B293 - Adult learning in ALSPAC - 01/01/2003

B number: 
Principal applicant name: 
Prof Jean Golding (University of Bristol, UK)
Title of project: 
Adult learning in ALSPAC.
Proposal summary: 

The purpose of this adult learning module was twofold:

1) To add to and update our knowledge about adult participation in learning activities including reasons for participating, attitudes to learning, benefits and barriers.

2) To help us better understand the educational cultures in the homes of young people, including any wider effects of adult learning on the family.

Ultimately this will allow us to develop a better understanding of the relationship between parents' education and learning activities and their children's social and emotional development.

Recent Government policy including that set out in the FE White Paper 'Raising Skills, Improving Life Chances' has emphasised the importance of equipping adults with the skills, competences and qualifications that employers value and which will prepare people to succeed in life and work. There is also recognition of the importance of learning for personal fulfilment and community development, and as parents, in supporting their children's educational progress and achievement.

Date proposal received: 
Wednesday, 1 January, 2003
Date proposal approved: 
Wednesday, 1 January, 2003
Primary keyword: