B4243 - Investigating the rise of liver disease in young adults in the UK - 01/03/2023

B number: 
Principal applicant name: 
Kushala Abeysekera | Population Heatlh Sciences (United Kingdom)
Matthew Hickman, Nic Timpson , William Alazawi
Title of project: 
Investigating the rise of liver disease in young adults in the UK:
Proposal summary: 

90% of liver disease is potentially preventable with the main causes in the UK being damage from alcohol and obesity. Advanced liver disease rarely causes symptoms until very late. Sadly, liver disease is now one of the leading causes of death in 35-49 year olds. However, not all people who drink too much alcohol or have obesity will get liver disease early. Our study seeks to understand why some adults are developing liver disease earlier. By understanding who is developing liver disease early, and why, we can inform public health strategies, and target people most in need of support.

Whilst it can take many years to develop advanced liver disease, this provides an opportunity. Detecting liver disease early, in the community, can allow healthcare professionals to provide lifestyle advice, medication and surveillance to reduce the chance of patients developing complications of liver disease.

Impact of research: 
We have a unique time-sensitive opportunity here to prospectively map the development of steatosis and fibrosis in young adults in the general population setting, nested within ALSPAC. Determining the prevalence of liver fibrosis will provide much needed normative data and help hepatologists understand the burden of this clinically relevant disease in this poorly phenotyped age group. By understanding the causal risk factors leading to the progression of fibrosis in young adults, it can inform prevention and precision public health policy to mitigate risk factors and target pathways to disease, including potentially screening targeted groups earlier than is currently advised. Furthermore, as antifibrotic drugs and those that reverse non-alcoholic steatohepatitis are developed, this study offers a window into a new potential target population. Previous public involvement and patient support work done with ALSPAC participants and liver disease patients (through the British Liver Trust) has reiterated the importance of work such as this. Ultimately, our aim is to reveal the true burden of liver disease in young adults and determine how we can identify young adults with reversible liver fibrosis who can benefit from early intervention, to prevent progression to cirrhosis and support patients. Regarding outputs, we anticipate at least 3 peer-reviewed publications, multiple international conference presentations, support and development for one doctoral researcher, and invaluable experience for myself in leading the scientific direction of important new data, which would aid in developing their fellowship and lectureship bids. This Rosetrees Trust intermediate project grant would provide the resources needed to gather vital new data and enable a new generation of investigators to lead the advancement of liver disease epidemiology.
Date proposal received: 
Wednesday, 25 January, 2023
Date proposal approved: 
Wednesday, 25 January, 2023
Epidemiology, Gastrointestinal, BMI