B2028 - Analyses of Disparity in Energy intake Metabolism and Adiposity ADEMA A genome-wide association study - 20/06/2013

B number: 
Principal applicant name: 
Miss kimberley Burrows (Univeristy of Bristol, UK)
Nic Timpson (Univeristy of Bristol, UK)
Title of project: 
Analyses of Disparity in Energy intake, Metabolism and Adiposity (ADEMA): A genome-wide association study.
Proposal summary: 


We aim to phenotypically refine measures of adiposity and metabolism to encapture a number of individuals that may potentially be described as metabolically healthy obese or metabolically unhealthy non obese and to then explore the potential common genetic variants that are specifically associated with these disparate profiles in ALSPAC Children. We are interested in further analysing other cohorts (TWINS UK) for similarities in these disparities. We also aim to assess replication of our GWAS and to perform a Meta analysis to improve power of results.

Date proposal received: 
Wednesday, 5 June, 2013
Date proposal approved: 
Thursday, 20 June, 2013
Obesiy, Obesity
Primary keyword: