B1257 - Exposome Noise and air pollution in European cohort studies ENACT - 13/10/2011

B number: 
Principal applicant name: 
Dr Charlotte Clark (Barts & The London School of Medicing & Dentistry, UK)
Prof Stephen Stansfeld (Barts & The London School of Medicing & Dentistry, UK), Dr Cornelius "Kees" de Hoogh (Imperial College London, UK), Dr Anna Hansell (Imperial College London, UK), Prof Dick Botteldooren (Universiteit Gent, Belgium, Europe)
Title of project: 
Exposome: Noise and air pollution in European cohort studies (ENACT)
Proposal summary: 

AIM: The aim of this four year EU project is to analyse existing large cohort studies, with appropriate data already available on air pollution and other relevant risk factors, and to supplement with environmental data on environmental noise exposure. The specific workpackage outlined below relates to a workpackage on Cognition, being managed by Clark, which aims to examine associations between both air pollution and environmental noise exposure on children's cognitive abilities.

HYPOTHESES: This study would link environmental stressors (air pollution & environmental noise exposure) and educational outcome data from the ALSPAC databases, to examine both cross-sectional and longitudinal associations where possible. The following questions would be examined: 1.Is air pollution associated with poorer cognitive abilities? 2. Is noise exposure associated with poorer cognitive abilities? 3. Do any significant effects remain, after taking the co-exposure into account? 4. Is there an interaction effect of air pollution and noise exposure on children's cognitive abilities?

Date proposal received: 
Thursday, 13 October, 2011
Date proposal approved: 
Thursday, 13 October, 2011
Cognitive Function, Pollution
Primary keyword: