B2134 - Sexual physical and emotional abuse and cardiometabolic and reproductive health in middle age - 09/01/2014

B number: 
Principal applicant name: 
Dr Abigail Fraser (University of Bristol, UK)
Dr Laura Howe (University of Bristol, UK), Prof Gene Feder (University of Bristol, UK)
Title of project: 
Sexual, physical and emotional abuse, and cardiometabolic and reproductive health in middle age.
Proposal summary: 

Specific aims are:

1. To study associations of abuse in childhood including sexual, parental physical and emotional abuse with cardiometabolic health in middle age (Framingham CVD risk score, atherosclerosis (cIMT, arterial distensibility), pulse wave velocity, adiposity, blood pressure, lipids, insulin, glucose, inflammatory markers).

2. To study associations of abuse in childhood including sexual, parental physical and emotional abuse with women's reproductive health across the lifecourse (age at menarche, menstrual regularity, time to conception, seeing a physician for possible infertility, pregnancy outcomes: pregnancy losses, preterm delivery, mode of delivery, birth weight, parity, age at menopause).

3. To describe longitudinal patterns of intimate partner physical and emotional cruelty throughout the life course, and of physical and emotional abuse of offspring, in men and women.

4. To compare maternal and paternal reports of IPV.

5. To examine patterns of IPV across two generations in the same families.

6. To examine associations of longitudinal patterns of intimate partner physical and emotional cruelty with cardiometabolic (men and women) and reproductive health (women).

7. To examine whether any associations identified in aims 1, 2 and 6 are mediated by established cardiometabolic risk factors such as smoking, alcohol consumption, eating disorders, adiposity, and mental health.

8. To examine whether any associations identified in aims 1, 2 and 6 are mediated by differential DNA methylation.

Date proposal received: 
Monday, 23 December, 2013
Date proposal approved: 
Thursday, 9 January, 2014
Cardiovascular , Epigenetics , Stress, Violence, Reproductive Health
Primary keyword: 
Childhood Adversity