B2037 - Fetal Sex and Maternal Prenatal Psychopathology - 20/06/2013

B number: 
Principal applicant name: 
Dr Viara Mileva-Seitz (Erasmus University Medical Center, Rottterdam, the Netherlands, Europe)
Henning Tiemeier (Erasmus University Medical Center, Rottterdam, the Netherlands, Europe), Prof Marinus van Ijzendoorn (Erasmus University Medical Center, Rottterdam, the Netherlands, Europe), Prof Marian Bakermans-Kranenburg (Erasmus University Medical Center, Rottterdam, the Netherlands, Europe)
Title of project: 
Fetal Sex and Maternal Prenatal Psychopathology.
Proposal summary: 

Rationale: Preliminary analyses in the Generation R project revealed a small but significant association between fetal sex and maternal prenatal psychological distress. Mothers of male fetuses appear to be more anxious and score higher on Global severity scale (GSI) of the Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI) at 20 weeks pregnancy. Mothers were not aware of fetal sex at the time of BSI completion.

Aims: To replicate the above findings in Alspac's large sample.

Hypotheses: We expect to find that fetal sex will predict differences in maternal reported prenatal mood, as per our findings in the Gen R sample.

Predictor variables: Fetal sex.

Outcome variable: Maternal mood (depression and anxiety) in pregnancy (preferrably before determination of fetal sex, but close in time to that point).

Confounding variables (optional): Parity, maternal age, ethnicity, maternal education, pre-pregancy BMI.

Date proposal received: 
Tuesday, 18 June, 2013
Date proposal approved: 
Thursday, 20 June, 2013
Mental Health, Mothers
Primary keyword: