B4095 - Understanding predictors of study participation amongst individuals with mental health difficulties in established cohorts - 18/07/2022

B number: 
Principal applicant name: 
Gareth Griffith | MRC-IEU (UK)
Professor Kate Tilling, Professor Marcus Munafo
Title of project: 
Understanding predictors of study participation amongst individuals with mental health difficulties in established cohorts
Proposal summary: 

This project aims to understand better the factors which affect participation in research, both academic and NHS service evaluation. This will involve a mix of quantitative bias analyses using electronic health records from the NHS Mental Health Partnership for Avon and Wiltshire Partnership, as well as a qualitative component aiming to understand better the reasons why continued participants (ALSPAC) and non-participants (recruited through AWP) perceive that individuals might participate or not participate in health research.

Impact of research: 
Better understanding of the predictors of suicide, and the factors affecting participation within longitudinal studies, as well as in healthcare research.
Date proposal received: 
Friday, 24 June, 2022
Date proposal approved: 
Friday, 24 June, 2022
Mental health - Psychology, Psychiatry, Cognition, Suicidal ideation, GWAS, Qualitative study, Statistical methods, Cohort studies - attrition, bias, participant engagement, ethics, Genetic epidemiology, Genetics, Methods - e.g. cross cohort analysis, data mining, mendelian randomisation, etc., Social science, Statistical methods