B4563 - A life course approach to the relationship between adverse childhood events and later mental health - 18/03/2024
B number:
Principal applicant name:
Dan Major-Smith | University of Bristol
Huong Tran, My Jimmy Morgan
Title of project:
A life course approach to the relationship between adverse childhood events and later mental health
Proposal summary:
Adverse childhood events (ACEs) are a known cause of subsequent negative health and social outcomes, such as mental health problems. However, the life course trajectory of these ACEs on subsequent mental health – e.g., whether they are felt immediately, take years to manifest or persist over time – is not clear. We plan on using longitudinal ACEs data in ALSPAC to answer this question.
Impact of research:
Date proposal received:
Thursday, 7 March, 2024
Date proposal approved:
Monday, 18 March, 2024
Mental health - Psychology, Psychiatry, Cognition, Mental health, Childhood - childcare, childhood adversity