pre-eclampsia. A recent review of epidemiological studies reported a total of 48 studies, consistently reporting a reduction in risk of pre-eclampsia in maternal smokers - up to 50% reduction in heavy smokers 2. However, ascertaining with certainty the causality of this association remains a challenge. Whilst the association has long been observed in the literature, the biological mechanisms for this relationship remain unknown. Indeed, many of the known effects of smoking suggest that prenatal smoking should increase the risk of pre-eclampsia, rather than decrease it.
Furthermore, whilst the association between maternal smoking and pre-eclampsia is well documented, associations with antenatal blood pressure per se are less well established. Few studies have reported on this, with some suggestion that smoking may be associated with increased systolic blood pressure3;4, in constrast to what might be expected from the observed associations with pre-eclampsia. Several of the proposed authors for this project (MacDonald-Wallis; Lawlor) have been analysing trajectories of blood pressure in pregnancy in the ALSPAC mothers, and have observed systematic differences in the trajectories of blood pressure amongst women who were nonsmokers, quitters and continued smokers during pregnancy (manuscript in progress). We would like to extend this work by analysing these trajectories with respect to a maternal genotype known to be associated with smoking during pregnancy, in order to better ascertain the extent of the causal mechanisms involved.
Research Questions:
1) Is maternal prenatal smoking status (as indexed by maternal CHRNA3 genotype) causally related to risk of pre-eclampsia
2)Is maternal prenatal smoking status (as indexed by maternal CHRNA3 genotype) causally related to trajectories of blood pressure during pregnancy.
(1) Sibai B, Dekker G, Kupferminc M. Pre-eclampsia. Lancet 2005; 365(9461):785-799.
(2) England L, Zhang J. Smoking and risk of preeclampsia: a systematic review. Front Biosci 2007; 12:2471-2483.
(3) Bakker R, Steegers EAP, Mackenbach JP, Hofman A, Jaddoe VWV. Maternal smoking and blood pressure in different trimesters of pregnancy: The Generation R Study. Journal of Hypertension 2010; 28.
(4) Matkin CC, Britton J, Samuels S, Esenazi B. Smoking and blood pressure patterns in normotensive pregnant women. Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol 1999; 13:22-34.
B1054 - GWAS of Ponderal Index at Birth - 29/09/2010
This project involves assessing the genetic contribution to the determination of body composition at birth. Fetal and early postnatal life has been well demonstrated as a period of metabolic "programming" with the potential to influence a wide of adult diseases. Clearly there is contribution from, and interaction between, various genetic and environmental influences to determine and individual's outcome in the face of the early life environment.
Early work in this field first identified birth weight as an indicator of growth during pregnancy, but subsequent work has shown that birth weight is a somewhat crude measure, and more information can be gained by using more refined assessments of early life growth. Ponderal index is a measure of body composition that has been well validated at birth. It is analogous to the adult body mass index (with body length cubed, rather than squared as in BMI) compensating for body mass compared to length (height), and is well correlated to other measures of adiposity. Compared with birth weight, ponderal index is better at identifying "asymmetrically" growth restricted neonates in whom we suspect metabolic stressors to be greater than constitutionally small babies.
This project is a collaborative approach among members of the Early Growth Genetics Consortium. Cohorts with appropriate genetic data will use a genome-wide approach to identify genetic loci associated with changes in ponderal index. Each cohort will run individual analyses according to a uniform multivariate model, and then meta-analysis will look at all of the cohorts in combination. Attempts at replication of significant findings will be made in other birth cohorts without complete GWAS data. With an anticipated total number exceeding 10,000 individuals, this study will be well powered to show the relatively small changes associated with single genetic variants. This will be the first GWAS of ponderal index to be performed.
B1051 - Maternal Iron Genotype Blood Pressure Trajectories in Offspring and During Pregnancy and Maternal Gestational Diabetes - 28/09/2010
Maternal anemia during pregnancy has previously been reported to be associated with elevated offspring blood pressure in later life1;2. However, this has only been reported in a small number of studies, with others failing to replicate this association3-5. Indeed, we previously explored this in ALSPAC6 and did not observe any consistent relationship between indicators of maternal iron status and offspring blood pressure at 7 years. A potential limitation of such studies is that assessing maternal iron status from haemoglobin measures is complicated by the tendency for low antenatal haemoglobin levels to reflect the natural haemodilution of pregnancy, rather than being indicative of pathological iron deficiency anemia. As such, there may be limited ability to identify causal effects of maternal iron deficiency anemia within such studies and this may have contributed to the inconsistent associations previously observed. We would like to build on our previous work carried out in ALSPAC by a) exploring maternal genetic variants affecting iron status as proxies for maternal iron, in order to better identify causal effects of maternal iron status and b) using trajectories of blood pressure across childhood and adolescence as the outcome measure, rather than one single measure of blood pressure. This will allow us to examine whether maternal iron status influences blood pressure across childhood or only at specific ages.
In contrast to the hypothesised adverse effects of maternal anemia during pregnancy, some have argued that iron depletion during pregnancy might in fact represent an adaptive physiological condition to prevent the adverse effects of oxidation, insulin resistance and thrombosis7. Indeed, whether iron supplementation in pregnancy is necessary, or even toxic, is still controversial and there is some evidence that maternal iron supplementation in pregnancy is associated with adverse outcomes such as increased risk of gestational diabetes and hypertensive disorders of pregnancy7;8. Thus, in addition to studying trajectories of child blood pressure, we would also like to assess the relationship between genetic variation in maternal iron status and trajectories of maternal blood pressure during pregnancy and gestational diabetes/glycosuria in ALSPAC.
Research Questions:
1) Is maternal iron status in pregnancy (as indicated by maternal iron genotypes) causally associated with offspring baseline BP at age 7 and BP trajectories between ages 7 and 15 years?
2) Is maternal iron status in pregnancy (as indicated by maternal iron genotypes) causally associated with maternal BP trajectories in pregnancy? For these analyses women with existing hypertension will be excluded.
3) Is maternal iron status in pregnancy (as indicated by maternal iron genotypes) causally associated with maternal gestational diabetes/glycosuria? This combined outcome will be used because there are too few cases of gestational diabetes alone for meaningful analyses; the use of glycosuria is justified by previous research in ALSPAC showing that it is associated with macrosomia9. For these analyses mothers with existing diabetes will be excluded.
Reference List
(1) Law CM, Barker DJ, Bull AR, Osmond C. Maternal and fetal influences on blood pressure. Arch Dis Child 1991; 66(11):1291-1295.
(2) Godfrey KM, Forrester T, Barker DJ, Jackson AA, Landman JP, Hall JS et al. Maternal nutritional status in pregnancy and blood pressure in childhood. Br J Obstet Gynaecol 1994; 101(5):398-403.
(3) Whincup P, Cook D, Papacosta O, Walker M, Perry I. Maternal factors and development of cardiovascular risk: evidence from a study of blood pressure in children. J Hum Hypertens 1994; 8(5):337-343.
(4) Bergel E, Haelterman E, Belizan J, Villar J, Carroli G. Perinatal factors associated with blood pressure during childhood. Am J Epidemiol 2000; 151(6):594-601.
(5) Belfort MB, Rifas-Shiman SL, Rich-Edwards JW, Kleinman KP, Oken E, Gillman MW. Maternal iron intake and iron status during pregnancy and child blood pressure at age 3 years. Int J Epidemiol 2008; 37(2):301-308.
(6) Brion MJ, Leary SD, Davey Smith G, McArdle HJ, Ness AR. Maternal anemia, iron intake in pregnancy, and offspring blood pressure in the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children. Am J Clin Nutr 2008; 88(4):1126-1133.
(7) Bo S, Menato G, Villois P, Gambino R, Cassader M, Cotrino I et al. Iron supplementation and gestational diabetes in midpregnancy. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2009; 201(2):158-6.
(8) Ziaei S, Norrozi M, Faghihzadeh S, Jafarbegloo E. A randomised placebo-controlled trial to determine the effect of iron supplementation on pregnancy outcome in pregnant women with haemoglobin greater than or = 13.2 g/dl. BJOG 2007; 114(6):684-688.
(9) Lawlor DA, Fraser A, Lindsay RS, Ness A, Dabelea D, Catalano P et al. Association of existing diabetes, gestational diabetes and glycosuria in pregnancy with macrosomia and offspring body mass index, waist and fat mass in later childhood: findings from a prospective pregnancy cohort. Diabetologia 2010; 53(1):89-97.
B1050 - Comparisons of dietary patterns and health outcomes in the ALSPAC and Raine studies - 28/09/2010
The causes of obesity in children are complex and currently not well understood. However, dietary intake, physical activity, socio-economic status, genetic influences and early social factors are thought to be important. Despite the increasing prevalence of obesity in children, few longitudinal studies are available to clarify these relationships. We are interested in dietary patterns that may lead to obesity and the factors influencing these dietary patterns.
The aims of this study are to conduct cross-cohort comparisons between the Western Australian Pregnancy (Raine) Cohort Study and ALSPAC, which are contemporaneous cohorts. We wish to compare the role of dietary patterns in obesity and the early determinants of obesogenic dietary patterns in these cohorts.
