B3510 - Developmental Origins of Health and Disease as mediated and moderated by social determinants within the family - 28/04/2020

B number: 
Principal applicant name: 
Stefanie Pilkay | Syracuse University (United States)
Carrie Smith, Ryan Heath, Kendra DeLoach McCutcheon, Xiafei Wang, Margaret Althea Voss, Brooks Gump, Tara Veerman, Tracy Marchese
Title of project: 
Developmental Origins of Health and Disease as mediated and moderated by social determinants within the family
Proposal summary: 

The proposed study aims to identify biomarkers (DNA methylation and measures of health) of stress and early-life adversity that indicate risk and resilience for health, and the potential mitigation of health risks by family-related social factors. We want to explore this within the child, and investigate the possible intergenerational transmission of maternal experience to child health.

Impact of research: 
We hope to identify novel targets for intervention to foster resilience in the face of adversity for at-risk families in the U.S. Moreover, we hope to provide additional insight into the epigenetic mechanisms, and the role they play, in the pathways for intergenerational transmission of adversity effects.
Date proposal received: 
Friday, 17 April, 2020
Date proposal approved: 
Monday, 20 April, 2020
Social Science, Behaviour - e.g. antisocial behaviour, risk behaviour, etc., Cognitive impairment, Mental health, Obesity, Pregnancy - e.g. reproductive health, postnatal depression, birth outcomes, etc., Computer simulations/modelling/algorithms, Statistical methods, Biomarkers - e.g. cotinine, fatty acids, haemoglobin, etc., Childhood - childcare, childhood adversity, Development, Epigenetics, Expression, Parenting, Pets, Social science, Statistical methods