B4296 - Prevalence of mental health need among 0-4 years old in England - 06/04/2023
The National Mental Health Intelligence Network (NMHIN) has been commissioned by NHSE to determine whether an estimate of mental health need for 0–4-year-olds can be produced, with the aim of being able to produce national and local area prevalence estimates for this age group.
This work included an initial feasibility assessment which was advised by an expert reference group (ERG) of experts in the field. The ERG gave a strong steer of using an existing cohort study that assesses the mental health of the children in this age group, considering limited availability of data around the topic which can be generalized at national level.
Currently, we are looking at developing an interim national prevalence that gives an estimate of mental health need among this age group. This will be done by selecting a study sample from ALSPAC, looking at the mental health outcomes of the study group and then applying the prevalence at a national and local level.