B4179 - Allomaternal care and cooperation - 31/10/2022
B number:
Principal applicant name:
Pauline Grosjean | UNSW (Australia)
Dr Sarah Walker , Professor Alessandra Cassar, Dr Matthew Olckers, Alice Calder
Title of project:
Allomaternal care and cooperation
Proposal summary:
A large literature has explored the implications of allomaternal care (care of children by people other than their mother) on child human capital development. This project will describe parental network of help in a developed country setting, and how help received with childcare from different caregivers influence child outcomes. We will also explore how such networks predict mother return to work decisions and wellbeing. Our findings will have implications to understand how social support networks influence child and maternal outcomes.
Impact of research:
The government of Australia is implementing a series of reforms on parental leave and of the early childcare sector in the aim of boosting female labor force participation. The findings from the ALSPAC analysis will help us understand how child care networks (beyond formal childcare) influence maternal working decisions.
Date proposal received:
Tuesday, 25 October, 2022
Date proposal approved:
Thursday, 27 October, 2022
Health Economics, Mental health, Statistical methods, Social science