B3124 - Using the power of DPUK cohorts to explore childhood adversity and adult behavioural psychological physical cognitive and b - 06/06/2018

B number: 
Principal applicant name: 
Sarah Bauermeister | University of Oxford (UK)
Dr Kate Northstone, Dr Catherine Calvin, Ms Roise Cornish
Title of project: 
Using the power of DPUK cohorts to explore childhood adversity and adult behavioural, psychological, physical, cognitive, and, b
Proposal summary: 

Childhood adversity could cover many things including extreme difficulties and adverse experiences during childhood such as sexual, physical and emotional abuse, deprivation, and family dysfunction. Experiencing adversity during childhood may have a dramatic effect on a child's life. It has been linked to a number of poor outcomes in adulthood such as worse health outcomes, poor mental health, reduced life satisfaction and dementia. One in three adults diagnosed with mental health conditions are reported to have experienced childhood adversities therefore, there is the potential for life-long associations between childhood adversity and health, which need to be evaluated and accounted for. The proposed project will examine childhood adversity in three different UK populations and in a birth cohort and associations with a number of different outcomes including physica and mental health, poor lifestyle choice such as unhealthy diet, smoking and binge drinking and antisocial behaviours.

Impact of research: 
One-in-three adult mental and physical health conditions are attributed directly to adverse childhood experiences and trauma. Furthermore, adversity in younger life may lead to adverse adult behaviours and premature mortality. This proposal is of utmost public benefit, highlighting the importance of understanding the implications of childhood adversity on adult behavioural, psychological, cognitive and health outcomes. Only through understanding the pathway mechanisms and implications will there be hope of policy changes regarding increased funding towards preventative strategies and resourcing earlier interventions to prevent childhood adversity. Moreover, understanding the causal effects of adverse adult outcomes is of equal importance as we economically manage an increasing ageing population with comorbid disorders and overall decline.
Date proposal received: 
Tuesday, 29 May, 2018
Mental health - Psychology, Psychiatry, Cognition, Mental health, Childhood - childcare, childhood adversity