B553 - FAVOUR Fruit and Vegetables for our children FP7 - 11/09/2007
FAVOUR work package 4
Epidemiological investigations of impact of fruit and vegetables introductions at weaning on subsequent intake
Data analysis of existing longitudinal studies - ALSPAC, DONALD
Objectives Statistical analysis of fruit and vegetable eating in childhood in relation to early introduction of fruit and vegetables
Exploration of the relationship of socio-economic background to early feeding and later intake of fruit and vegetables
Description of work
ALSPAC: The Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC) was devised specifically to determine the ways in which the environment influences the health and development of the child (Golding et al,2001; http://www.alspac.bris.ac.uk/). Detailed information was collected regarding weaning practice and records of the child's food/drink intake were kept at repeated time points. During infancy, mothers completed questionnaires covering the age of introduction and types of weaning and family foods given to the child (at ages 6 and 15 months). Frequency of intake of fruit and vegetables was assessed by questionnaire at age 7 years. Preliminary analysis of this data has shown that children introduced to raw and home-cooked fruit and vegetables by 6 months of age ate fruit and vegetables more often at age 7 years than did those introduced to ready-prepared foods. More detailed food and drink record data were collected using 3d unweighed diaries from 750 to 1000 of the children at 4, 8, 18 months, 3.5, 5, 7 and 10 years. A complete range of foods and drinks consumed at each age is available as well as socio-economic background.
DONALD: The DONALD study is an ongoing open cohort study with about 40 new infants recruited every year. Currently there are 750 children and adolescents taking part. Dietary assessment has been conducted in the DONALD study as 3d weighed dietary records at ages 3, 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36 months. Food consumption is broken down to single food items including those from composite foods such as baby jars, and it is possible to distinguish between home prepared meals and commercial products at each age.For both studies, the diet records have been coded and analysed and information about food/drink and nutrient intakes including details of actual fruits and vegetables eaten is available. Children will be grouped according to fruit and vegetable weaning practice. Intakes of fruits, vegetables and other foods at each age up to 10 years will be investigated to determine the likely influence of these weaning behaviours. The socio-economic position of the families will be taken into consideration to determine the influence of these external factors on weaning practice. At each of the two cohorts a research nutritionist will be employed to carry out this work. The work will complement the results of the intervention study in work package 3.
Task 4.1 Assembly of dietary dataset covering weaning and later childhood diet Incorporate data from diet records from various timepoints covering nutrients and foods/drinks consumed. Create groups of subjects according to their fruit and vegetable weaning practice at 6 months.
Task 4.2. Linking of dietary dataset to socio-economic background variables. Compile socio-economic background data including educational level and age of mother, housing tenure, marital status and incorporate into dietary dataset
Task 4.3. Establishment of protocol for statistical analysis. Provide descriptive statistics of fruit and vegetable intakes at various ages and discuss with partners to establish protocol for the statistical analysis
Task 4.4. Statistical analysis. Determine amount of fruit eaten at each age in relation to eating raw fruit, home cooked, and ready-prepared fruit. Determine amount of vegetables at each age in relation to eating raw vegetables, home-cooked vegetables, and ready-prepared vegetables by 6 months.Investigate differences in nutrient intakes at each age according to type of fruit and vegetables introduced by 6 monthsInvestigate differences in other food/drinks consumed at each age according to type of fruit and vegetables introduced by 6 months
Task 4.5 Adjustment for socio-economic influences. Investigate the influence of socio-economic position on fruit and of vegetable eating at each age in relation to weaning practice.