B46 - The influence of diet physical activity levels and body composition on age at menarche in a contemporary cohort - 01/12/2001
B number:
Principal applicant name:
Dr Imogen Roberts (University of Bristol, UK)
Title of project:
The influence of diet, physical activity levels and body composition on age at menarche in a contemporary cohort.
Proposal summary:
To collect comprehensive information about diet in around 5000 10 year-old girls.
To collect anthropometric measurements by standard methods from around 5000 girls at age 10.
To obtain comprehensive information about physical activity patterns from around 5000 girls at age 10.
To obtain information on menarcheal status and pubertal stage from around 5000 girls up to age 12.5.
To relate dietary intakes and physical activty patterns to pubertal and menarcheal status.
Date proposal received:
Saturday, 1 December, 2001
Date proposal approved:
Saturday, 1 December, 2001
Diet, Physical Activity, Puberty
Primary keyword: