B4311 - Youth Criminal Activity and Desistance from Crime the role of protective early social and educational factors - 03/05/2023
Most research on youth criminal behaviour and recidivism (the tendency for an offender to reoffend) focuses on risk factors, and the literature often describes protective effects of the lack of a risk factor. However, the absence of a risk factor is not inherently protective and a deeper understanding of protective factors is useful in designing public health interventions. Protective factors explored in the literature are: social and emotional support, family support and connectedness, engagement in religious activities, school connectedness, and educational attainment. While there is some initial evidence suggesting these factors are protective against crime and/or promote desistance, this evidence is limited and much of it comes from adult samples and samples outside the UK. This project will use ALSPAC data to examine the role of early life and educational factors in protecting young people from offending, and in promoting desistance.