B666 - Using Lifecourse analyses to predict axial length changes and myopia in the ALSPAC cohort - 25/06/2008
B number:
Principal applicant name:
Miss Cathy E M Williams (University of Bristol, UK)
John Sparrow (University of Bristol, UK), Dr Clare Gilbert (Not used 0, Not used 0), Dr Jez Guggenheim (University of Cardiff, UK), Prof Bianca De Stavola (Not used 0, Not used 0)
Title of project:
Using Lifecourse analyses to predict axial length changes and myopia in the ALSPAC cohort
Proposal summary:
Study Plan
In this 3-year study, the named applicant (SS) will spend 2 years working on life course models to develop and test causal pathways for myopia using the 15-year data. At the same time, data on myopic progression will be collected from cohort members who attend the 17+ clinic (estimated as 4,500?). In the third and final year, the most robust models derived from years 1 and 2 will be used to analyze the newly acquired myopia progression data (i.e. change in axial length). Outputs will include papers on both the methodologies employed, with recommendations for use in other contexts and on the predictive power of eye growth over the lifecourse analyses to predict myopia.
Date proposal received:
Wednesday, 25 June, 2008
Date proposal approved:
Wednesday, 25 June, 2008
Development, Neurology, Vision, Moto Co-ordination
Primary keyword: