B3521 - HDR-UK South West Better Care Partnership - 01/05/2020

B number: 
Principal applicant name: 
Jonathan Sterne | University of Bristol
Prof John Macleod, Dr Rachel Denholm
Title of project: 
HDR-UK South West Better Care Partnership
Proposal summary: 

Better Care South-West Partnership is a collaboration of NHS commissioners, primary, secondary, community and mental health care providers, local authorities, and academia. They look to address real-world health problems using the Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire (BNSSG) Systemwide health and social care dataset and have an ambition to use individual-level, linked routine care and administrative data to deliver a learning, Integrated Care System for the local population.
The Partnership represents a step change in using advanced analytics to deliver Better Care Loops across a care system and benefit patients and partner organisations. Its results will be scalable across the region and nationally.
Research Projects
· P-NEWS: personalised early warning scores for preventing unplanned critical care admission
· Precision antimicrobial prescribing: safeguarding patient outcomes and preserving future efficacy
· Using operation research methods to improve flow between acute and social care: modelling the responsiveness of system-level expenditure to changes in social care capacity
· Improving hospital efficiency by forecasting demand for hospital beds
· Underpinning infrastructure to the BNSSG Systemwide dataset

Impact of research: 
Date proposal received: 
Tuesday, 28 April, 2020
Date proposal approved: 
Friday, 1 May, 2020
Health Services Research/Health Systems Research