B673 - Provision of demographic variables from ALSPAC cohort to link with CDR gathered variables during TF2 - 27/06/2008
The collaboration between Cognitive Drug Research (CDR) Ltd and the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents And Children (ALSPAC) involved the measurement of attention in ALSPAC participants using the laptop-based CDR computerised assessment system. This collaboration was to be based around our generic collaboration agreement, a copy of which is attached, but owing to oversights, was not signed for this particular data gathering exercise.
The central dataset we use at CDR will include the CDR variables collected, and require demographic information from the ALSPAC study (gender and age required; handedness and race if available).
In keeping with the spirit of the standard CDR Collaborative Research Programme agreement (example attached), it is proposed that both parties have shared access to the data by holding identical copies.
Intended use
CDR hold a large in-house normative database of cognitive data. We propose to add the ALSPAC data to this database. Data will be anonymised, and reference to the source of the data in relation to our norms will not be made. The CDR normative database is used internally for reference and not published or sold externally.
If publication or presentation of the work occurs, both CDR and the Collaborating Group must agree the content of the publication or presentation. The 'Cognitive Drug Research computerised assessment system' must be mentioned in any publication or presentation. Representatives from both CDR and the Collaborating Group must be on the author list of any publication or presentation.
The publication policy of the ALSPAC study will be adhered to.
Generally, with any publications or conference presentations, the ALSPAC will take senior authorship, and one or more members of the CDR team who has been involved in the research will receive junior authorship.
If there are any questions relating to this proposal, Paul Snell would be happy to address them in the first instance.