The Raine Study is a pregnancy cohort study of 2900 pregnant women recruited between 16 and 20 weeks of gestation through the public antenatal clinic and local private clinics in Perth, Western Australia from May 1989 till November 1991 (Newnham, et al, 1993 ). A total of 2868 children have been followed up at birth and ages 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 10, 14 and 17 years. This study will be focusing on children at 14 and 17 years of age.
Specifically, we propose to:
1) Compare dietary patterns identified using reduced rank regression (RRR) in the Raine and ALSPAC cohorts
2) Test whether dietar patterns in the Raine study can predict obesity in ALSPAC children.
3) Identify and compare early life determinants of dietary patterns in ALSPAC and Raine cohorts. The early life determinants will include family structure and maternal education, parental pre-pregnancy body weight and BMI, maternal working hours, maternal smoking status during pregnancy and paternal smoking status. Identifying the early determinants of dietary patterns will help to identify target areas and developmental periods for improving dietary patterns.
1) Identify a dietary pattern using reduced rank regression (RRR) in the Raine cohort at 14 years of age, that explains the most variation in:
(i) dietary energy density (DED)
(ii) fibre density (FD)
(iii) percentage of total energy from fat
These particular dietary components are hypothesised to influence obesity risk.
2) Examine whether the dietary pattern identified in the Raine cohort predicts obesity in the Raine and ALSPAC cohorts. Using confirmatory RRR, we will apply the Raine dietary pattern identified at 14 years of age to ALSPAC food intakes collected at 13 years of age. Using linear regression and adjusting for appropriate confounders, we will examine prospective associations between applied dietary pattern scores at 13 y of age and obesity at 15 y of age in the ALSPAC cohort.
3) Identify early maternal and socio-demographic determinants of the Raine dietary pattern: analysis of variance (ANOVA) will be used to examine the variation in dietary pattern scores that is explained by early factors such as pre pregnancy BMI, maternal smoking status, maternal education, and maternal working hours. We propose to undertake the same analysis in the ALSPAC cohort to be able to compare the early determinants of the same dietary pattern in the Raine and ALSPAC cohorts.
ALSPAC data required for this project:
Food and nutrient intakes:
3-day food diaries completed at 13 years of age or FFQ data ?
Derived dietary intakes :
Cambridge food groups;
dietary energy density;
fibre density;
% energy from fat;
total energy intake;
misreporting of dietary intake (using Torun's method).
body mass index;
waist circumference;
fat mass;
pubertal stage;
birth weight and length;
gestational age
Physical activity:
accelerometer counts incl. moderate-vigorous activity
child age;
child gender;
maternal age at birth;
maternal education;
maternal pre-pregnancy BMI;
maternal smoking status (pre pregnancy and up to 5 years later);
paternal smoking status;
maternal occupation and working hours;
family structure;
family functioning
Newnham JP, Evans SF, Michael CA, Stanley JF, Landau LI. Effects of frequent ultrasound during pregnancy - a randomised controlled trial. Lancet 1993;342:887-91.
B1047 - Epigenetic changes in the development of obesity and associated metabolic disorders - 27/09/2010
Obesity and its related metabolic disorders represent a major social, economic and health burden.
There is immense interest in epigenetic processes and the role that they might play in mediating
complex disease risk through their influence on gene regulation. This project adopts an
epidemiological approach, including the development of novel data analysis methods, and aims to
further our understanding of the contribution made by epigenetic mechanisms to obesity and its
sequelae, including non alcoholic fatty liver disease.
This study will measure DNA methylation patterns in children at birth and at age 15 and relate
these to a wide array of exposures and obesity-related traits, and importantly, the trajectory of
these traits. It represents by far the largest study of DNA methylation and its association with
obesity-related exposures (beginning in utero) and outcomes to date. The study will utilise a world
leading longitudinal study which has followed children from birth to age 17 (with future follow-up
planned) and has amassed an unprecedented amount of data on these individuals. To
complement large, well-powered human epidemiological studies of peripheral blood DNA
methylation, analysis of tissue specific DNA methylation will be analysed in human biopsy samples
and both DNA methylation and gene expression will be analysed in a range of target tissues in
animal models.
The study will identify obesity-related DNA methylation patterns using the Illumina 450k human
methylation array in 250 children at birth and age 15. From these data a custom panel of
methylation sites associated with obesity-related exposures and the phenotype itself will be
designed. A total of 1,200 children will then be analysed to establish the relationship between
methylation variation and obesity and its associated metabolic disorders. In addition the
association of DNA methylation signatures with common genetic variation will be investigated and
data analysis techniques developed to strengthen causal inference. Finally tissue specific
methylation patterns will be explored using human liver tissue and multiple tissues from animal
models of obesity.
The study will make a significant contribution to the emerging field of epigenetic epidemiology and
the data arising will be made available to the wider scientific community.