B4738 - Changes in cognitive ability and architecture as a function of developmental priorities form early childhood to adolescence - 09/11/2024

B number: 
Principal applicant name: 
ANDREAS DEMETRIOU | Professor Emeritus, University of Cyprus and Fellow of Cyprus Academy of Sciences, Letters, and Arts (Cyprus)
Title of project: 
Changes in cognitive ability and architecture as a function of developmental priorities form early childhood to adolescence
Proposal summary: 

This project is based on our earlier research theory, which integrates psychometric, cognitive, and developmental models of the human mind. The theory postulates that the profile of cognitive abilities changes with development, according to the processes that need to be mastered at successive age periods. Control of episodic interactions with persons and objects, control of representation-based executive processes, inferential control, and truth and cognitive cohesion control dominate in infancy, early childhood, middle and late childhood, and adolescence, respectively. So far, the theory is based on many cross-sectional studies and some longitudinal studies conducted in our laboratory. The main aim of this project is to test theory on an independent sample that has been longitudinally examined, to test if the patterns obtained so far replicate here.

Impact of research: 
Our research is widely published in major journals of psychology, including Psychological Review (2023), Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development (1993, 2022, and a current monograph which is under revision), Child Development (2016), and Intelligence (many papers, practically in every year, especially since 2010), and Developmental Review (currently in press). Thus, it is part of the ongoing discussions in developmental, psychometric, and educational psychology. The present project may catalyze the consolidation and further acceptance of the theory, given the independence and the complexity of the database that can be used to embed the theory in the current epistemological state of the field. This would bring ALSPAC in the center of the current discussions in these field.
Date proposal received: 
Friday, 8 November, 2024
Date proposal approved: 
Saturday, 9 November, 2024
Social Science, Developmental disorders - autism, Computer simulations/modelling/algorithms, Cognition - cognitive function