B4724 - ADEPT - 25/11/2024

B number: 
Principal applicant name: 
Albert Ksinan | Masaryk University (Czechia)
Title of project: 
Proposal summary: 

Alcohol misuse affects millions of people worldwide due to its widespread availability and strong addictive potential. The strongest effects on alcohol misuse stem from personality traits. The most salient traits related to alcohol misuse are impulsivity and sensation seeking, i.e., tendency to make decisions without forethought and to seek out novel and exciting experiences.
However, the personality factors alone are insufficient for explaining the development of alcohol misuse. Individual development unravels embedded within multiple environmental contexts from which each influences the risk of alcohol misuse in a unique way. The totality of environmental exposures from conception to death has been conceptualized as the exposome in epidemiology. The exposome comprises internal exposome (e.g., metabolomics, hormones, or inflammation), specific external exposome (e.g., diet, physical activity), or a broader external (macrolevel) exposome (e.g., urban characteristics).
Researchers have recently emphasized the need to study macrolevel environmental effects on substance use, or the ‘exposome of addiction.’ The most important macrolevel characteristics associated with individual alcohol misuse were found to be: a) a neighborhood disadvantage, b) availability, and c) physical properties of the environment.
Existing exposome studies have rarely focused on mental health outcomes, and there has been no exposome study focusing on alcohol misuse. The proposed project will address these limitations by comprehensively assessing the joint and interactive effects of external exposome and personality characteristics on alcohol misuse in a longitudinal design spanning from pregnancy to mid-adulthood, comparing birth cohorts from two countries.

Impact of research: 
With the availability of intensive longitudinal datasets with repeated measures and linked official external exposome data, this research design can provide a more definitive answer on what lifecourse factors put individuals at risk for alcohol misuse. By comparing two birth cohorts from different countries for the first time, it will evaluate whether the hypothesized associations work in similar fashion in these countries or what factors uniquely affect alcohol misuse in each cultural context. The results from ADEPT will open new avenues for interdisciplinary collaborations, bridging the divide between epidemiology and psychology by introducing alcohol use as an outcome. The epidemiology research would benefit from the focus on mental health outcome and the emphasis on personality factors and their interactions with environmental exposures in predicting alcohol misuse. The psychology will be enriched by considering the impact of wider macrolevel environments on alcohol misuse and the cumulative effect that can be assessed by the longitudinal design of the studied cohorts. This will inspire further research in exposome of mental health, as this area is still nascent within the European context, especially in the Czech Republic.
Date proposal received: 
Wednesday, 23 October, 2024
Date proposal approved: 
Wednesday, 23 October, 2024
Epidemiology, Addiction - e.g. alcohol, illicit drugs, smoking, gambling, etc., Behaviour - e.g. antisocial behaviour, risk behaviour, etc., Mental health, Statistical methods, Childhood - childcare, childhood adversity, Development, Environment - enviromental exposure, pollution, Psychology - personality, Statistical methods