B4208 - Increasing the Youth Evidence Base - 20/12/2022
Although there are several UK studies that consider the impacts of attending youth clubs on later life (e.g. Dibben, Playford and Mitchell 2017 and Berrie et al 2022), little longitudinal research has taken place in the UK, leaving a shortfall of robust evidence. Using data from four longitudinal cohort studies (ALSPAC, the British Cohort Study, Next Steps Generational Study, the Millennium Cohort Study) and Understanding Society (the UK household longitudinal study), this project will analyse the extent to which attendance of voluntary out-of-school youth provision has effects over time on: a) educational and career pathways; b) physical health; c) mental health; d) emotional development and mental wellbeing; e) tendency towards anti-social behaviour. The analysis will control for relevant characteristics, allowing for isolation of the impact that involvement in youth activities generates for young people. It will examine the effects on these young people at the time of their involvement, and afterwards, up until they are 30 years old. Additionally, the analysis will shed light on the existence of any systematic differences between participants and non-participants of youth activities.