B1235 - The antecedents and consequences of gambling behaviour in young people - 25/08/2011

B number: 
Principal applicant name: 
Prof Alan Emond (University of Bristol, UK)
Prof Mark Griffiths (Nottingham Trent University, UK)
Title of project: 
The antecedents and consequences of gambling behaviour in young people.
Proposal summary: 

The overall aims of the ALSPAC gambling study are to investigate the distribution and correlations of gambling in young people, and to describe the developmental trajectories from early childhood of young people with gambling problems.

Specific Objectives of the 20/21yr sweep:

1. To describe the gambling activity and the prevalence of gambling behaviours at 21 years, and their relation to parental gambling patterns.

2. To investigate the change in gambling behaviour between 17 and 21, and in particular to assess whether those 'at risk' at 17 have become problem gamblers at 21.

3. To describe the associations of problem gambling with other risk taking behaviours, alcohol and drug use from 17 to 21yrs.

4. To elucidate the interactions between gambling behaviour, impulsivity, sensation seeking and depression in young people.

Date proposal received: 
Thursday, 25 August, 2011
Date proposal approved: 
Thursday, 25 August, 2011
Risk Behaviour
Primary keyword: