B4363 - Longitudinal mental health outcomes for people with childhood eye disease - 28/06/2023
Children with squint may be more likely to have depression in their teenage years. We do not know why this happens but think it could be:-
-because children with squint are treated differently by others, or
-because children with squint are different to others in some way (for example, they may be more likely to have autism).
A sample of 7,825 children taking part in the ALSPAC study had their eyes tested for squint when they were 7 years old. In addition, the participants have completed a variety of tests for depression throughout their adolescent, and young-adult lives.
Our study is going to use these data to:
a) Find out if childhood squint is associated with adolescent mental health conditions.
b) Explore other associations with squint and identify possible causes of the association.
We will do this by looking at all the children who had their eyes tested at age 7 years and compare the adolescent depression scores of those that had squint to those that did not.