B3498 - Body muscle and metabolism in middle age - 06/04/2020

B number: 
Principal applicant name: 
Joshua Bell | University of Bristol (United Kingdom)
Dr Kaitlin Wade, Prof George Davey Smith
Title of project: 
Body muscle and metabolism in middle age
Proposal summary: 

Higher body fatness is a likely cause of heart disease, but how the harms of body fat compare with the potential benefits of body muscle – another metabolically active body compartment – is unclear. This project aims to use data on body scanning and metabolism from ALSPAC parents in mid-life to determine which aspects of body muscle – whether higher volume based on body scanning or higher strength based on hand grip tests – most strongly influence a set of detailed traits related to adult heart disease susceptibility. It also aims to determine how the cardiometabolic profile of body muscle compares with the profile of body fat. Together with results from complementary studies, these results should help clarify which aspects of body composition are most important to target with limited public resources in order to prevent the onset of heart disease.

Impact of research: 
The likely output of this research will be at least one publication in a general medical or epidemiology journal, the impact of which is expected to be theoretical advancement in active research fields of body composition and heart disease and contributions towards more refined clinical and public health recommendations.
Date proposal received: 
Monday, 6 April, 2020
Date proposal approved: 
Monday, 6 April, 2020
Epidemiology, Body muscle: Metabolism; Cardiovascular disease, Metabolomics, Metabolic - metabolism