B4041 - What is the association between child intellectual disability and later parental mental health - 22/04/2022

B number: 
Principal applicant name: 
Paul Madley-Dowd | University of Bristol (United Kingdom)
Dr Dheeraj Rai, Lamya Alhomaydan
Title of project: 
What is the association between child intellectual disability and later parental mental health?
Proposal summary: 

Evidence has accumulated that the parents of children with intellectual disabilities are at increased risk of adverse mental health outcomes including depression and anxiety. Research in the field is currently attempting to explore the nature of this association, trying to identify which parents are most at risk and to what extent is the association confounded by the family environment, genetics and prior episodes of adverse mental health. The ALSPAC cohort has not been used to explore this research question so far and has substantial information on the family environment, parental mental health before and after the development of an intellectual disability in the child, maternal genetics and child behaviours. Such information may be useful for identifying modifiable targets for intervention or exploring which parents are most at risk.

Impact of research: 
Our work will be of relevance to commissioners of health and social care. The results will help in understanding of the mental health care needs of individuals who care for children with ID and identification of modifiable targets for intervention will be important for preventing mental health problems in the community of carers for children with ID.
Date proposal received: 
Tuesday, 19 April, 2022
Date proposal approved: 
Thursday, 21 April, 2022
Mental health - Psychology, Psychiatry, Cognition, Cognitive impairment, Statistical methods