B2066 - Antenatal interpersonal sensitivity depression and subsequent mother-infant relationship quality - 23/08/2013

B number: 
Principal applicant name: 
Dr Karen Raine (University of Sydney, Australia)
Prof Karen Thorpe (Queensland University of Technology, ROW), Prof Philip Boyce (University of Sydney, Australia), Prof Nicole Letourneau (University of Calgary, ROW)
Title of project: 
Antenatal interpersonal sensitivity, depression and subsequent mother-infant relationship quality.
Proposal summary: 

The aim of this study is to examine the precision of perinatal depression screening, including interpersonal sensitivity, for identifying mother-infant relationship and maternal mental health problems that continue into or emerge in the second year of life.

The study will answer the research question: how much of the variance in mother-infant relational quality is explained by interpersonal sensitivity (IPSM) and perinatal depression secreening (EPDS) scores measured during pregnancy?

Date proposal received: 
Sunday, 11 August, 2013
Date proposal approved: 
Friday, 23 August, 2013
Depression, Parenting, Growth Outcomes
Primary keyword: 