B2121 - Aid SAM project Antibiotics influence on obesity and cardio-metabolic disease - Sustainability of healthy Microbiome - 05/12/2013

B number: 
Principal applicant name: 
Dr Teresa Adeltoft Ajslev (University of Copenhagen, Europe)
Prof George Davey Smith (University of Bristol, UK), Prof Thorkild S?rensen (University of Copenhagen, Europe), Prof Torbin Hansen (University of Copenhagen, Europe), Prof S?ren Brunak (University of Copenhagen, Europe)
Title of project: 
Aid SAM project, Antibiotics influence on obesity and cardio-metabolic disease - Sustainability of healthy Microbiome.
Proposal summary: 


The Aid SAM project will examine associations between specific antibiotic treatments given to mothers during pregnancy (and lactation) and overweight/obesity in childhood as well as specific antibiotics given to children during early infancy (0-6 months) and overweight/obesity in childhood and later life. The three main cohorts we will use to investigate this is the Danish National Birth Cohort (DNBC), the Nothern Finland Birth Cohort (NFBC) and the Alspac cohort. Furthermore, an adult Danish population will be used to identify possible associations between antibiotics and CVD in adults through a data-driven approach. This approach may further help to identify the most interesting subtypes and combinations of antibiotics. The plan is to start of with analyses in the DNBC and then replicate analyses/interesting findings in the NFBC and ALSPAC. This approach gives more power to findings, which otherwise could be surpressed by/if multiple testing correction are applied. Findings will be dissiminated either in one or several publications, with possibility of back to back publication. The main applicant will perform analyses, but possible data-driven analyses will be performed by AB Jensen, bio-informatitician from Soren Brunaks Group. In addition other collaborators from Bristol in addition to George D Smith could come into play

Date proposal received: 
Friday, 29 November, 2013
Date proposal approved: 
Thursday, 5 December, 2013
Primary keyword: 