B705 - Replication of the top-ranked SNPs from the SCORM GWAS for myopia in the sample cohort of ALSPAC and combined meta-analysis of GWAS data for myopia from the ALSPAC and SCORM studies - 23/09/2008

B number: 
Principal applicant name: 
Dr Beate St. Pourcain (University of Bristol, UK)
Title of project: 
Replication of the top-ranked SNPs from the SCORM GWAS for myopia in the sample cohort of ALSPAC and combined meta-analysis of GWAS data for myopia from the ALSPAC and SCORM studies.
Proposal summary: 

(No outline received).

Date proposal received: 
Tuesday, 23 September, 2008
Date proposal approved: 
Tuesday, 23 September, 2008
Primary keyword: