B4360 - Co-occurrence of homelessness and autism in a population based cohort - 28/06/2023
B number:
Principal applicant name:
Laura Hull | Centre for Academic Mental Health, Bristol Medical School (United Kingdom)
Dr Sophie Weller
Title of project:
Co-occurrence of homelessness and autism in a population based cohort
Proposal summary:
There is emerging evidence of high levels of (often undiagnosed) autism within homeless populations, with current estimates of around 12-18% of people receiving support for homelessness meeting criteria for an autism diagnosis. However there is a lack of population-wide studies exploring the co-occurrence of homelessness or insecure housing and autism diagnosis or traits.
Impact of research:
Strengthening the evidence base for an association between homelessness and autism, which will in turn provide justification for the development of specific services targeted at autistic people experiencing homelessness to meet their particular needs.
Date proposal received:
Thursday, 15 June, 2023
Date proposal approved:
Wednesday, 28 June, 2023
Mental health - Psychology, Psychiatry, Cognition, Developmental disorders - autism, Statistical methods, Development, Homelessness