B2162 - The role of fathers in the perinatal period positive outcomes and resilience - 13/02/2014

B number: 
Principal applicant name: 
Dr Ron Gray (University of Oxford, UK)
Dr Maggie Redshaw (University of Oxford, UK), Ms Maria Quigley (University of Oxford, UK), Dr Emily Savage-McGlynn (University of Oxford, UK), Prof Alan Stein (University of Oxford, UK), Dr Jonathan Evans (University of Bristol, UK), Dr Paul Ramchandani (Imperial College London, UK)
Title of project: 
The role of fathers in the perinatal period: positive outcomes and resilience.
Proposal summary: 


In this secondary analysis of the ALSPAC study, we have five aims.

First, we aim to establish what constitutes paternal involvement with the child in the perinatal period. We will be evaluating aspects of the father-infant relationship antenatally, as well as postnatally in terms of attitudes towards parenting, attachment with the child, infant temperament, father's mood and feelings, among others. Second, we will study those aspects of early father involvement that are associated with positive outcomes for the child in terms of scores on the SDQ (*others?). Third, we are interested to know whether the mental health of fathers provides a protective effect to the mental health and wellbeing of the mother. Fourth, we are interested to establish how the quality of the father-mother relationship effects the healthy emotional and behavioural development of the child. Finally, we are looking to identify those early factors involved in positive child outcomes in the father-infant relationship that are amenable to intervention.

Date proposal received: 
Wednesday, 5 February, 2014
Date proposal approved: 
Thursday, 13 February, 2014
Primary keyword: 