B4659 - Genomics of obesity and overeating and their personality correlates - 19/07/2024

B number: 
Principal applicant name: 
Uku Vainik | University of Tartu, Faculty of Social Sciences, Institute of Psychology
Karolina Anja
Title of project: 
Genomics of obesity and overeating, and their personality correlates
Proposal summary: 

Obesity is the consequence of sustained positive energy balance over time where excess energy intake is the main pathway leading to obesity. Eating behaviors play a significant role in regulating food intake. Commonly used questionnaires measuring eating behaviors exhibit high correlations with each other and have been shown to share an underlying factor varying in severity - uncontrolled eating. Uncontrolled eating is associated with obesity and BMI cross-sectionally and longitudinally. Behavioral genetic models provide evidence that uncontrolled eating is a heritable trait with heritability estimates comparable to those seen in other personality or behavioral traits. Heritable variances of BMI and uncontrolled eating constructs show significant overlap. The genetic overlap between uncontrolled eating and BMI suggests that self-control of food intake may serve as the key mediating mechanism through which genetic factors influence differences in body weight. However, causality in this relationship is not necessarily unidirectional, as higher BMI could also lead to increased levels of uncontrolled eating. Another common construct in eating behaviour is food restriction, or restraint. Together with uncontrolled eating, they explain vast majority of variance in eating behaviour traits. The aim of this study is to investigate the genetic basis of uncontrolled eating and restrictive eating, examine their genetic correlations with various other phenotypes, and assess the causal relationship between uncontrolled eating, restraint and BMI.

Impact of research: 
The impact of our research could lead to a better understanding of the etiology of obesity and the development of potential interventions.
Date proposal received: 
Friday, 19 July, 2024
Date proposal approved: 
Friday, 19 July, 2024
Genetic epidemiology (including association studies and mendelian randomisation), Behaviour - e.g. antisocial behaviour, risk behaviour, etc., Eating disorders - anorexia, bulimia, Obesity, GWAS, Statistical methods, Methods - e.g. cross cohort analysis, data mining, mendelian randomisation, etc., Psychology - personality, Statistical methods