B695 - Patterns of parent-child alcohol use in the ALSPAC cohort PhD - 01/10/2008

B number: 
Principal applicant name: 
Roberto Melotti (University of Bristol, UK)
Title of project: 
Patterns of parent-child alcohol use in the ALSPAC cohort (PhD)
Proposal summary: 


We have set three aims, split into sub-objectives:

1 To study underage drinking and heavy drinking episodes in childhood and adolescence:

1.1 To describe the consumption and patterns of alcohol use in youth, investigating possible biases due to drop outs and the accuracy of their reporting;

1.2 To describe changes and trajectories of alcohol use during development;

2 To analyse the social-patterns of alcohol consumption in a parental adult population:

2.1 The frequency, intensity and typology of drinking across different time-points and how they relate with socio-economic position will be addressed;

3 To investigate the role of socio-economic factors and parental exposures on early or heavy episodic alcohol use in young people:

3.1 The relative influence of family income, parental occupation and education and family financial strain on alcohol use in young people;

3.2 The association between parental use of alcohol and alcohol use in the young person.

Date proposal received: 
Wednesday, 1 October, 2008
Date proposal approved: 
Wednesday, 1 October, 2008
Primary keyword: