B4468 - Fish intakes in childhood and neurodevelopmental outcomes - 27/11/2023

B number: 
Principal applicant name: 
Dr Caroline Taylor | University of Bristol (United Kingdom)
Louisa Nel, Dr Pauline Emmett
Title of project: 
Fish intakes in childhood and neurodevelopmental outcomes
Proposal summary: 

Seafood is a major source of essential nutrients such as long chain fatty acids, selenium, iodine and vitamin D. There is debate over whether these essential nutrients offset the potential adverse effects of mercury - a widespread environmental toxin which can accumulate in seafood. Current NHS guidance for pregnancy advises eating no more than 2 portions (approximately 280g) oily fish a week. Previous studies have utilised ALSPAC data to assess the possible benefits and harms of different levels of maternal seafood intake during pregnancy on a child's development, e.g., Hibbeln et al. (2007) modelled the association between maternal fish intake during pregnancy and cognitive development in offspring.
However, there is no current modelling of the relationship between childhood intake of fish and neurodevelopmental outcomes in ALSPAC. This project aims to use existing data from ALSPAC, to examine the possibility of a connection between childhood fish intake and cognitive development. We will look at ALSPAC data collected from food frequency questionnaires on fish intake during childhood, as well as later data on neurodevelopmental indicators (IQ, DDS, SDS). This may subsequently assist with informing nutrition guidance on fish intake in childhood.

Impact of research: 
The project intends to examine the relationship between childhood intake of fish and neurodevelopmental outcomes. This relationship has not been modelled previously. This would increase knowledge in this area and influence nutrition guidance on fish consumption in childhood.
Date proposal received: 
Tuesday, 21 November, 2023
Date proposal approved: 
Monday, 27 November, 2023
Epidemiology, Neurodevelopmental indicators - IQ etc, Statistical methods, Childhood - childcare, childhood adversity