B4293 - The role of individual differences in pro-environmental behaviour - 06/04/2023
B number:
Principal applicant name:
Dan Major-Smith |
Title of project:
The role of individual differences in pro-environmental behaviour
Proposal summary:
There are several studies that have examined the role of personality in pro-environmental attitudes or behaviours. However, they typically investigate either attitudes or behaviours. Environmental attitudes and behaviours have been identified as an area with a significant gap between attitude and behaviour. We wish to address this gap by examining whether personality traits are predictive of both attitude and behaviour, and whether those who have pro-environmental attitudes and perform pro environmental behaviours differ from those who do not. Using the ALSPAC dataset will allow us to examine personality and its role in pro-environmental variables longitudinally.
Date proposal received:
Tuesday, 4 April, 2023
Date proposal approved:
Thursday, 6 April, 2023