B4062 - C-section Delivery and blood DNA Methylation at Birth and in Childhood - 20/05/2022
Emerging evidence suggests that babies born by C-section (Cesarean section) have different hormonal, physical, bacterial, and medical exposures, and that these exposures can subtly alter neonatal physiology. (Sandall et la, 2018) C-section delivery has been associated with a number of chronic disease outcomes in children, including metabolic risk phenotypes and asthma. One of the potential mechanisms through which C-section delivery may increase risk of adverse health outcomes is via epigenetic alterations. (Dahlen et al, 2013)
Dahlen, HG et al. “The EPIIC hypothesis: intrapartum effects on the neonatal epigenome and consequent health outcomes.” Med Hypotheses. 2013. May; 80(5):656-62.
Sandall, J et al. “Short-term and long-term effects of caesarean section on the health of women and children.” Lancet. 2018. Oct 13; 392(10155):1349-1357.