B336 - A pilot study to establish the reliability of parental targeted video material for studies of social communication in early childhood - 07/01/2006

B number: 
Principal applicant name: 
Dr Phil Wilson (Not used 0, Not used 0)
Title of project: 
A pilot study to establish the reliability of parental targeted video material for studies of social communication in early childhood.
Proposal summary: 

The study team have been granted access to video data from the ALSPAC Children in Focus study. This sub-cohort consists of over 1000 children, most of whom were videoed with one or both parents using the Thorpe Interactive Measure, in which parents are asked to look at a book with their infants.

Almost all of these children had a psychiatric assessment (the DAWBA) at age 91 months. The cases are:

* 18 with ADHD,

* 32 with oppositional-defiant or conduct disorder,

* Six with pervasive development disorder (PDD)

* 26 with one or more anxiety disorders

* Five with a depressive disorder

There will be two controls per case, picked to be frequency matched on age (corrected for gestation) and gender.

This adds up to 261 videos to be analysed. As far as we know this is a unique dataset potentially allowing assessment of early behavioural predictors of child neuropsychiatric and psychiatric conditions. Our team have already developed techniques for detailed behavioural analysis of video material and have the necessary software and hardware.

Date proposal received: 
Saturday, 7 January, 2006
Date proposal approved: 
Saturday, 7 January, 2006
ADHD, Antisocial Behaviour, Communication, Speech & Language, Social Science
Primary keyword: