B638 - Anthropometric measures at 17 - 10/04/2008
Link with diet, bone density, weight in early teens
Predictive of life time risk of obesity and CVD etc
Linking to genetics????
(Lifted and adapted from core renewal doc):
The measures below have been made at 15+ and at previous clinics, allowing us to examine not only associations between exposures and these measures at 17+ but also to examine the association between exposures and change in these outcomes.
We will measure standing and sitting height to the nearest millimetre with shoes and socks removed using a Holtain stadiometer. Participants will be asked to pass urine (if they have not done so recently) before the impedance is measured. They will then be asked to undress to their underclothes. We will measure weight and leg-to-leg impedance using a Tanita THF300GS body fat analyser and weighing scales. We will measure total and regional fat, lean and bone mass using a Lunar Prodigy dual x-ray emission absorptiometry (DXA) scanner. The Lunar Prodigy uses a narrow-angle fan beam that results in very short acquisition times. Software options enable precise assessments of fat mass, lean mass and bone mass both overall and for the trunk, arms and legs. The scans will be visually inspected and realigned where necessary. We will measure grip strength using the Jamar Hydraulic Adjustable Hand Dynamometer NC70150, which measures isometric strength in kilograms. We will measure resting brachial systolic and diastolic blood pressure oscillometrically using a Dinamap BP pro. Arm circumference will be measured and an appropriate cuff size selected. Two measures of blood pressure and pulse rate will then be made at least one minute apart.