B2013 - Understanding the wider context of the development of basic skills - 10/05/2013

B number: 
Principal applicant name: 
Prof Clare Wood (University of Coventry, UK)
Prof Julie Dockrell (University of London, UK), Prof Karen Littleton (The Open University, UK), Prof Vince Connelly (Oxford Brookes University, UK)
Title of project: 
Understanding the wider context of the development of basic skills.
Proposal summary: 

We are about to apply for an ESRC Research Centre Grant, which will fund a cross-institutional (international) research centre for three years, with Coventry University acting as a 'hub' for collaborative working across the other centre sites. We would like to include ALSPAC as one of the national sites in this networked research centre, and cost into the project the price of one data analyst, to be employed by and based at ALSPAC for the three years that the Centre is funded (if the application is successful). This would enable us to identify research questions and specific hypotheses as a team and then ask the ALSPAC statistian to create and clean the data file and conduct the analysis agreed by the research team, with the statistian's input into this process too. This individual would be named as a coauthor on all outputs which draw on his/her work (i.e. all the activity associated with this specific work package within the centre). Broadly, we are interested in modelling the developmental relationships between key variables of interest, with a view to understanding some of the wider factors which appear to impact on children's school attainment, and their basic skills (reading, writing and mathematical abilities) in particular.

Date proposal received: 
Wednesday, 8 May, 2013
Date proposal approved: 
Friday, 10 May, 2013
Education, Hearing, Parenting, Speech & Language, Vision, Cognition
Primary keyword: