B4449 - Thermometer study - association between baby room temp and later asthma - 31/10/2023
B number:
Principal applicant name:
Jean Golding | UoB
Professor Kate Northstone
Title of project:
Thermometer study - association between baby room temp and later asthma
Proposal summary:
During the last 6 months (may - Dec 1992) of recruitment to the study, mothers were randomised to receive a simple thermometer or not. Those who received one, were asked to place in the wall of the room where her baby slept. She was asked to record the temperature of the room twice a week for a year. This project will clean the data obtained and will derive a number of sumamry variables regarding temperature with a view to looking at later respiratory outcomes in the children up to the age of 18 years.
Impact of research:
The presence of a thermometer in a child's bedroom may have an impact on child health. if extremes of temperature are shown to have an impact on later child health then advice can be provdied to mothers to adjust baby room;s temperature in order to optimise health.
Date proposal received:
Friday, 27 October, 2023
Date proposal approved:
Tuesday, 31 October, 2023
Epidemiology, Respiratory - asthma, Environment - enviromental exposure, pollution