B999 - Is locus of control a mediator in the association between early years adversity and depression - 01/06/2010

B number: 
Principal applicant name: 
Dr ?m?r Budanur Miles (University of Bristol, UK)
Prof Ricardo Araya (University of Bristol, UK), Dr Carol Joinson (University of Bristol, UK)
Title of project: 
Is locus of control a mediator in the association between early years adversity and depression?
Proposal summary: 

Objective of the study:This study aims to investigate whether locus of control (LoC) is a mediator in the association between childhood adversity and the development of depression.

The association between childhood adversity and development of depression is well researched and well documented . What we aim to do is to investigate one of the possible mediators or mechanisms of this process, locus of control.

Locus of control is an expression of the style of attribution of responsibility regarding life events and personal experiences. LoC is a trait, in some people, that may develop and change as the the person's psychic maturation progresses. Different types of locus of control has been cited as vulnerability/protective factors in the development of/protection and recovery from internasiling disorders.

In order to study whether locus of control is a mediator in the association between childhood adversity and development of depression, we will investigate a subpopulation of ALSPAC participants who experienced childhood adversity. We will divide this subpopulation into two groups, those who develop depression (depression+) and those who do not (depression-) as well as treating depressive symtpoms as a continuous variable using MFQ scores. Then we will compare these two groups with regard to their locus of control and life events and other forms of adversity. Our hypothesis is that in the presence of adversity the group with an internalised locus of control will show lower levels of depression.

We will initially perform a descriptive statistical analysis of the data obtained. Then we will compare the two groups by using an appropriate regression model taking into account possible confounders and effect modifiers. We will perfom separate analysis by gender to examine whether there are sex differences in the effects.

To perform this analysis we will need information on the participants experience of childhood adversity, diagnosis of depression (DAWBA), depressive symptoms (MFQ), locus of control at different stages during their childhood. To control for confounders and effect modifiers we will need information on sex, IQ, socioeconomic status, maternal depression, maternal locus of control.

Date proposal received: 
Tuesday, 1 June, 2010
Date proposal approved: 
Tuesday, 1 June, 2010
Depression, Mental Health
Primary keyword: