B3313 - Biosocial Birth Cohort Research A cross-disciplinary network - 30/05/2019

B number: 
Principal applicant name: 
Sahra Gibbon | University College London
Title of project: 
Biosocial Birth Cohort Research: A cross-disciplinary network
Proposal summary: 

This project will establish a network in which social scientists, geneticists and epidemiologists work together to better understand, and benefit from, longitudinal birth cohort studies, which follow participants throughout their lives, often including multiple generations. These studies are becoming more important in disease research, to understand how environmental factors affect our health. So far, social scientists have not played a prominent role in the design or implementation of this type of study. The input of social scientists is important to better understand the relationship between biology and society emerging from birth cohort studies. This project will fill this gap by creating a network of scientists from all disciplines, including the social sciences. The project will include longitudinal birth cohort studies in the Global North and also in the Global South, where little research has been carried out on how these studies work, how they are maintained and used.

Impact of research: 
Through virtual and face to face workshops and exchanges the project will have significant impact on the cross-disciplinary research activities of the leading experts involved in the network engaged in birth cohort research. The establishment of a visible web presence and public key note event in year two will allow the activities of the network to be disseminated to a broader audience, helping to develop wider cross-disciplinary capacity. We will publish in open access format; a. executive reports from the two workshop events b. a journal special issue including cross-disciplinary articles c. a position paper/commentary showcasing methodological innovation
Date proposal received: 
Wednesday, 15 May, 2019
Date proposal approved: 
Thursday, 30 May, 2019
This project brings together cross disciplinary researchers from the social sciences and medical/life sciences., There is no specific disease condition that is the focus of this study., We are aiming to bring together expertise from the social sciences and biosciences (including social and genetic epidemiology)