B4418 - Data Note ALSPAC linked AWP data - 04/10/2023
B number:
Principal applicant name:
Mark Mumme | University of Bristol
Dr Jon Heron, Dr Jasmine Raw
Title of project:
Data Note ALSPAC linked AWP data
Proposal summary:
A data note describing the linked data obtained by ALSPAC about the participants in ALSPAC held by AWP (Avon Wiltshire Partnership MH NHS Trust). This will describe the data available for future research.
Impact of research:
Increase exposure of ALSPAC as a whole, and to promote research into MH using ALSPAC research assets.
Date proposal received:
Thursday, 21 September, 2023
Date proposal approved:
Wednesday, 4 October, 2023
Mental health - Psychology, Psychiatry, Cognition, Mental health, descriptive, Mental Health