B282 - Genetic and environmental influences on the atherogenic phenotype in the young a population based study - 01/01/2000

B number: 
Principal applicant name: 
Prof John Deanfield (University College London, UK)
Title of project: 
Genetic and environmental influences on the atherogenic phenotype in the young: a population based study.
Proposal summary: 

We have developed techniques to study endothellal function non-invasively in children and young adults. This programme of work will study how genetic and early enviromental factors affect endothellal function and other markers of early arterial disease (such as arterial stiffness) in a large population of pre-pubertal children undergoing long-term follow-up. Long-term follow-up will also show how these arterial changes progress during puberty and when later risk factors such as smoking are enocuntered.

Date proposal received: 
Saturday, 1 January, 2000
Date proposal approved: 
Saturday, 1 January, 2000
Cardiovascular , Genetics, Environmental
Primary keyword: